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Status Updates posted by Parker_Izing

  1. cold never bothered me anyway.

    1. DaringPonyFan


      Frozen sucks and so do you I'm Justin beaver

  2. Tara Strong favved a comment of mine in Tweeter EEEEEK! :-)

  3. I almost disappear again, had to reinstall and forgot my password

    1. DaringPonyFan


      Justin beaver never forgets his p word

  4. had a dream that made me comeback, too harsh to desert the friends here because someone got banned...

  5. Be extraordinary.

  6. finally I for one welcome our Furry village people overlords

  7. found the intrinsic advantages of writing fanfiction, my knowledge of written English increased by tenfold, my agility to quickly reply also increased, and my character (Bilious) just mellowed to nothing, so I am even more sociable than ever...

  8. @Riderman24h @meteocat ho estan cambiant tot i per variar malament intenta aquest enllaç a mi mha funcionat http://t.co/FxirIIbkUm

  9. Just restored my fanart folder it was just erasing one corrupt file

  10. I automatically revert minced oaths to their blasphemous equivalent, making any cartoon a south park swear fest... But I don't like it.

  11. My Cutie Mark is mechanics related, today I waked a 200cc engine out of it's stupor (got it for free because it didn't work)

  12. Yesterday had to visit the hospital (nothing severe, just the weird sideeffect of a lack of vitamin B) I carryed with me my laptop case just in case it was severe enough to be hospitalized, well after being discharged I was on waiting room, waiting to go home, I decide to whip out my IBM T42, to try to pirate myself on hospital's wifi, a lot of smiles appear around me, then I remember of the Rarity decal I have on screen lid... Sorta of win, nothing exagerated, but not a snide remark either.

  13. Ponyfied a Nokia 8210 Phone...

  14. Squeeing like mad, the Titanic gotta get rebuilded ^^

  15. I nominate @MichelleCreber for a Shorty Award in #music because...ponies http://t.co/xMEodpKh

  16. Just found: 'Futility' is my favorite English word

  17. When you need to forgive yourself...

  18. NightMare Derp is best pony.

  19. They say I have to find a hobby ... Why I want a f***ng dwarf of Middle Earth?

  20. Hungry... 10 Chillidogs would do...

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