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Posts posted by Aisede

  1. "That probably won't be neccesary, but good thinking nonetheless," Rose said in response to Aloe's statement. Then, she turned to the most hesitant applicant to their group- or would it be better to just call him a bystander that took an interest in their activities. "To answer your question, Mr. Copper, I do intend to render it unconcious, or otherwise non-lethally subdue it, but not through the exclusive use of alchemy."


    Her horn glowed, and a faint wave of fatigue fell over the stallion. It was gone before he could even blink, but the effect was undoubtable. "I happen to be proficient in a myriad of spells that affect the mind and body, naturally. One of these is a spell that inflicts fatigue, and another one that simply induces sleep. I intend on imbibing a potion that enhances my magic potential to grant me the power to effect a creature the size of a large reptile like the hydra, after which we may conduct our business discreetly and, hopefully, without interruption."

  2. The kelp-colored creature snorted, wading back a few feet to really immerse herself in the aetheric fluid. "It is not to intimidate you, little pony." At least, not consciously.


    Shifting her tail to coil underneath herself, she sunk deeper into the water, feeling previously tense muscles relax, if only a little. She could feel Twilight's eyes on her, far more keenly than before she decided to transform. 


    Lifting her head up, she cast her gaze off into the sky, as if searching for the answer to that question herself. "It is because we are alike. As changelings feed on the love so plentiful of ponykind, so to do sirens feed on the hate and malice of those who fear them."


    "It's ironic, really; the monsters that scuttle in the shadows and lurk in the deep are nourished by love rather than hate, and the creatures of infinite grace and beauty must settle for the latter rather than the former."


    Her large fins droop down the side of her neck as she says this, sighing down into the anomalous waters. 

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  3. Rose didn't have much of a sweet tooth herself, but the presented ensemble had her mouthwatering within moments.


    "This looks delicious, Twilight." Taking her mind off darker tidings, she enveloped one of the cookies in her aura. Floating it up to her muzzle, she rotated it this way and that, admiring the hoofwork that must have went into making such a treat. "And you said this is a 'Tahini' Almond Cookie?" She really needed to better familiarize herself with the local geography. It's still almost completely alien to her- but that wasn't a concern of hers right that very moment.


    Taking a bite out of the cookie, and savoring the tough texture, she hummed in delight, taking another, less conservative bite after she had swallowed the first one. "Almonds were an excellent choice. Pass my compliments to the chef."


    This would go well with an horchata ~


    Next came the 'chebakia.' It was of a more brittle consistency, and as she peeled off a 'petal' between her teeth, she could feel the caramelized honey stick between her teeth. 

    "It is no wonder a pony of your stature is accustomed to travel," she said after finishing her bite, picking seeds and honey out from between her teeth with her tongue, and this consternated expression. "They are of a diplomatic nature, I would assume."


    She should really develop a spell for dislodging some troublesome debris, but such was not the time for experimenting with magic. Turing to eye her marefriend, she hummed in thought. "Any locales of especial interest that Aloe and I may escape to, should the interest arise?"


    In Andalusia, there was the great port of Málaga, where the Royal Navy rested their mighty Mares-Of-War. They were spectacles to behold, as were the monuments of the city proper. It would please me to share such experiences as those, and others, with my Aloe here ~

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    'Nautilus' deftly dodged the snapping beak of a saurian head, jumping back just in time to submerge herself in the bubbling swamp waters. An intense heat ruffled the golden fibers of her mane as she looked up, wide-eyed, at the furnace-like throat of the head that just attempted to cook her alive... Not that she would taste very good, but this creature clearly didn't know that.


    "I love them with a little spice!" She cawed, goading the monster into a less dense patch of the swamp. Gnarled trees groaned and thick sludge exploded in a wave of muck as the belligerent giant pursued its wily prey, watching with lurid yellow eyes as she weaved through foliage and skimmed over sludge like some kind of confounded swamp seapony.


    "Come on, slowpoke! You want a piece of this tail, don't you?" Shooting a grin over her shoulder, she waved her tail like a red flag, seeming to successfully enrage the monster further as she put on the speed.


