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Posts posted by szalhi

  1. "References are kind of essential to have in the research world. Ponies are more likely to believe you when others can vouch indirectly for you. It also keeps your level of discovery in check. I wouldn't want to come off as more knowing than I am, that could backfire on me someday," Tranquility explained. "I'm personally writing a psychology textbook now. As much as I like my work, in the future, I may switch to a teaching position."


    "I honestly figure I can't get enough of my work. That's why I sort of joined the Twilight guard," Placidity added on herself.  "It's more of an auxiliary role, like a sort of partnership. I spread myself out more. There's always the risk of stretching myself out too much, but that hasn't quite happened yet." 


    "It has been almost pretty much confirmed that our natural passive connection has allowed ourselves to develop our skills faster and father than what could be considered normal. If we weren't born how we were than who's to say we would be talking this way right now?" 


    "Our passive connection is really strong. When we split up quite far once, We were still able to talk to each other. That was quite a long distance. I'm surprised nopony has experimented on us. Though, we haven't really told many have we?" 


    "No we haven't actually. I'd prefer to do the experimentation myself, maybe put a section of it in my book?" Tranquility paused for a moment. "Though in a way, that's kind of narcissistic. Maybe an outside source would help."


    Placidity watched as the stallion went through his book. "If you haven't caught on enough already, yeah we are basically therapists. We are based mostly in Ponyville, but we do come by here sometimes. Although, I am more of a Psychiatrist than Tranquility, she's more of a psychologist. Just some weird semantics that some ponies care about." 


    The twins didn't seem to express much physically. "Don't worry about our ears. When you have the voice in the back of your head, you basically get used to listening all the time."

  2. the Mane Six travel to Hope Hollow, where Rainbow Dash has been invited to be the guest of honor at the Rainbow Festival, but they discover that the entire town and the ponies in it have been drained of color.


    This thread is dedicated to discussing the episode before, during, and afterwards. As the thread is now open it may indeed contain spoilers. I ask that potential spoilers talked about or shown before the episode airs stay within the spoiler tags please, after the episode you no longer have to use the spoiler tags, but warning, if you haven't seen the episode yet after it airs, this thread no doubt will have all sorts of spoilers in reviews, images, etc. So tread at your own risk

  3. Spoiler



    Celestia and Luna take a "bucket-list" sister vacation while Twilight and her friends struggle to cover the princesses' many royal duties alone


    This thread is dedicated to discussing the episode before, during, and afterwards. As the thread is now open it may indeed contain spoilers. I ask that potential spoilers talked about or shown before the episode airs stay within the spoiler tags please, after the episode you no longer have to use the spoiler tags, but warning, if you haven't seen the episode yet after it airs, this thread no doubt will have all sorts of spoilers in reviews, images, etc. So tread at your own risk

  4. Tranquillity glanced at the cutie mark that the Stallion pointed towards. She had noticed it before, but she didn't want to assume, sometimes cutie marks could be... weird. Except this one wasn't. "I remember it being quite interesting when I read it. You mentioned before that you waited months for it to be ordered. I wonder where the original copy I read went off to then." 


    "It wasn't your fault was it?" Placidity accused privately to her sister who in return just rolled her eyes. "We studied here in Canterlot for our degrees," She elaborated to the pegasus. "I had to pull Tranquility back to her proper studies from that book if I recall. I think she was quite into it at the time."


    "Don't listen to her, she recalls wrong, it was free time really. We made it in the end, no big deal."


    Oh, there it was. The pegasus asked the inevitable question. It came in average time if Placidity had to recall. Tranquillity probably had a record of it. She knew how much her sister liked records. "Hey, you're not nuts. Unless you are, are you? We should help you if you are," She offered, stopping before she went nuts herself. "We sure are Telepathic. The easiest way for us to communicate. Better than any of that writing stuff, we could never talk 'normally'."


    "Our mouths are basically just food and air holes," Tranquility chimed in. "Mostly food holes." 


    "Food holes huh, way to put it," Placidity commented secretly. "We've tried to make our voices... more normal, less strange, but I guess magic just wants to be different."

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  5. "Please, it's no trouble at all, we both know it's not your fault. It would seem that the street is a bit hazardous today, isn't it sister?" Placidity replied looking towards her sister. 


