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Posts posted by Centauri

  1. I've sent the first 2+1 chapters to EQD (still being pre-read), but I want editors for chapters after that.

    Links (Google Docs format - no sign-in):


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Any advice, and please PM me; I'll get back to you on that.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    EDIT: Mild coarse language; most of it's been ponified.

  2. Hey Fawkes, Dapper One,

    Thanks for giving me a nice warm welcome. I made the sig myself with PS, and I've made a few more for bronies on forum.canterlot.net since then.

    Dapper One, I left Karate at green belt, as well. Mainly because there were too many people there who didn't take it seriously enough... well, what can you do.

    Thanks everyone again for a welcoming greeting; I'm sure it'll be a great time here.

  3. How did you hear about Canterlot?

    Hmm... I thought I answered that...

    My friends told me about Cupcakes, and when I inquired further, I found out about My Little Pony.

    I read cupcakes! I don't understand what all the commotion was about though. Wasn't that bad.

    Welcome to Canterlot. *twitch :mad:

    Strangely, I don't believe you. No-one can come out of that and be sane.

    Thanks everyone for the welcomes so far, I'm sure it'll be great.

    And an IRC channel?! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!

    • Like 1
  4. Hi all,

    I guess I'm the new brony here, so I'd better tell you a bit about myself.

    I'm fairly new to bronyship so don't judge me. I'm into a few hobbies: I sing, play flute, recently did karate, but now do squash. I also sit on the edge of my seat eagerly awaiting the rest of Season 2 to come out and read shipping on EQD and these things known as "books".

    Meanwhile, I have been characterised to fit Twilight's description, tried learning the Winter Wrap-up song (I'm pretty much there) and follow many of the EQD stories.

    I was one of the later bronies in my group. It started off - for me, that is - by my friends COMMANDING me to not read cupcakes; I then asked what cupcakes was. All they said was an "MLP reference". When questioned about MLP, they told me, and I thought they were trolling me... I have since finished all 28 episodes. And read cupcakes.

    So... How it started...

    I was not quite sure how this came to be, but I understand that one of my friends made a bet to another that the couldn't watch four episodes of My Little Pony. The outcome? One of them lost the bet. Guess which.

    Well, that's me. Don't feel any obligation to post, but go for your life if you want to. I'll reply in due course, because that's what I do.

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