    One three minute eternity later, and she came upon a wide open space, pillars of flame bursting through viscous boils in the swamp. 




    Turning around, Nautilus bore witness to three leering faces emerge from the verdant canopy, glistening red scales reflecting the scorching light of the flame pillars. The rest of its lengthy bodied soon followed it, girthy and muscular, and covered in thick plates like natural steel. Bits and pieces of that natural armor were missing in places, showing signs of frostbite and acid damage.


    The monster hissed as the mare's horn lit up with a turquoise aura, an acidic stench staining the air around her as she faced the beast down.


    "Well? You cornered me. What' are you going to do now?"




    A stream of yellow-orange light met her goading, and she had to duck under the muck to avoid getting toasted. The impact of the ray with the volatile waters created a chain reaction, three more fire-pillars gushing out as if in retaliation. 


    That gave her an idea.

    Surfacing with a gasp, she narrowly avoided getting her head chomped  clean off as the Fire Hydra chased after her, pressing her into a desperate gallop to stay ahead of its many fang-filled maws.

    It was a tricky maneuver, and- GAH!


    Nautilus got knocked clean off her hooves by the sinuous tail that raced to meet her, sending her tumbling back into the muck with a splash.


    Not a moment later, a single furious beak impacted her landing zone with a tidal wave of sludge, boiling into a glowing orange bubble before exploding in a spectacular display of power.


    For a second, it seemed the Fire Hydra had finally gotten her. That is, until it heard her taunting voice from its left.


    "Aw, you almost got me that time!" She giggled, popping in a shower of turquoise sparks as two deadly rays swathed the area she was just standing in in burning plasma.


    "Over here!"



    "Nope, here!"




    Things went on like this for several exhausting moments before-




    Glaring down into the waters, three sets of narrowed eyes quickly widened as it recognized the trap it had just fallen into.


    Unfortunately, its reaction times were slowed as a sheet of ice flash-froze the beast in place. 


    With a steady rise in tempo, the waters directly beneath the hydra grew into an angry yellow-red, a rumble rattling the beasts bones as it desperately struggled to free itself in time to avoid its immanent incineration.




    Too late, an epic pressure impacted its soft and weakened belly, soon followed by two more jets of artificially enhanced flames as the hydra was lifted into the air and launched several meters above the treeline, streaming smoke and ash as it screamed its defiant rage against the heavens.






    The titan's roar is brutally cut short as the sundered stump of a tree breaks through its chest, impaling it and sending its three heads swinging back to clunk against the tree's base, frozen in shock and denial.


    Its serpentine tail swings like a pendulum, twitching and curling in on itself before it, too, goes limp.




    "Whoo, that was a toughie!" Nautilus laughed and swiped some sweat from her brow as she carefully picked her way through the foliage to locate ehr quandary. 'I wonder if any of those Neighjun fellows saw that?


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  5. Rose was about to respond when her msrefriend beat her two it, and what a tongue lashing it was. To be frank, she hadn't though the sweet spa pony had it in her to give a pony such a verbal thrashing, but there she was, defending Rose and reinforcing just why she loved that pony so much. She doesn't give her enough credit. She just doesn't.


    "Hehe... Yes, she is a very fine mare indeed," she said in response to Tiger's coaxing.


    When Scarlet have her what looked like a... Some sort of communications device, she simply nodded with a short 'will do, captain', and then turned to face the aftermath of Aloe's tirade.


    It turned out there wasn't much she needed to answer for on that front, but she did owe Compass, at least, some level of comfort.

    Putting on a small smile, she faced her proverbial counterpart, standing straight and resolute. "Neigh, Compass dear. The goal is only to harvest blood. As large a creature as a hydra is, it should be little trouble for the creature. This," she gestured towards the collected ensemble, and the large sky-sailing vessel, "is a contingency, incase things go awry. While I'm confident in my own ability to prevent any of you from being seriously harmed, I would prefer for violence to be a last resort."


