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Posts posted by emmyclou

  1. 59 minutes ago, Blueblood said:

    Well, it's good to see you either way, I hope you enjoy your stay here!

    thanks, im honestly happy to be back, the only reason i left is due to the place being fairly inactive

  2. since, it has been a while since ive been here i thought i could do a redo for my introduction, since ive already made one, ill skip to, the important stuff


    Hi, my prefered name is emma, my oc is a changeling which i dont have a permanent name for yet, so her name will be emma until i come up with a good one, i hope to make many friends while im here.

  3. would someone maybe want to chat, im fine with talking about anything from ocs, to new generation, to fim, the only thing i wont talk about is g3 (its just my opinion but i still have nightmares from minty's christmas)

  4. 1 hour ago, Blueblood said:

    Hmm... most changeling names I've run into either tend to be insect-related, or else vaguely strange (my own Changeling OC is named Kahz).


    For you.... hm, pink and blonde... Amizz?  That's what came up off the top of my head.  Though, Ladybird (regional UK name for Ladybug) might also work.

    that could work, im just garbage at naming ocs, half of my non mlp ocs are just my name, but that doesnt really work in mlp

  5. hi, i was just wondering if anyone might maybe wanna chat, it isnt an rp, but feel free to chat as your character if you'd like, and id prefer if we just started chatting about pony stuff, then spread out into other things.

  6. 9 hours ago, PrinceBlueblood said:

    Heyas!  Sorry it took a while for me to welcome you, but thanks for dropping by!  Feel free to PM if you have any questions, want an intro on the Discord, or help with roleplay ideas!

    thanks, i might ask for rp ideas, the rps are very confusing here

  7. 6 minutes ago, RainbowFoxxy said:

    Howdy and welcome to Canterlot! I hope you have a fun time here! Please let myself or any admin know if you need any help with the site :)

    thanks, i will :D

  8. im new here and i would like to introduce myself, i have a changeling oc, but i dont have a name for her yet, i might need help with that, i found this place while looking for info on the lyra x bonbon ship lol, i became a fan of mlp from a freaky dream, which oddly enough kinda resembled the false gen 5 leaks. my favorite mane 6 character is... well all of them. there isnt much else to tell, i hope to make many other friends here, ill see you all in my next post :)

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