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Status Updates posted by Skye

  1. Remember, don't pass gas. Nobody wants to be there to catch it!

  2. Claiming Romney won the debate is like claiming you won a game of pool with a lot of showboating but not sinking all the balls.

  3. Worst part of the cold is over, I could do without the ewey gooey chewies though.

  4. I'm still getting over this plague I had, but the eyelid twitching has been getting on my nerves for like a week now.

  5. Wtf is wrong with my nose. I hate how face is like 'hahaha, breathe? NEVAR!'

  6. Dude, #claystoneinc you gotta bring out more themes like Avenge in different colors! Also maybe auto-scroll support for Twitter and FB!

  7. Huzzah, Fire alarm at work!

  8. Clock near the old town hall in Kincardine. http://t.co/pYn6e97h

  9. Lol, I just ran into three teens dressed as classic Star Trek ensigns at Waterloo park just hanging out.

  10. Great weekend up at the folks' trailer but I'm so tired from relaxing and driving. Phoo! Bedtime nao! #fb

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Relaxing sure can make you tired.

  11. Chilling up at the trailer in Fisherman's Cove, Near Kincardine. Nice and relaxing.

  12. Wootles, I now has a jeorb! #FB

  13. Ugh, frigging Allergies. I hate this season. :(#FB

  14. You know, for a party that claims to have its roots in fighting for people's liberation, the GOP sure is bent on taling rights away.

  15. Found one that does but it doesn't work right side up. I think my SGS2 would have been perfect with a camera button.

  16. Wootles, Interview with Bell tomorrow!

  17. I have the map song from Super Mario Bros 3 stuck in my head.

  18. I keep getting rub-by catted. Two cats, one at a time, come in, go 'mraow', rub against my leg, and then vanish as quickly as they came. #fb

  19. And here's my birthmark to prove it. http://t.co/mhZaoQYC

  20. Here I am in Canada. And the more things change, the more they stay the same - it's much more US-like here than it used to be. #FB

  21. Arrived safely in Canada. Going to bed shortly. I miss Wisconsin already. :(#fb

  22. Tonight is my final night in Wisconsin. I'm anxious as hell for all this to be over with. I hate moving. :(

  23. Man fired over Facebook Like button, told 1st amendment doesn't apply. Like button doesn't but money does? I call BS. #FB

  24. I wonder if Romney is stalling on his tax returns until after the election when he can go 'Doesn't matter, got Prez'

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