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Everything posted by PatchworkPsycho

  1. Honestly I've been avoiding that question. I don't know how to make details themselves hot or sweaty, nevermind both.
  2. While I'm all for racist girls, my other argument still stands. Not enough virtual guys in HuniePop, racist or not.
  3. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I happen to think I'm very fun at parties.
  4. Hmmm, I feel like there are a few things I could do here. I could correct your spelling error, I could explain to you what you asked, or I could do what I am going to. I'm just going to pretend you forgot to add commas into your sentence. If we look at it like this "Explain it too, me in hot and sweaty detail, Patchie." then one can find the meaning to be something akin to "Explain it to me also," meaning that someone else has explained it to you but you want me to explain it as well, or that I have already explained it to someone and you simply want me to explain it again. As for "Me in hot and sweaty detail," you could just be saying I'm like you, just hotter and sweatier or something along those lines. I'll take it as a compliment. And the second comma, "...Detail, Patchie" is just showing that "Patchie" is how you are referring to me, and it's a simple grammar rule. I'm sure I was of utmost help to you in this matter.
  5. Yeah, that's why I'm not gonna get HuniePop. Not enough virtual guys for me.
  6. I just realized something. "Colour changing cake..." You're dead to me. DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. ^How all Americans are supposed to act when they see words like "Colour" instead of "Color"
  7. Wow, you DECORATED that? Emphasis on DECORATED Awesome looking cake tho
  8. I always found it easier to put the pot in the pizza. Sadly, for some reason nobody lets me do the cooking anymore.
  9. I'd stay up all night If it weren't Thursday. School suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
  10. I love my hair being this long, but getting a stray hair in my mouth is so disgusting.
  11. A leaning force. I checked this wall with my fist and my foot, and it seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. I'm sure there's something I missed, but I'm no pro at this sort of thing. As if that wasn't obvious, because I kicked my wall just so I could say I kicked my wall.
  12. Just because it's magic, that does not mean there is no logic. Perhaps it is a logic we do not yet understand, but there is some logic behind it.
  13. Well if it were paper thin, it'd be pretty weak, would it not? Or is it just made to look like the wall, but not actually made of the same stuff?
  14. ... Even if you take the shape of THIS wall, THIS wall would still be here, unless you destroyed it or something. Even then, how could you be posting here if you were in the form of a wall?
  15. Isn't that basically a shapeshifter? Or am I missing something? Also this wall has been here for a while.
  16. Well, if it's not not a house, then this thing behind me is not not a wall.
  17. ... I also thought this was a house, but I guess I'm mistaken.
  18. Am I the only guy who finds it weird when you're on the highway and look at a driver at the same time that they look at you? That's happened to me at least twice this week, and I don't like it.
  19. Something tells me Tenkan is pretty popular, huh?
  20. If someone loans me five dollars I promise I'll never pay them back I swear I'm good for it!
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