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Posts posted by Ugthor

  1. Species Name: The Bjorn
    Personality: Slow to trust others, but extremely protective of those they come to call friends. Will often risk their lives to protect those few they call as such.
    Favorite pastime: a sport called siggvire, where they take as heavy an object as possible and throw it, trying to throw it as far as possible.
    Clans: The Bjorn are a very intense race of bear people living by their motto in life, which is "If Life is not hard, you are doing it wrong." They are by far one of the oldest species of Equestria, however they have little care as to this, all they care about is living life as dictated by their Parthenon of gods, The conceptual council. This council governs the four major concepts of reality; Life, Death, Order, and Chaos. They have had a rocky history with the Yaks for as long as history has been recorded, often having land disputes with them, as they both live in the far frozen north. It has been discovered recently that they have four different tribes, each dedicated to a different god, yet they all work together seamlessly.
    The Kodak worship Mar, their god of Order. Their religious texts state that "Upon his hammer were the first civilizations forged"
    The Sutop worship Krela, their goddess of life, their texts state that "From her warmth did the first plants grow"
    The Blurgat worship Narlox, their god of Death. Their texts state that "From his shroud cometh a final, eternal rest."
    Lastly, the Krunjow worship Zmata, their god of chaos, their texts state " Upon this tricksters machinations do the wheels of change tread."
    They are a highly independent people, quite similar in posture and skeletal structure to the Minotaurs, except replace their bovine features with ursine ones, and make them much more... relaxed, seeing most other races as "Fellow children of Krela."
  2. hey, there are weather gremlins in  the comics of MLP, what if they were a subspecies of a larger genus? I have an original race I made, let me find what I wrote for them...


    Species: Gremlin


    The gremlins are a highly intelligent race of chimera like creatures, with an uncertain lineage and extreme intellect, the Gremlins prefer scholarly might to physical might. While they are physically weak, they are surprisingly capable with the mystic arts.They were heavily interbred with D-dogs for generations, as they both live underground most of the time. the Gremlins are a highly intelligent species though, loving to tinker and use magic, being one of the only races capable of using magic without a horn, instead using an ancient language of their own that channels ambient magical energy through their unique design. They also have the capability to control any machinery they have made as if it were a part of there body thanks to the magical networks in both the machines and implanted in their arms as a rite of passage. Gremlins do not see gender as a means of segregation, instead seeing it as a minor difference in physicality, as long as they are skilled with a set of tools and can wire up a magical device, they are good in their book. While they do enchant objects, they have also devised a way to have machines be able to amplify and cast magic. Much similar to a wand, or staff. Their ultimate innovation, in their eyes, is the Golem, a mindless automaton made of metal and magic that exists only to follow orders, capable of working alone or being piloted like a suit, these automatons are indispensable, and used in sport quite often in "Golem Gladiatora" or, as it is more commonly known to non gremlins, the golem Arena. They live in the mountains surrounding the Crystal empire, traveling between them with a simple tunnel system.


    Here is the appearance of the average male Gremlin

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