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Posts posted by jim

  1. Metal Monger or double M was enjoying a quiet stroll on the beach when he heard the cry of "frisbee" in the air. he hadn't played in years but remembered how. Suddenlly he saw a pretty pony come running toward him with the green frisbee in her mouth. Surely that was not how the game was playedf! he stepped forward in her path and his large size made the other pony hesitate in her running." Where are you going with the frisbee ?" he asked politely

  2. CherryRie:

    I took some of your advice and have changed the name to Josh Sparks. I shall also include the cutie mark color into the main description.

    Thought of other names but blacksmiths are usually just called Jim, Biil or Josh. He is nothing special, but a good "fit in" character. Traveling solves the problem of a home town and gives he a reason to hang around ponyville yet be a part of crossover RPS.

  3. Name:Metal maker

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Light brown,

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color Style:chestnut brown , worn loose and untidy, black cutie mark

    Eye Color: Green

    Cutie Mark: Interlocked Horseshoes

    Physique: Large and muscular

    Origin: Whitetail Hollows ( a suburb of the Whitetail Woods where annual running of the leaves takes place)

    Roleplay Type: Mane RP/ Cross over

    Occupation: Traveling Blacksmith

    Motivation: Likes to work with metal and create new things and meet new people.

    Likes: (optional) stories, making new friends, friendly conversation, his work, learning new things in libraries and sharing tales of the road.

    Dislikes: (optional) ponies being bullied, angry ponies, Snow and rain when on the trail

    Character Summary:

    Metal Maker was the oldest of three siblings. His grandfather, wanted names that related to blacksmithing, so the boys were names Metal Maker, Anvil Beater, and Steel Striker.

    Metal Maker had learned early that being bigger did not give one the right to bully others. He was of a kind disposition, unless provoked. He had taught this to both his brothers with some talking to and good example. he learned to respect others and disliked bullying of any kind He was like a second father to this younger brothers and it was a growing experience for him in self sufficency.

    He learned blacksmithing from his father and grandfather who worked a shop in Whitetail Hollow, making everything from horseshoes to hinges, plows to barrel hoops, parts for wagon bodies and anything else needed. Metal Monger showed a particular talent with making and fitting horseshoes so that became his main job..One day, while still a young colt, he custom fitted a set of shoes to a customer. The pony was so impressed, he gave the pony 2 extra bits as a tip. This moment decided that he would make horseshoeing his specialty. There was a twinge on his rear flanks and his cutie mark of interlocked horseshoes confirmed his decision and his destiny.

    Knowing that there wasn't enough work for more than one full time blacksmith ( His grandfather was retiring), all three of the boys decided to travel to different parts of Equestria. While Anvil beater and Steelstriker headed for areas around Appalossa and Rockingham, Metal Maker preferred the quieter life of small towns and set off in the region of Ponyville and it's surrounding towns.

    No country bumpkin, Metal maker was well educated and well read on many topics, he had had a childhood sweetheart, but her family moved away. Inconsolable, he decided to live life alone until he met the mare of his dreams.. As metal working was his passion, he poured his energies into learning such processes as soldering, brazing and welding through the use of his heatable horn and the uses and manipulation of copper, aluminum, and brass..

    . He traveled with a caravan style wagon to carry his tools and stock and sleep inside when weather was foul. He had all he needed, except a forge. That was where his talent of heating metal until molten with his horn came in handy. He also had a strap to hold his hammer on his fore leg to beat items to shape. Travel on the road was not easy however. he did get lonely and there was the danger of robbers and vandals. Having dealt with a few of them rather severely, however, word quickly spread to let him be.

    Coming into a town, though, was wonderful. He looked forward to a drink at the local tavern or even a simple cup of tea at a friends house, like the local Nut families. and the chance to swap stories. He was well liked and courteous to all and his business was quite successful. Finding the name Metal Maker to be a bit tongue twisting, he had everyone call him Double M

    He knew everyone's name, but was not friends with any of the mane characters except as customers. He used their names as part of good salesmanship. His reputation as an excellent blacksmith.preceded him as he worked a form of loose circuit around the towns.

    Long term plans: He hoped to someday settle down and open a regular shop in one of the local towns, perhaps find a unicorn mare who loved him and possibly raise a family.though his kids would pick their own future careers.

  4. I have one request, from my friend. He has asked me to attach some comments he emailed to me.

    I offerered to do it once,

    Please remember, t hese are His Comments, not mine and I take no responsibility for them:

    Dear Brian Blackberry,Manestream, My Little Pony Tales and Sype:

    I am writing to you to explain the series of accidents that led to my being banned from Canterlot.

    I wish to take this time to explain what happened and how all my Supposed rule breaking was a series of errors and misunderstanding. I was told I broke a temp ban rule. I actually set up a new character, not knowing about a rule against multiple logins a day BEFORE the ban went into effect to override Sundancer, a poor attempt at a character.

    I obeyed the ban on sundancer as told and was going to drop him as a character, but I never got the chance. Any other errors were pure accidents from my faulty reading of the rules, and for that I am truly sorry and apologize.

    I have tried explaining this to Mr Yue, but he is most unforgiving. I ask that you please, as fellow bronies, reconsider my ban and allow me to prove, under probation if necessary, that I am a good role player and writer. I shall create a new character, subject to your approval, to show my good intentions. My refusal to participate has caused me depression and anxiety, for mistakes I made in honest lack of knowledge of rules as your RPG has more restrictions than I am used to. They will not happen again.

    I hope this explanation and apology falls on sympathetic ears. I await your decision.

    Brian G Bancroft


    As I said, these are the words of my friend and not mine. I have no influence on them and am not responsible for their content.


  5. About myself.: a self styled brony who heard about the site from a friend

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: a friend

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: saw ibe sg=how by accident and I was hooked

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Miss Rarity

    Hello All, I am a woodworker and anime lover who found My Little pony FIM after I swore I would never watch a show aimed at 6 year old girls

    MLP FIM is totally different in style, character and stories. It is written produced and animated by pros and it has attracted thousands of guys and girls, esp. college students

    I watched a show by accident, did some research and asked a friend who told me the 20% cooler and 10 seconds flat response, I have been to several sites and this one seems the best and the most active.

    I am quite pleased to be here, discussing a show that Lauren Faust has made a phenomenon..


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