    "I also collected you ponies, specifically, because of the opportunities I feel it opens up for you. Treat this as a field research team while we're not engaged in conflict, for there is much knowledge to be gained of our environment while we are immersed in these enchanted woods, with safety in numbers and mobility with Scarlett's aerie ship."


  6. Although the news that her brilliant plan could never come to fruition was somewhat of a downer, she was positively overjoyed to see everypony enjoying what she had made for them. 


    "Thank you thank you!" Her smile was radiant as she bounced in place on top of Chipper's head. "And that's okay, if you teach me, YOU won't be the one making re-living plants. And sister is right, there's SO much more we could do with that! Me being the pointiest kernel, I'm the only one who could learn it, which is kinda sad, but also really great because that means I can do it for them!" She squeed, picking up speed but not quite at 'a million words a minute's speeds. "Oh, we could make them dance, or pop themselves, or dance AND pop themselves-" 


    As she fantasized about future plans for a maize maze, she floated a kernel up to her snout and nibbled on it, humming in delight at the rich, sweet flavor and firm texture. 

  7. Seeing that her mealie treat was no longer staring down its eminent demise, the little filly quickly perked right up, thoughts about what just happened and how she could use it to reach new corny heights popping into her headspace. 


    "Yup, that's me!" She chirped, beaming at the two- but mostly at the neko- merkrow- whatever the gibbering pony said. 


    Quickly trading places, she hopped into Spearie's head, giggled, and then bounded onto Chipper's back, reading up on her hind legs to ogle his horn with stars in her eyes. "How did you do it, how did you do it!?" Oh, the possibilities. She still didn't like the idea of undead mice eating all her popcorn, but that didn't matter if she could have INFINITE POPCORN! "I Wanna make infan- infinante corn! Oh, I can just imagine it now, first I'll revive my own secret grove of kernies then I'll make even MORE kernies and then I can make lots of kettle corn and because the plants will never die I can plant more and still have the FIRST kernies so now I have DOUBLE the kernies and I can make DOUBLE the popcorn because the old ones didn't go all wilty and then I can bring more popcorn to school and more popcorn means I can make more friends and more friends means I'll need more popcorn but I'm sure I can get some of you to help me harvest and then I'll be able to make FOUR TIMES the popcorn because we'll all be working together like momma always said we should and-


    Pausing, she gasped, eyes going wide. The next words that came out of her mouth could rival even Luna's legendary Canterlot Voice, but with several times the enthusiasm. "OH, DO YOU PONIES WANT ANY OF MY KETTLE CORN!? I made it this morning just for you! I hope you like it ~ I added extra butter this time, and some caramel too, because ponies like caramel- or my sister does, at least. Do you like caramel?" She looked down at Chipper, then to his... Crow. "Ooh, ooh, do birds like caramel!? I bet they do, although it may get stuck in their beak, in which case I'll have to make a new batch minus caramel for him."

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  8. Well, that turned around rather quickly. Not that she was complaining, of course, she was just a little surprised that the mention of desert was all it took to shake her love out of her meloncholy stupor.


    Politely crossing her hooves over the table now that they were once again available, she offered their patron a genial smile. "I second that. This meal has been a lovely experience thus-far, I'm eager to see what you have in store for us."


    As much as she'd have liked to, she couldn't relate very much to what all Twilight had to say to Aloe; she didn't even know her own mother, and her original's significant other  has completely and utterly failed to reconnect. Not that her progenitor had made the required efforts to maintain that relationship, despite her insane ideologies. 


    She could still remember... When she found him. When her original found them, on that dainty little vessel bobbing in the waves. She'd been apart from him for so long that he found another to be with... Another mare... With whom he'd started a family with.


    Perhaps subconsciously, she found one of her hooves drifting a little closer to Aloe, and her tail brushing against her own. Neigh, fortune would favor her in this life. That particular scene will never be one she experiences herself.



  9. Looking between the mechanic and the medic, she slowly nodded. A plan was coming together, pieces clicking into place. "Miss Bevel, if you could replicate the effects of Miss Flare's unique vision, how, precisely, would you go about this operation?"


