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Everything posted by Brauner02

  1. Not quite done with this but i guess beadsprites could be considered art? got the suggestions to start with rarity by estrella http://i.imgur.com/cVZof.jpg
  2. Dang, you got really good really fast man. i like it alot!
  3. Decided to try and draw my oc pony Will O' Wisp (I keep getting confused for Willow wisp ) for a first try i think it came out decent, i can see some issues with it, I tried to emulate the coloring and line art but it only worked so well i think. Also i didn't realize how hard it would be to figure draw a pony, this took me a few hours to finish up after working out some errors (i'd like to thank starstorm, for point some out on the irc)
  4. Welcome to the site! and loving music and art while cliche is still great! do have fun while you're here.
  5. That's pretty awesome! not only as a starter thing but also a helping hoof for people who may not be able to draw.
  6. I've found it suprisingly hard to figure draw a pony, i however found a refrence sheet for such things on ponychan, i'm not sure if it's been posted here already so forgive me. http://twilight.ponychan.net/chan/art/src/130255119873.jpg
  7. Hey, i thought i'd greet you to the board as well! but i was also curious if you read manga/ watch anime, just because "please take care of me" is more of a formal phrase from the east.
  8. I certainly hope we can do stuff in the future! i took a peek at the rp board and that's some pretty heavy stuff for the apps, nothing i couldn't handle i imagine but it'll take me some time before i can flesh out Will o' Wisps story.
  9. About myself.: I'm from new england. (MA) and love drawing, writing, music and having a good time. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Bronyville has a link on their site. How did you became a fan of FiM?: I actually decided to watch the show after seeing alot of love/hate for it. took only 6 episodes to love it. My one favourite main cast pony?: Miss Rarity Hello there everypony, I usually go by Brauner online (A PAINTING OF THE SOUL), It's only been a few days since i've watched the first season of Mlp, ended up loving the art style and the story was surprisingly interesting, I'd have to pick " A dog and pony show" for my favorite episode. I always dive into stuff like this headlong so i fiddled with a pony generator and happened upon the site. I write for fun and an rp board/section is like collaborating with others for a story, working together is fun after all! I hope that i can fleshout/fine tune my brony so i can start being creative with you all!
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