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Conor Colton

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Posts posted by Conor Colton

  1. "Name and position? Okay, Crescent...I'm not going all military with it though..." The pegasus thought before clearing his throat and sounding off.

    "Colton Cloudkicker, you guys can call me Kicks, right wing." He stated with a smile to the rest of the group, "But some of you guys already know that." He continued, still smiling. Sparks jutted his head out of his master's mane and Colton felt the need to introduce him as well.

    "And this is Sparks the Sparrow, you guys can call him Sparks, little wings." He chuckled as he gave the bird a pat on the head.

  2. Hello everypony, Conor Colton here :)

    The other day I had probably one of the greatest experiences of my life...And I'm not exaggerating in the slightest here. I had probably the most delicious dessert I have ever tasted.

    I don't usually have dessert with my dinners so this came as a shock to me when I opened my fridge one evening and saw a massive chocolate fudge cake. I instantly wanted to nom the whole thing right there but I had to sit though the agonising process of finishing my actual dinner...

    But when that was out of the way, sweet Celestia that cake was delicious :kissy:

    But I'm rambling so I'll get to the point. That got me thinking...What would you all say was the most delicious dessert you have ever had? :D

  3. Colton continued following along, marvelling at the magnificence of the house.

    He looked behind him and saw his fellow Aeroblades enjoying some light conversation, he smiled widely. To him, it was nice to see the team enjoying themselves in an unfamiliar environment, and the fact that he didn't mess up as temporary leader was an added bonus as well.

    When Crescent made his grand entrance, Colton stood at attention. "Hey Crescent." He stated with a smile, wondering if he should have been soo formal, Colton wasn't one to be formal anyway. He glanced briefly at the mare next to his higher up, "Ah, so this is the notorious Felicity Lace." He thought.

    "Just holding down the fort I suppose, you take it from here Crescent." Colton said with a smile.

  4. Welcome to Canterlot, Takoto.

    Always awesome seeing another artist coming in.

    I checked those links and I have to say, I really like your style, particularly the pony art and the OC's. I can't wait to see more of it around here :D

    I immensely hope you enjoy your stay :)

  5. Colton was rather pleased that everything was going smoothly at this point. He was also pleasantly surprised when Straight Lace called upon a few servants to bring their things in. However, Colton was only carrying a saddlebag so he insisted that he should carry, "Oh that's alright, I got this one, thank you." He stated with a smile to one of the servants and proceeded to follow Straight into the manor.

    Colton had seen some fancy houses in his time but even he had to say, "Wow" at the splendour that was Lace Manor. He continued following, walking between the team and Straight. As he did walk though, despite the lovely scenery, all he could think of was Crescent's whereabouts. He knew he was in the manor as he saw him enter earlier. "What is he up to?" Colton wondered as he continued walking.

    He heard voices from upstairs, one sounding very familiar and one that was undoubtedly female, that's when it clicked, he had remembered Crescent mentioning one 'Felicity Lace' "Huh...you'd think a house like this would have thicker walls." He stated to himself as he continued to follow.

  6. Colton turned quickly as he witnessed Crescent flying overhead. He found it odd that Crescent wouldn't join his team at the front gates but instead go ahead on his own, "...What is he up to?" Colton thought to himself.

    He stopped wondering however when he saw none other than Sky Flare approached. With a fiery trail behind him and a rather smooth landing, Colton walked up to his friend to greet and extend his congratulations for such an entrance. "Wow, nice one there, Sky. You been working on that? 'Cause that was awesome." He smiled enthusiastically.

    Colton then stopped and had a look around, it would seem everypony was here, from what he had gathered this was the Aeroblades at it's fullest. He wondered where Fleetfoot was but then remembered the fact she was a WonderBolt. With Crescent seemingly preoccupied at the moment, Colton remembered his duties as right wing so he decided to try and get the wheels turning.

    "Okay, everypony, looks like we're all here. Pleasure to meet all of you, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get acquainted and reacquainted inside. Besides, it's cold as heck out here." He stated with a slight chuckle. He turned back to Straight Lace, "Looks like we're all here Mr. Lace." He stated confidently.

  7. Flim Flam Brothers :)

    I don't know why but they just instantly came to mind. I like how they don't need any specific 'super powers' to be good villains. They're absolute con-ponies to the core and I just love that :D

    You can say a lot about a pair of villains who deceive almost an entire town with their silver tongues and a catchy musical number :P

  8. All of a sudden, Colton was surrounded by unfamiliar ponies. He had expected Crescent, or Sky Flare, or even Fleetfoot. He wasn't complaining however since it was nice to see the rest of the team he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet. He gave each of them a respectable smile and an answer to some of their introductions.

    "Hey. Nice to meet all you, name's Colton Cloudkicker. But all you guys can call me Kicks if you want...that's what everypony else on the team seems to be calling me anyway." He stated with a light chuckle. "So some of you guys are the reserve team I've heard about, right? If that's the case, or not, nice to finally meet you guys." He stated with a smile.

    It seemed that one of the ponies was familiar with another so Colton decided to turn his attention to their host for the day, Straight Lace. He shook the sponsor's extended hoof and responded to him, "Nice to finally meet you too, Mr Lace. Look forward to working with ya." He said, trying to sound rather mannerly.

  9. (OOC: Now this is going to be fun :D)

    Colton Cloudkicker, newly designated Right-Wing of core team of the Aeroblades had received his first major task...Picking up his suit. The pegasus had travelled along with the team from Cloudsdale to Canterlot. With him he had brought a few saddlebags of personal effects, along with suitcases full of essentials that were currently with his fiancée, Quantum Flux as he had to see to this...suit fitting.

    Colton had arrived at the gates of Lace manor, the rather luxurious home of the Aeroblades sponsor, Straight Lace, the proud owner of a clothing company. Colton looked around as he arrived at the large outside gates. He was accompanied by his companion and pet, Sparks the sparrow. The two of them marvelled at the magnificence of the grand estate.

    Every bush looked manicured by hoof and the house wasn't anything to gawk at either, "...Wow." Colton said as he gazed upon the manner, Sparks mimicking his gaze rather accurately. In the back of his mind, Colton felt a tad apprehensive. He could see that he was the first of the Aeroblades to arrive and...well...Colton and rich ponies didn't exactly mix very well. It all depended on how said rich pony acted but in the past he had had some less than savoury encounters with those of the 'higher class'.

    Colton was about to go and request entry but he saw somepony coming down the path, seemingly to greet him and most likely the rest of the Aeroblades when they arrived, "Who's that?" Colton whispered to Sparks to which the bird simply shrugged.

    "Well...might as well see what happens and wait for the rest of the team." He stated to himself.

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