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Conor Colton

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Everything posted by Conor Colton

  1. Even with that though, you are still about 10000% more awesome than I'll ever be :3
  2. Who needs posts per day when you went and just donated You are just simply awesome for doing that
  3. Hurray for Angie! And also welcome back Appy :3
  4. Colton smiled, content with everything around him, he responded to Cross-Stitch's last comment, "Thanks again Cross-Stitch, by the way, how much will all this add up to?" Colton asked, wanting to pay back Cross-Stitch for all his hard work. He then turned his attention to Sparks, "So I trust you've been a good helper, boy." Colton said as he tapped Sparks on the head again, Sparks reassured him with a series of very fast nods , "Did you enjoy working on the suit?" Sparks continued nodding at a fast pace. "Well that's good." Colton exclaimed as he smiled at his bird friend. "Oh right I almost forgot something Sparks." Colton pointed out, "We're gonna be staying with Flux for a while, okay?" Sparks hesitated at first but was quickly fond of the idea, he did little dances in the air to emphasise his excitement. Colton turned around and sat down once again. He sent Sparks off to further assist Cross-Stitch.
  5. Colton was pleasantly surprised to see Cross-Stitch descend from downstairs carrying his jacket, but he was down right shocked when he saw Sparks appear in a suit. He had no words for a time, he just stared as his little friend flew around his face. Finally he spoke up. "Well look at you all snazzed up Sparks, with the little tie and everything, you're not trying to impress any other birds with that get up are you, I know you have a thing for robins." Colton said as he chuckled whilst Sparks took his seat of honour on Colton's head. He then turned his attention back to Cross-Stitch, "Thanks for the jacket Cross-Stitch, and if Sparks could thank you I'm sure he would." Colton said as he tapped his little bird friend on the head , "I hope he helped you out enough." Colton pointed out as he chuckled once more, as he still couldn't get over the fact that Sparks was in a suit, of all things. "Oh and don't worry about the suit Cross-Stitch, take all the time you need." Colton said as he smiled once more.
  6. "Well that's...great, thanks." Colton said as he pondered what just happened. Like Flux he wasn't always as social as he should have been, always travelling so not having time to make actual friends, but he could see that this extended contract here in Canterlot would be a pleasant one. "And about that explosion thing, I think you may be wrong about that, if you haven't noticed from my stories, me and Sparks usually end most of our adventures on slight 'volatile' terms." Colton said as he chuckled. "Well this has been an strange morning if I do say so myself, to think, I just came in here to get a jacket repaired and now all of this has happened." Colton said with a smile , "I guess life can surprise you like that."
  7. I didn't understand a word of that :3 But I get the basic point Edit: Not to my knowledge, but I'll let you know if I see one
  8. The fun will indeed be brought Welcome to Canterlot!
  9. I'm mortal. And I've kicked immortal butt up and down this thread :3
  10. But he died afterwards :3 Doctor Frankenstein I mean ;3
  11. Sulvuss I don't know if that will actually work... Just saying :3
  12. Oh right.....sorry It'll be alright Penby *pat pat* Do you want to gnaw on my jaw again to feel better?
  13. I never got any Fawkes immortal soul nearly killed me when I sat on his throne......good times :3
  14. I know, then I wanted to resolve a situation peacefully and nearly killed everyone.....good times :3
  15. Nope all free :3 And to answer your question Sulvuss, me and Normandy once blew this whole thread to kingdom come and the rised from the ashes and rebuilt it :3
  16. I'm so proud that I got to share in causing general chaos with you Normandy :3 And for you Rock, it's on equestria gaming, you may need to do some image alteration like I did to make it bigger and look right, let me know if you need any more help broski :3
  17. In a pony generator yes, not drawn for I lack what people call 'talent'
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