    Tranquillity huffed a bit. "Like I said, one near occurrence. I would expect an issue like this to not last very long if reported correctly. I should probably go do that soon," she wrote it down in her notebook before looking over at the book. "The history of magic science: stars and celestial bodies'. That expresses you have some sort of interest or profession in astronomy would it not? I think we read that book before haven't we?"


    "You read it back then. I wasn't there. I sort of read it by proxy because you were transmitting yourself," Plas smiled towards her sister. She probably would have giggled if she had the capability of doing so, which she sort of did, but it wasn't instinctual. "I don't remember much about it." 


    "Neither do i believe it or not." Tranq turned towards Stellar Drift. "I am Tranquillity."


    "And I am Placidity. It is nice to meet you Stellar Drift." She hummed mentally. "That name resonates quite well."

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  6. Some ponies wonder why the two of them would bother to go all the way to Canterlot to satisfy the needs of a single pony. What they somehow don't seem to realise is that if it's Canterlot, then it's no doubt going to be a pony of rich status. While the twins personally weren't ones for achieving great wealth, if there's a free period on the schedule then it's all worth it to spread their services nearby. To be honest, the distance between the two places wasn't so long the more you travelled, you learned to optimise the trips as much as you could. That usually meant grouping all of the external appointments into the same weak. 


    "Is that all of them? If so we must certainly go on a vacation after this." Placidity mentally sighed towards her sister. "I'm uncertain as to why they insisted on doing it early in the morning." 


    "Perhaps they had other stuff on in the day? Not stuff that we would consider important, but still, we mustn't question them," Tranquility replied to her sister as she pulled out a notebook. "All of them here it would seem. Alright sister, what would you like to do in this city? Or would you like to catch the next train back?" 


    "I would hint that you're not particularly in the mood to stick around, are you? Though you know that the next Ponyville train doesn't leave for a while. What about sleeping instead?" 


    "Right, because bookworms are nocturnal and sleep during the day. No, we're not sleeping," she mentally growled towards her sister, although one wouldn't notice this. 


    "I'm a bookworm too. How 'bout we make use of such trait and check out the library. Although we've been so many times already."


    "Don't question yourself. The library is the largest in Equestria and is constantly being updated. It's like you know me so well." Tranquillity smiled at her sister. 




    On the way towards the library, Placidity noticed quite some disturbance in the path. She warned her sister to watch out and Tranquility halted for a moment before proceeding. "Honestly sister, you need to watch out."


    "It was almost a single occurrence. Maybe they need to remodel the street," Tranquility rebutted. "Somepony could truly get hurt." 


    At that moment, they heard a small crash near them. They looked over and saw a pegasus stallion had crashed themselves onto the floor. "Seems like you jinxed us all." Placidity made her way over to the fallen stallion, finding some glasses on the floor. Her horn lit up as she picked them up associating them with the pegasus. "I believe these are yours," She broadcasted as she lifted them in front of him, her artificial voice resonating in the small vicinity. Her sister picked up the book and examined over it not saying anything yet.

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  7. The 'Great Caboose in The sky.' That was a... solemn way to put it. Although, one might remark that the best way to go, is around your own field, your own realm. She wasn't quite sure how that would apply to herself one day. She looked old, apparently, does that mean she would live less too? It was best for her not to think about such things. "I'm not sure if they found much evidence, but if not, then we could possibly get the answer in the future then?" The idea of one going forwards into time was something that she didn't really want to debate over herself. 


    "Some ponies, just like to experience different ways that love could possibly happen, even if it's not personally themselves, so I won't blame them for enjoying such pure genre. I would probably die before I wrote a pure." Maybe one needed to experience romance themselves before such pure of a story could be written. "When you say history novels, how much, well, true history do you want in the story? I've had the idea of one that was more of a side plot to the history. The events still happened as they literally did, but there was some side stuff that I would come up with on my own."


    Her suspicion was confirmed, and she could basically imagine the colt mentally berating himself. "Hey, please. No need to tread lightly. I've had ponies doing it since before. I can't fault somepony as yourself for not noticing." She didn't really elaborate on what 'before' meant exactly, but ponies had been treating her definitely since it started those decades ago. She was aided by the colt onto a proper seat. "Do they come by here often? I'm getting the vibes that it would be something they would do." While guards aren't quite explorer's, they aren't far fetched. "I should probably be asking you if you come by here often."