    Finally pulling her attention away from the promising pony, she cast a small smile Bevel's way, an energy positively radiating off of her. "After all, I do beleive quite a few ponies could benefit from her form of 'sight'. Blind ponies especially."

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    • Hearthoof 1
  10. Kettle wasn't too happy about being talked down to by the older mare, but she guessed she had a point and mumbled an apology. "S'rry..."


    That's when she noticed... A mouse... A skeletal mouse, and her pupils shrunk as she registered that an undead rodent was eating her popcorn.


    Kettle joined in Morning Glow's startled vocalizations, hopping up onto her back to put as much distance between her and the corn-thief as possible, pointing a trembling hoof at it. "It's a scary mouse, it's a scary mouse! And it's eating my kettle corn!" What next? What happened once it got a taste for her corn? Would it turn on her next, the source of this delicious treat? Kettle could only imagine the horrors, never able to produce another miraculous kernel again as she's forced to serve basket after basket of buttery popcorn to the little abomination.


    Luckily, her sister came to the rescue, so she swapped backs and balanced on top of Caramel's head, meekly peeking at the creature from just beyond her mane. "It's going to eat all my co-ho-hoooornnn!" Oh, the despair. 

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  11. Naturally, the smallest kernel in the cornfield was overjoyed to be attending a BRAND NEW SCHOOL! And a school about friendship of all things! Kettle wasn't sure why friendship required a whole school to teach, but she sure as shucking wasn't complaining!


    Bouncing up and down on the tips of her hooves- and somehow miraculously balancing her own small load of a single box and comically oversized basket of popcorn- the little buttery bundle of boundless energy 'Ooh'd' and 'Ahh'd' at the crystally decor, occasionally making rapid-fire comments that would take a slow-time spell to decipher.


    When they reached Caramel's room- Kettle had NO idea what her room was, but she could figure that out later- she shrugged the box off her shoulders- which had been under the kettle corn- made a quick excuse to go check out the rest of the school, and promptly darted back out the way they came to terrorize the faculty with questions. Either that or go find some new friends milling about.


    Somewhere between 'Fast Travel' and 'The Speed of Corn Popping' little Kettle bumped into something very soft and plushy, horn-first, and fall on her flank with a start, her borderline magical basket of kettle corn plopping down by her side with a single kernal knocked loose.



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  12. ---

    After sampling some of Rose's 'wares', the green mare helped her newly female client gather her things and return to the front of the store (after a complimentary rince, of course.)


    "The bottles I use are reinforced with an endurance enchantment, so they won't break if you drop them. The affects should wear off in two to three hours. If you'd like, I can whip up something to cancel it out now?" She pointed a hoof over her shoulder with a curious expression. "After all, some ponies may see you exit my store as a mare and get the right idea... Hehe..."


    She gave her a humored look at that. Her store was rather out of the way, though, so the likelihood of that happening wasn't particularly high. "Unless you don't mind, of course."

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  13. Rose watched the lavender mare wade into the shallows of the aether pool, and she felt... She didn't have a word for it. Confusion factored into it. Suspicion that Twilight was attempting to coax information out of her. Mild frustration for reasons she couldn't quite pin down, and... Relief.




    As she approached her, she thought about what she said: 'it is a wonder if our planet and nature alike,' yet it's artificial... Like her. Is she trying to say that she's a wonder of nature? A miracle? Is she really just like this impossible phenomena, a lucky mistake? 


    She sighed as her hooves made contact with the water, easing into the watery domain as if she were born in it. And she was. Looking down into the clear fluid surrounding her, she could feel the subtle flow, as if empowered by embracing her amphibious nature.


    Wading a little further in, she cast her gaze up to the evening sun. 'heh. This would feel more appropriate with the moon out.' 


    And then she thought about the first thing that Twilight had asked, her request to know more. There was a teaching her original self hammered into her broodlings, and one she subconsciously held onto herself: to never say more than is needed. A secretive creed that kept her and hers alive in an inhospitable region, but this isn't the same land where the Andalusian Royal Navy was hunting them down, or where Pirate Lords had put bounties on their heads.


