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Everything posted by GhostGirl

  1. Hmm... Job applications, yay.

  2. Ahaha. Quite possibly. Maybe you should take my litmus test when I'm done building it. Thank you very kindly for the welcome!
  3. I'm really bad at introductions, but, okay. I'm Ghost Girl, and I'm a published poet and an aspiring author. I'm currently working on a book called Ghost Girl's Guide to Going Geek, and a slight diversion from that right now is my "The Geeky Litmus Test: Just how nerdy are you?" I'm a Christian, I have a boyfriend of 2 1/2 years (he's a brony, too), and roughly 95% of my friends are guys, roughly 90% of which are bronies. I play D&D, Call of Cthulhu, and World of Darkness, along with a truckful of other tabletop rpgs. I also play Magic: the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh. No, I am not overweight, and no, I do not have poor hygiene. And, no, my boyfriend is not a neckbeard. He's kind of scrawny and he has a goatee. I enjoy Star Trek (just about any of the series', though my preference is for TNG or VOY), Star Wars (original trilogy is superior!), Doctor Who, and Firefly/Serenity. I read Tolkien more than anything else, to be honest, but I also enjoy O. Henry, Orwell, and Bradbury, among others. I'm attending college and am in the Freshman class, majoring in Psychology, and looking at a minor in Writing. If Writing were offered as a major here, that would be reversed, and if they begin offering it as a major while I'm here, I'm switching majors and minors in a heartbeat, I don't care how much longer I have to stay in college, and how much more money I have to pay. I think that's about it. There's more, I know, and it'll come up in conversation. Please ask me questions, and get to know me~! -- Ghostie
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