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Everything posted by PatchworkPsycho

  1. I hear British people have lots of success with Darlings, maybe start there
  2. Post-birthday life lesson If you're going to eat nothing but terrible food all day then be prepared for the stomach ache
  3. Mine glows, is loud, and has a window too But I can change the color, right now it's on a great purple(except for one of the fans which has red lights that I can't change, the other two case fans do too but I had to unplug them since they weren't working right) Oh, and the occasional freeze-ups, other than that this thing is alright
  4. Warframe is the kind of game that gets away with selling you characters at like $20 worth of their premium currency because you can trade for said currency(my friend says the trade economy in-game is pretty good, I haven't gotten into it because ew people) and there's nothing game-changing locked behind a paywall to my knowledge, everything can be acquired in-game through a lot of grinding. A Warframe RP could be neat because it's basically robot superheroes in space. There's more to the world but that's the most important part.
  5. I'd love to try a Warframe RP But that's probably not what you meant
  6. When ya homie late with that cake If you'll excuse me I'm gonna go be excused for however long
  7. Anyone who doesn't pick one doesn't deserve the others
  8. When I get tired I usually voice my thoughts instead of not doing that I also go on rants about how the moon is basically an egg with pimples and that a man stepping on it would break it like an egg, not to mention the suicide rocket the man would've used to to get there utterly destroying it thus the moon landing being fake That happened
  9. Am I Patchasaurus or a Pettysaurus, it could go either way right now
  10. Adult decisions are hard Good thing I'm seven and don't have to make them
  11. That's part of my concern, you see. A tank is artificial largeness, as a dinosaur which is a naturally large creature, I'm skeptical.
  12. I see you can do a big laugh, but what about a large laugh?
  13. but it's not an alt if I use it instead of this one, then it becomes my main A part of me has died this day, I can feel it crumbling, withering my soul. It aches as though this was not meant to be, and yet it has come to pass. I shall try to move forward, yet I fear this void within shall anchor me, tethered to this moment as a sick reminder that you are never truly safe, even among friends. Joy seems dull now, as though even the merriment in the world has taken a toll in this worst of times, but I know that it is only my darkness which clouds these things I see. Darkness that may never pass.
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