    Letting her head drop down, she sighed out these toxic thoughts, gazing into her reflection.


    It didn't even look like her. Not who she felt she was inside. But, then, who really was she, if not a copy?




    In a brilliant burst of turquoise light, Rose Compass was consumed and out emerged a new entity. Tall, graceful, carnivorous


    She smiled down at Twilight, massive fins folding on top of her head as her forelegs tucked in, her massive tail balancing her scaly bulk in the water as her musical voice pronounced her first few syllables. "Queen Moor was not a changeling, Twilight Sparkle. She was just a queen, and nothing more."


    Could she get away with this? Changing herself? Or, maybe... This was just the form she chose for this talk. She was still Rose Compass, but now without the veil. She revealed her nature. A shapeshifter... and that was okay.



    ///Basically she became a siren version of herself, because it fits the mood///

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  14. "Yes... " She was just going to gloss over the whole guard/sucking out his charge's energy part. In her profession, anything goes, or that's how she rationalizes things at least. "What you're asking for is typically rather difficult to achieve. What I've done here it make something that essentially replaces the hormones in your body then rapidly metabolizes them. That's why, if you try and reverse it too soon, it disrupts the order and causes you to have a hormonal imbalance."


    "But that's enough about that. I don't presume you came here simply to observe my wares." Her tone dropped an octave as she slowly sauntered over to him, purring like a kitten. "Well, not those wares, at least." She paused to giggle, looking up at him with an easy smile. "I have a spare room in the back, if you would wish to undergo your 'trial run' now ~"

  15. An eager customer, isn't he? She can appreciate that in a pony. "You may sample the latter if you like. I've measured doses that should only last a couple minutes, and a pool outback."


    "But as for the charging methods... " She looked the young stallion up and down. No horn. "Without a horn, you won't be able to charge It manually, so it will instead draw on your inherent mana. Don't worry, though, you shouldn't have any adverse affects unless you have it activated for weeks on end.


    Alternatively, you could get a unicorn to charge it for you, or I could install a mana battery, which would also need periodic charging." Pausing there, she gave him a somewhat devious look, raising a hoof to her lips. "There's also the option of drawing on the energy of those around you...


    Enveloping her horn in rolling waves of turquoise magic, a bottle of clear fluid with a strange rainbow incandescence to it was floated over to him, tagged with a fused male/female symbol. "But if you'd really like to test the affects for yourself on a trial basis, this is the gender swap potion. So long as you don't take it twice within a five hour period, you should be fine. If you do... " She snorted, suppressing a foreboding chuckle. "Well, have you ever experienced hermaphroditism?"

  16. Present Day

    Ponyville Outskirts: 10:12 am

    What an absolutely beautiful day ~ The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and none of her darn Leap Frogs escaped to another timeline yet! yet. She had setup a monitoring system in her lab to make sure they stayed as she analyzed their genes. Hopefully she can make a... regression agent soon, but in the meantime, she had to open up shop!


    Aloe was probably already at her spa, so it was just her for the time being. Flipping over the CLOSED (Intruders will be turned into frogs) sign to OPEN (Guests MAY be turned into frogs), she thrust open the lacquered hybrid oaken doors to greet a new day with a smile on her face. "Today is going to be a good day!" she said to herself, inhaling the fresh air. 


    She'd attempted marketing as of late, setting up flyers and ads wherever was convenient and relevant, hawking her exotic wares for anyone curious enough to come see. And exotic they were! She had rearranged her shelves so that only her best and freshest bottles, flasks, and colorful vials were on display. Of course, the front counter held her best (One may even say vintage), such as her latest (Safe) regen and physique enhancing potions. Not many ponies really got seriously injured around here, but who knew when you'd need a quick fix after running for your life from Ponyville's latest monster attack?


