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Conor Colton

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Everything posted by Conor Colton

  1. "Well we got plenty of time, I'll be here for a few months at least." Colton smiled as he looked forward to the next few months. "Once I get those gala tickets, I'll get settled in and then we'll check it out." Colton stopped and thought about something, where was he gonna get settled in. "Well this is embarrassing." Colton said ash e rubbed the back of his head, "Uh Flux, do you know anywhere I could actually stay for a while, it seems that in my rush to arrive in Canterlot, I forgot to book some form of housing." Colton said as he blushed at his slight slip-up.
  2. You're sitting in the cock pit but someone else is flying the plane!
  5. You have surpassed me in pretty much every way since you joined
  6. You have free time because you finished up something to do with school?
  7. Colton looked at the small piece of paper and tried to make it out, but all he could really make out were some eligible words and strange symbols. "So it was just gone when you woke up, and a piece was wedged in your door?" Colton puzzled over this information and came to a conclusion. "If you ask me, I think somepony stole that." Colton said as he was sure of his answer. "Do you have any idea where they went, or who they were who took it, I mean books don't get up and walk away right? I'm serious here can books actually be made to do that." Colton said trying to inject some humour into the situation. "Hey Flux, if you ever do take me on that tour, I wanna see that tunnel, I just can't put my hoof on it but something tells me something's going on that we don't know about and I want to know about it." Colton said whilst he pondered all this new information
  8. You motivated me when I first started here You will always be awesome
  9. "A tour, seriously? That would be amazing Flux, thank you." Colton said as he smiled. Colton responded to Flux's last statement and began to remember the story, he sat up again and began to recall the tale. "One day me and Flux contacted by an outside contractor in Ponyville, this guy was a real nut let me tell you, all around his house were really odd decorations, some I couldn't even describe as something other than creepy. Anyway he had heard good things about me and Sparks so he hired us to collect a few things from the Everfree forest for him, he didn't specify why he needed them but he just gave us a list and sent us packing." Colton said as he cringed, and continued his story. "Me and Sparks spent almost all day in that forest, getting scared half to death and risking our lives for this one weirdo, he had us get some pretty strange stuff, a manticore stinger, poison joke, living tree bark, I didn't even know these things existed." Colton commented as he shrugged his shoulders. "When we finally got back though our employer was doing some pretty weird stuff, he had this really old damp basement and in there he was mixing some stuff together in a big pot, when I asked what he was doing he told us why he had hired us in the first place. Apparently this guy was some sort of alchemist, and he was in hot competition with this other alchemist who lived in the forest. He then told us that he was putting this mixture together to prove that he was better than her, and guess what poor sucker just gave him the means to do it." Colton smiled as he remembered the next part of the story. "Sparks was furious, he took all the ingredients we got out of my bag and hovered them over the bubbling pot, the guy told him to put it down or the results could be, well, he used the term 'explosive' Too bad for him though that Sparks wasn't even listening to him, he dropped the bag into the pot and the entire thing exploded, me and Sparks barely got out of the house, but unfortunately, so did our employer. He sat infront of his house and saw that the whole thing had collapsed, he then told me that I wasn't gonna get paid, but I kinda expected that." Colton let out a small chuckle as he remembered the next part. "But when me and Sparks left, Sparks pointed something out to me, our employer had a hole in his pocket and Sparks then spat out two bits into my hoof, it wasn't much but it was better than nothing I guessed, and thankfully we never saw that guy or his weird house again." Colton realised how long his story was and he then turned to Flux, "Sorry if that was too long, I tend to ramble when I remember the past." Colton said as he chuckled.
  10. Colton couldn't help but giggle at these stories, he had found Flux's stories very compelling an interesting, and of course funny. "Wow, sounds like an awesome place, I might have to visit whilst I'm here." Colton said as he imagined what strange events would happen if he ever saw the inside of the campus. Colton continued to listen with the greatest of interest, just imaging what the next tale would bring, and when Flux finished Colton responded to her last statement. "I wouldn't mind Flux, I got plenty of time to spare, but could I share a story I've been dying to say then you could tell me yours?" Colton asked as he waited patiently for a response.
  11. You are just awesome Ashton, you've been here since I started and it's always nice to see you on the forum
  12. Guess what guys Some teachers are on strike tommorow so that means I have nothing to do tommorow And I think I'll spend the majority of tommorow here :3
  13. "Well I guess when you put it that way Flux, it makes perfect sense." Colton said as he proceeded to look at the floor, "Sorry if I offended you in anyway." Colton said in self pity. He wanted to change the conversation to what he thought was a positive topic so he decided to enquire on Flux's university life, "What was life in Canterlot University like Flux?" Colton said as he sat back up. "I hear a lot of good things about that place, my parents actually considered applying me for it but that didn't really pan out too well." Colton said as he cringed, he quickly composed himself again though, "So anyway, you got any good stories about the place, and since your under a tutorship now do you still have contact with your friends and teachers from the university?" Colton enquired with great anticipation once more. Meanwhile upstairs Sparks was enjoying a nice apple with Cross-Stitch, he had first only ate the seeds but found that he rather liked the taste of apples and he scarfed it down his tiny gullet in seconds, he then stood and saluted with his wing, this was Sparks's way of saying that he's ready for more work.
  14. Colton was pleasantly surprised towards the groups friendliness. Colton shuddered at the Professors story, "Wow Prof. I can't imagine a day without my wings." Colton looked around more, he had began to warm up after a long nights travel, he composed himself and continued, "A cure for poison joke though Prof. that's well, that's amazing." Colton said as he smiled. "I've heard some pretty strange stuff on my travels, but this is just...wow, how did you even manage that, and how exactly did you change back?" Colton asked with great anticipation.
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