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Conor Colton

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Posts posted by Conor Colton

  1. Update

    Okay...Just putting it out there that this is NOT a dead project...Even though I have been putting it off for...two months... :-|

    But I'm here to tell you that Chapter 8 is coming! And it is coming soon! I have neglected this for too long and for those of you who have been waiting, I apologize and promise I will work my tail off to get this project back on track!

    And...you probably guessed the submitting to Equestria Daily did not prove successful :(

    But! That isn't going to deter me...anymore! So I promise to have Chapter 8 out by the end of this weekend or early Monday!

    And for those of you who have bared with me (...Which I'm guessing is not a lot :blush: ) Thank you :)

  2. Digital artist = Awesome

    Gamer who likes TF2 = Awesomer

    In favor of BLU spy = Awesomes-

    I'll just stop myself there, that could go on forever :)

    Welcome to Canterlot :D

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  3. Colton chuckled along with Fleet's giggling as she flew into a conveniently or rather, inconveniently chunk of cloud. He followed closely behind her back to her place, still with Sparks resting in his mane; Colton making sure that he didn't hit any chunks of cloud either.

    Colton stood next to Fleet as he rooted through some of her boxes, chuckling at her sneeze and not long after, Sparks let out a similar, all be it cute and chirpy sneeze. He smirked at Fleet's reason for having so many miscellaneous boxes, "How unfortunate for you." He stated sarcastically as he continued to wonder what Fleet had planned to give him...What she was about to do, Colton couldn't have prepared for in the slightest.

    When the mare presented a pair of goggles, Colton wondered at first what significance they had. However as Fleet began to explain more and more, Colton's expression grew more and more astounded. He shook himself and had to get Sparks to peck him to make sure this was real...The bird did it without Colton's consent but the effort was there none the less.

    He took the goggles carefully into his hooves, then looked up to Fleet, speechless...for about a few seconds anyway, "Fleet I...I don't know what to say...Wonderbolts...goggles..." The Pegasus once again shook his head but this time afterwards he tried to eye wear on. He didn't put them fully over his eyes, just around his ears and resting in his mane, he cleaned off the dust and looked through them, they were surprisingly clear.

    "Wow Fleet...thank you...I don't actually have a pair of goggles myself but...these are amazing. Thank you soo much." He exclaimed happily as he returned the goggles to a lifted position in his mane. Sparks couldn't help himself, he dashed forward and hugged Fleet...though given his size it was more of a splat on her neck with outstretched wings rather than an actual hug.

  4. I don't really think Hasbro's refusing to acknowledge the bronies; I was watching a stream about the upcoming brony documentary with John de Lancie and Lauren Faust was guest speaker, I can't quote her exactly but I'm pretty certain she mentioned about talking to Hasbro executives and saying that they're very much in favor of bronies...or like and acknowledge them to some degree.

    But then again, yeah, at the core of it they are a business and business' and since their key demographic is little girls I can see why they feel the need to release so many DVDs for just two seasons...but yeah, it does seem a bit much with this whole untapped potential of the fandom :/

    Then again I haven't really looked into the DVD situation much, given that I still haven't found any over here -.- So I still might be off on a few details but it does look like they've dropped the ball. :P

  5. Colton's eyes and ears perked up as Fleet seemed to bring the conversation back into a positive light. He was rather amazed that she could veer a conversation in such a cheery direction after such a serious subject matter. He shrugged it off however and smiled before responding to her question.

    "The flight suits? Ah, they're great. It's to be expected since we're sponsored but a clothing company but...Wow. Very aerodynamic as well, you'd be surprised. On the ground you can feel that you're wearing a uniform but when you're up in the air it feels like it's not even there!" He exclaimed excitedly as he returned to his cheery demeanor.

    He tilted his head slight at Fleet's last statement, he wondered for a second exactly what she could be talking about but he couldn't come to a solid conclusion as to what it could be. So he simply nodded and replied, "Well...I'm pretty much ready now...I say we head out." He replied eagerly before leaving a few bits on the tray that came with their 'shakes.

  6. ((...It is? :-| ))

    Colton was rather disorientated by what just happened, Crescent was there one second, and gone the next. He knew what he had to do and was admittedly, a tad nervous, given that this situation had just been put in his care. He didn't want to look incapable though, otherwise who knows what could go wrong...So he nodded to Crescent as he left before turning back to the rest of the group. He decided he should introduce to these two new ponies, Cosmopolitan and Snap Shot. He extended a friendly hoof to the both.