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  8. As a scootaloo main (lol), I approve this episode times 10. Being the spoiler magnet I am, I already knew about the aunt thing, but I didn't expect the non-permanent residence to start off with. The idea that she was basically shared around is as fanon as it gets.


    I guess It's Scootaloo Irwin then. To be honest, I was expecting something more along the lines of the Everfree forest, kind of disappointed, but maybe they've already been there. Damn, I'm too tired to think. Will post more later.

  9. Spoiler



    Unexpected visitors to Ponyville threaten to break up the Cutie Mark Crusaders forever.


    This thread is dedicated to discussing the episode before, during, and afterwards. As the thread is now open it may indeed contain spoilers. I ask that potential spoilers talked about or shown before the episode airs stay within the spoiler tags please, after the episode you no longer have to use the spoiler tags, but warning, if you haven't seen the episode yet after it airs, this thread no doubt will have all sorts of spoilers in reviews, images, etc. So tread at your own risk

  10. "It's nice to meet you Fast Track." This colt did not seem to notice her blindness. She thought it was obvious, but, foals had the tendency to be oblivious when they were in their realm of interest. And judging by the way he spoke, he was in that realm right now. She guessed from the way he spoke that this 'Neighel Gearsely' was not actually present and was referring to, probably an image. "He sounds quite interesting. Is he still around?" Not that she had any intention of ever meeting him. She was just reinforcing the colt's admirations, bolstering them early. 


    "None of my tales are real. Nor do they feature myself. My ongoing one is about Artemis and her rebellion against the union. That's quite a long one, I can't really tell it here. The publishers probably wouldn't like that either," she muttered the last sentence to herself. "One of my first ones was about time travel. A lot of ponies said it was okay, but I think it could have been better, maybe it's okay if you're not really paying attention too much. I tried writing a romance story first but, that was kind of boring to me. A whole story dedicated to just that? It's more of a subplot thing to me really." 


    The colt led her into a room that felt a bit warmer than before. There was probably a fireplace there- wait yeah there was the colt told her. "I haven't seen anything in the last... almost two decades," she explained finding her way towards a spot. "This seat isn't taken, is it? I could tell the tale of Red Belly's lawful escape. It isn't really certain if it is a true story or not, but that just means I don't have to be right. And that's the best part about stories." 


    "Just give me a moment to think."



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  11. Ma'am? She wasn't quite expecting that. It would make sense under formal occasions, but nothing about this seemed to be formal. It made her feel quite old, She was a madam yet... Now that she thought about it, she did remember getting comments that she did look older than she was. That was probably it. But it didn't really matter. The point was that somepony was here to help her out and she was quite grateful for that. 


    "Thank you kindly," she replied to the... colt? It sounded like a colt, but she didn't want to be mistaken because sounds can deceive. They said the place was world famous. Maybe famous locally, but she didn't quite believe that statement, it felt like an exaggeration to her. "I'm not sure if there were any indications towards the identity of this place, but if there are, they aren't any that I could possibly notice under my condition. I would say that maybe they still have their own exclusive location elsewhere." It was a classic trope to hide secret locations and societies behind fronts. Makes it easy to hide the location while still keeping it relatively easy for members to access.


    She would follow the colt along to the best of her ability. "I'm not sure if you know me, probably not because I don't go out often. I'm No Vella. But you can just call me Vella. I came here intending to listen, but, I can probably let loose a tale, I've got some that haven't been heard before. They don't have to be true, do they? I'm not an adventurer, never was. My life was never that exciting." It would be really surprising to her if anyone truly thought her stories to be true within the realms of this world. Well, maybe some of them. 

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  12. She had to admit, part of her wanted the griffon to remain held to herself. It was definitely warmer. But lying in the snow together wouldn't get much work done and so she was glad when she was released. The snow, the thing that softened and prevented their harm, would now be the one to probably cause that harm. It was cold, wet and quite loud. She could hear the others, but the wind was really distracting. Hopefully, that wouldn't impede her, she had much bigger problems than being any more blind than she was. Flashbacks to over a decade ago, when she wasn't quite as adept as she was now. A lot changed over those years, for the better. 