    The shop itself, while not necessarily hard to miss, didn't stand out any more than any other shop did, with a great big xenon sign proclaiming this to be Rose Compass' Cure-All's & Curios! , a relatively small but cozy building, with a real roof and even a chimney spouting mysterious colorful vapors into the air that were completely safe and wouldn't cause spontaneous bubble sneezing that makes your coat change color.


    Out back, her garden was flourishing, out front, her fresh herbs were basking in the sun- but protected from harmful rays as well- and she had even begun the construction of a small pool to the far left of the building, more for her and Aloe's enjoyment than anything, although a picket sign informed the curious that they MAY be able to become a seapony for a rented allotment of time if they wanted to. Some shiny enchanted pearls sat next to the black rocky bowl, waiting for somepony to come along and decide they want to grow a fish tail. 


    Out front, there was one more sign, the same thing printed on all her ads around town:


    Potions for ails, potions for sore nails
    Potions that cure, potions for perfect tenure.
    Need a hoof? How about two more? We have a potion for that!
    Have bad teeth? Crooked chompers or lame stompers?
    We have a potion for that!
    Want your coat to shift through the visible spectrum?
    We have a potion for that too!




    The first to approach Rose’s store was an earth pony stallion, one who had met Rose in the past but had never seen her shop before. Tiger looked over the outside of the building, taking it all in before he decided to approach fully and greet the mare. 


    “Yo, Rose! Nice place you got here, really interesting. What kinda stuff you sell here?” He asked, smiling over at her. “Or, I guess, what kind of stuff can I not get here? I’ve got a bit of an idea of something I’d like to try out.”




    Instantly spotting the stallion, Rose's smile could not possibly get any wider. "Hey, Tiger!" She waved him over, trotting halfway to meet him with an energetic spring in her step. "It's so good to see you here! What did you have in mind?"

    Quirking her head to the left, she brought a hoof up to her chin, her smile turning coy. "I don't just sell potions here, by the way. I've a rather developed affinity for runes and enchantments as well, although potioncraft is what I excel at, as you can well see." She gestured into her store, and at the various array of bottled (and some burbling) fluids on display.





    “Well, somepony’s happy, huh? I take it you’re having a good day.” Tiger chuckled, pausing after she finished speaking to try to find the right words. 

    “Well, as you know, I work for Blueblood now. Ever since I found out about his ability to switch genders, I’ve wondered what being a mare would be like. The more I think about it, the more I want to try it.” He said, nodding a bit. “Preferably with the ability to switch back and forth.”




    Rose giggled, batting a hoof in his direction playfully. "Tonto, the day has yet to begin!" That said, her ears perked up to better hear his request, and perked up more when she received it. "Aha, then I would recommend a 'curio', in this matter, Mr. Blood."


    Turning, she held open the door to her shop and beckoned him in with a cordial smile. "I can go into detail if you wish, but to summarize: a potion will allow you to become what you desire, but for a set period of time dependant upon the dosage taken. There are also some minor side-affects. During this period of time, you will be unable to switch back until the effects wear off." Raising a hoof as if to counterbalance the other, she arches a brow. "However, an enchanted artifact- or runic inscription- will give you the autonomy you seek, granted the object will need to be properly charged to operate efficiently, and this can be done in a myriad of ways depending upon convenience."


    "I actually created a potion the other day to allow a pony to temperarily become a seapony." She pointed back towards the small installed pool, then. So many things to look at around that place! "It lasts approximately five hours, upon which the user either must exit the water or reapply the recommended dosage."

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  17. Instantly spotting the stallion, Rose's smile could not possibly get any wider. "Hey, Tiger!" She waved him over, trotting halfway to meet him with an energetic spring in her step. "It's so good to see you here! What did you have in mind?"

    Quirking her head to the left, she brought a hoof up to her chin, her smile turning coy. "I don't just sell potions here, by the way. I've a rather developed affinity for runes and enchantments as well, although potioncraft is what I excel at, as you can well see." She gestured into her store, and at the various array of bottled (and some burbling) fluids on display.

  18. "..." She didn't follow her into the clearing, not immidiately anyway. Stopping right at the treeline, she watched her with this... Haunted look in her eyes, almost pale. She hadn't expected Twilight- a pony- to discover the truth so fast. She thought she had contengencies in place for just such prying, a way to repel attempts to discover what lied underneath. Instead, this happened.