    "Hi, nice too meet you both, I'm Colton...Or Kicks as these guys say it." He stated as he stood back, realizing he had no idea what was going on or where he was going next, he was in a sort of haze from his fast and rude awakening this morning.

    "So, where do we start then?" He asked the group, Cosmo and Snap in particular.

  7. Colton began speaking more seriously as well. He dipped his head down slightly before responding. "You envy me? Huh...what irony...I can understand the whole family thing but...well, you're famous. I mean the 'Blades have some notoriety but we'll never be as big as the 'Bolts, not by a long shot." Colton led into before putting one of his front hooves over the other on the table.

    "And trust me...I don't think you should be envious over the whole family thing. Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance, with all my heart but...there's always that anxiety, y'know?" Colton added before leaning back in his chair and sighing.

    "But...I guess that's a given at this point..." He led into before smiling, "And I could be in a lot worse situations." He said jokingly before chuckling, "I'm probably just being dumb about the whole thing...I should be ecstatic about having a family!" He finished with a wide grin.

  8. Colton Cloudkicker, Right Wing of the Aeroblades...was in a bit of a rush. He had a late night and as a result, had involuntarily slept in for the big Aeroblades interviews today. He flew as fast as his wings could carry him, narrowly dodging a few buildings as well as some ponies. The pegasus was in such a hurry that he wasn't accompanied by his pet sparrow Sparks on this occasion.

    The pegasus skidded against the floor, managing to get into the last piece of his uniform as he reached his intended destination. He took a moment to compose himself, took a deep breath, and entered.

    Almost instantly he spotted some familiar ponies, he sighed contently and trotted over, "Hey guys...I'm not late, am I?" He asked a tad sheepishly.

  9. Colton smiled as Starflower asked that question in particular.

    "Well...For the moment...yes. I'm staying at this one inn for now but, to answer your question better, no I don't like closeby." He waited for a reaction before explaining.

    "You see...I don't live anywhere, really. I'm a traveller, an adventurer somepony might call it. Ever since I was old enough to go out on my own, me and Sparks have been going all across Equestria. And..." Colton led into before taking out a journal from his saddlebags.

    "We keep it all in this little journal." He stated before gently placing it on the table and opening to a random page. "All of it's in there..." He finished with a grin.

  10. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from...

    But like Weesh and I said...if he refuses to listen then make it VERY clear to him about you feeling uncomfortable...Like don't take any other answer other than that he'll be more careful next time for your sake.

    But you do love him a lot and if he feels the same way then I'm sure it could be worked out...Long distance relationships are still relationships and they need a mutual understanding and respect to work.

    Don't know if this advice is actually helping but there it is regardless.

  11. Well...this is a problem...

    And don't feel bad about 'dumping' your problems here...It is a community f relatively friendly people so you have nothing to worry about.

    Sorry to hear that you're in such a bad position right now, and the only thing I really can offer is advice so...here goes.

    If you like this guy, great, fantastic. But if he's making you feel uncomfortable in anyway, you need to tell him off about it. You said he's helped to boost your confidence so use that confidence to set...well...not boundaries per say, just lay down a line that he knows he shouldn't cross or he'll just make you uncomfortable and you obviously don't like that.

    And if you're dad doesn't approve right now, I'm sure he'll come around eventually. I very much doubt he's doing this strictly out of spite for you or him, he's a parent after all so he probably doesn't want you getting hurt with this sort of long distance relationship. If he is doing this out of spite then just forget about him, 'cause if a parent acts like that then they wouldn't be worth the bother.

    But, above all else...Just do what makes you happy I guess...If he makes you feel uncomfortable at times then tell him and don't accept any other argument or get pushed over, if you have a problem with it, voice it. If he cares about you then he'll take it in a mature and orderly manner...That's all I can really say...

    Hope it helped somewhat.

  12. Colton nodded along, listening carefully to Fleet's answer. He could empathise quite a bit, not soo much with the not doing well in crowds but the training. Colton also finished his shake and put it to one side before replying.

    "No no, it's fine...I asked for the Wonderbolts and that's what I got." Colton stated with a smile as he nudged Sparks to see it he was alive. The bird twitched so Colton felt at ease about that anyway.

    "I think I got a good picture now." Colton led into before thinking for a second and continuing, "Makes me wonder if us 'Blades'll ever hit the high time like that, the adoring fans, amazing parties..." Colton wondered for a second before continuing.

    "If that were to ever happen though...Imagine the time it would take out of my life...Hardly enough to have a family..." He thought aloud before turning back to Fleet, "Well...you seem to manage alright so I guess I could too." He finished with a grin.

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