    At her current capabilities, she couldn't perceive the cabin anymore. Yeah. It was gone. And obviously they had to go the other way. "Well, the cabin would be warmer, until it's not. Than we'll probably have to walk anyway, with less resources than before. There was a situation named after such dilemma wasn't there?" She commented to the griffon. "So yeah, we're basically okay. The snow saved us, and now... it will probably kill us. But not yet." She pulled herself off the ground and made sure her stuff was okay. Yeah it was. Enough of it was okay. Not like it was much survival gear anyway. 


    "So, uh. How long has it been since we left? Because that will sort of tell us how far we have left to go. With adjustments, for a lot of stuff." This was going to suck. A lot. 

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  13. Book 5 was on a bit of hold for now. She had hit a bit of a stump in her writing. As much as she delved into the world of fantasy and alternate realities, she still had to admit that her imagination did not stretch forever, and while this type of situation hadn't happened in a while, she thought it was probably overdue. And so she was here. Well, she thought she was. It was supposed to be this one, the fourth one on the left. Unless she miscounted or misheard. The Explorer's society, a pub named so for the history as a sort of hub for explorer's to tell their tales of epic and adventure. Stuff that she already did, although through books and paper. She came wanting to hopefully refresh her brain. Maybe hear some stories from others. They didn't have to be true or not, they just had to seem interesting enough to spark her mind. Of course, that was assuming she was at the right place. She heard of the place about two weeks ago through eavesdropping on her weekly grocery trip. She hadn't thought of it much back then, but it was useful to know now, and luckily for her, it wasn't too far from her place. 


    Vella made her way inside the building, the unlocked door basically inviting herself in. Of course, that was kind of the only part that really did. She heard some chattering inside, that kind of reassured her, maybe she could have been in a store instead? Although what kind of store would have chattering at this level? Maybe she was inside a cafe instead? She stood there for a moment, taking in as much as she could. She had to admit that maybe she should have trained her senses more over the years, although that wasn't really something she could do often with her lifestyle. "This is the Explorer's society... right?" She said out loud hoping maybe somepony heard her. "Because if it isn't, well. I'm obviously not supposed to be here." There was no super standard protocol to design layouts in buildings to help her. 

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  14. All cabin and no engine... who would have thought that choosing the last one would probably be a bad thing? Was this train cursed? It would seem awfully weird and strange for the train to just split like that and have no one notice. Supposedly. Maybe someone from the other side noticed? Sooner they noticed sooner they could come back for them? Although as far as she was aware the train wasn't designed to stay in this environment for longer than it needed to. It was probably safer for the train to continue and than send back help. From a selfless standpoint, she would go with that. From a 'she didn't want to die in this extreme moment' standpoint she hoped not.


    "Alright, yes jump. Yeah totally." She wasn't particularly sure if she leaving was any better than staying here. Sure there was turbulence and that, but she stood her ground, right? It seemed with no time to think, the group already made up their mind. "Make sure to roll when you land." She said out loud to no one in particular. It just went through her mind at that moment, probably wouldn't matter anyway because it's just snow. Unless it's ice. She hoped not. She would need to grab her stuff first. She didn't bring much with her, just one set of bags. She was not intending on spending a lot of time at her destination anyway. It was a good thing she didn't have to carry much through here.


    "Er, thanks I appreciate the concern, but, I'm sure I can take care of myself," She replied to the griffon while she was retrieving her bag. The Griffon probably didn't listen to her anyway. It took her a bit longer than she wanted to grab her stuff because it was a bit mixed up in the rummage and she couldn't really tell the difference. "Alright got it- hey!" she was yanked off the ground by the griffon who carried her towards the exit. She wanted to complain but in this situation any interruptions were ill-advised. Yeah, the train was totally cursed. 


    The air outside was cold, she could feel it from the parts of her that weren't pressed up against the Gryphon. For a moment she thought it wasn't going to happen but it did and they landed on the ground a moment later. "Hey, uh Zelda... You can stop holding on to me now." Who would have thought she would be the one getting "rescued?"

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  15. This episode was the most blasphemous and is offensive to Yak culture. This episode must be censored immediately.


    For some reason prior to going into the episode, I expected more Sandbar than I should have considering that it was literally about Yona and I kind of knew that before going in.


    The Mane Six actually managed to do a good job at helping her as she requested exactly. 


    No kiss. Not a wedding episode so it's totally not allowed. Kiss #4 will have to wait. Unless I missed one somehow.

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