    But it was no matter, she told herself, as she forced herself to follow the lavender mare one stiff hoofsteps at a time. She would adapt, as she had always done. And besides, she's in the company of a friend, as difficult a concept that is for the cloned queen to grasp. 


    "Queen Moor was not a gyne," she said weakly, still formulating a response to the other assertations as she indulged in her own curiosity. A lake? It wasn't Saddle Lake, she knew that for sure, and had become more than adequately familiar with it. Perhaps she intends for them to both go for a swim? That would be amusing, to take their conversation under the water. Can she change at-will, though? 

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  19. Happy that she could be of help, she added 'moisturizer' to the long list of products she intended on creating. "It's my pleasure ~"


    She then turned her attention to their newest arrival, raising a brow at her friend's familiar response. So this was the other candidate? Looking him over, she wasn't very impressed by his physique. Hearing that he evidently intended on addressing the issues of the Everfree, however, raised her opinion of him slightly.


    But did nobody tell him? If she'd have brought along Zecora, it'd have been more obvious, but as it was she settled for an easy smile and simply approached him, laying a hoof on his shoulder and trying not to look patronizing. "I appreciate your concern, but they could not be in more capable hooves. You see, I'm something of a botanist myself- an alchemist, rather, and the local apothecary. I've been harvesting regeants from the Everfree since my arrival, and have brought along a mare with a lay of the land as well. You needn't worry, Mr. Copper."


    She gave his shoulder a pat then stepped back, sizing him up. He seemed like a fine enough lad, although she wasn't sure what he'd be able to accomplish in a conflict with local fauna. "As for what we're after, I must admit that I'm surprised those details were not passed along as well." Gesturing at the crew as a whole, and pointing out her miniature mountain of potion supplies, she turned back to him with a small smile. "I've staged the harvest of hydra blood, an invaluable resource that will no doubt enhance my understanding of regenerative effects. 

  20. That last comment earned her a sidelong look, the 'young' alchemist slowing to match her gait as she pursed her lips. She meant well- Rose knee this- but she was still getting too close for comfort with these inquiries of hers. It was quite vexing, really, but she didn't show it. 


    "'And 'who' do you think I am, Twilight Sparkle?" She asked in a calm and measured tone. No need to abandon civility, after all, and she still wanted Twilight as a close acquaintance. She found a kindred spirit in this mare, somebody who understood her. "Aloe knows enough. She doesn't need to hear about my... Past mistakes."


    "That's why I'm here, after all." She went on to explain as she faced ahead once more, although her attention wasn't on the path anymore, but something much further away. "To free myself from those selfsame misfortunes. To start again, but this time better."

  21. A firm but gentle hoof wrapped itself around Aloe's shoulder, pulling her closer to the green mare. She didn't need to be able to sense emotions to tell that this topic deeply upset the pink pony, and something about that... Pain of separation deeply resonated with her. She didn't have any siblings- not by technicality, at least- but she could still sympathize.


    "I would appreciate that." She said with a small smile, patting her shoulder with a nuzzle. Then she looked back to Twilight. "Any dish that reminds me of home is definitely something I'll savor. Maybe I'll even prepare some Andalusian cuisine for my little pony here, too! Would you like that, Aloe?"


    She beamed at her friend, attempting to lighten up the mood. Perhaps we should realign our focus. 'Do you have any recommendations for Aloe? Any special techniques for wielding magic in this fashion? I must admit, I'm curious myself how far we can take this.'

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  22. Rose reciprocated the affection, snatching Aloe up in her forelegs, sending them both into a graceful twirl. "It's only a problem when we are burdened with other such preoccupations, of which I am reasonably certain neither of us have."


    Her eyes turn soft, and she gently nuzzled the beautiful pink mare, grazing her neck and jawline with a delicate hoof. "Mmhh... As for the lake freezing over, I'm sure we are more than capable of keeping each other warm ~" that, and she can modify the chemistry of their environment to keep it in liquid form. There are very few limitations to alchemy, and fewer still when she's behind the helm.



  23. Rose felt like she'd already explored everything noteworthy, but seeing Aloe so excited over something she considered rather mundane still made her feel warm inside. "You're really into this idea, aren't you?" She raised a hoof to her lips with a coy, humored look in her eyes. "Very well, I shall make it a priority. As for the potion... "


    She looked up, up at the glittering, fractalled surface of the water, above all the murk and drifting organic debris. "The ingredients are rather mundane. It mostly includes pearls, a dissolving agent, a binding agent, and one more material that's more difficult to acquire."


    She looked over at Aloe again, then, and her smile became a little less... Innocent. "That element, however, may be easily substituted for... Something of a more viscous nature."

  24. Present Day

    Ponyville Outskirts: 10:12 am

    What an absolutely beautiful day ~ The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and none of her darn Leap Frogs escaped to another timeline yet! yet. She had setup a monitoring system in her lab to make sure they stayed as she analyzed their genes. Hopefully she can make a... regression agent soon, but in the meantime, she had to open up shop!


    Aloe was probably already at her spa, so it was just her for the time being. Flipping over the CLOSED (Intruders will be turned into frogs) sign to OPEN (Guests MAY be turned into frogs), she thrust open the lacquered hybrid oaken doors to greet a new day with a smile on her face. "Today is going to be a good day!" she said to herself, inhaling the fresh air. 


    She'd attempted marketing as of late, setting up flyers and ads wherever was convenient and relevant, hawking her exotic wares for anyone curious enough to come see. And exotic they were! She had rearranged her shelves so that only her best and freshest bottles, flasks, and colorful vials were on display. Of course, the front counter held her best (One may even say vintage), such as her latest (Safe) regen and physique enhancing potions. Not many ponies really got seriously injured around here, but who knew when you'd need a quick fix after running for your life from Ponyville's latest monster attack?


    The shop itself, while not necessarily hard to miss, didn't stand out any more than any other shop did, with a great big xenon sign proclaiming this to be Rose Compass' Cure-All's & Curios! , a relatively small but cozy building, with a real roof and even a chimney spouting mysterious colorful vapors into the air that were completely safe and wouldn't cause spontaneous bubble sneezing that makes your coat change color.


    Out back, her garden was flourishing, out front, her fresh herbs were basking in the sun- but protected from harmful rays as well- and she had even begun the construction of a small pool to the far left of the building, more for her and Aloe's enjoyment than anything, although a picket sign informed the curious that they MAY be able to become a seapony for a rented allotment of time if they wanted to. Some shiny enchanted pearls sat next to the black rocky bowl, waiting for somepony to come along and decide they want to grow a fish tail. 


    Out front, there was one more sign, the same thing printed on all her ads around town:


    Potions for ails, potions for sore nails
    Potions that cure, potions for perfect tenure.
    Need a hoof? How about two more? We have a potion for that!
    Have bad teeth? Crooked chompers or lame stompers?
    We have a potion for that!
    Want your coat to shift through the visible spectrum?
    We have a potion for that too!

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  25. Ice skating, huh? She should add that to the list of activities for later. "And underwater home, huh?" She looked around the lake. Not much in the way of caves... Or any discernable features, for that matter. It was a very basic bowl of water, with a muddy basin and aquatic grasses. She could, theoretically, carve a home out of the submerged ground, but it'd be a lot of work to make it structurally sound.


    She could also build an actual structure down there, but she didn't possess the technical skills to engineer anything habitable. "Perhaps... I can definitely create an artifact that'll allow you to shift forms. I could work that into your socks, or another item of apparel you would wear regularly. Just inform me of your decision and I'll get to work on it."


    "Insofar as inhabiting this lake?" She took another look around, not that she expected to see anything different. "I'll see what I can do. I doubt we'll find any caves in this lake, but we can commission a structure built down here. If we can get ahold of some hippogriffs, we could inquire as to the best means to do so as well."


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