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Conor Colton

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Posts posted by Conor Colton

  1. "Hey there, my names Colton Cloudkicker, and this is my little buddy Sparks." Colton stated as he pointed out his bird, "Pleasure to meet you." Colton said as he held out a hoof.

    Colton examined Cross-Stitch trying to get a mental image of what he were like, Colton was always a good judge of character. He looked about the store and found it quite charming, adorned with garments and suits that you would only see V.I.P's wear, all in all Colton was very impressed.

    "I gotta say, it's a very fine establishment you have here Cross-Stitch, very charming indeed." Sparks pecked Colton on the head once more and then pointed at the torn coat inside Colton's pouch. Colton reached in and pulled it out with his mouth presenting it to Cross-Stitch.

    "I was just wondering if you could fix this coat up for me." Colton said as he was back on track. Colton then glanced around a bit and he noticed something, no customers, newest clothes, flustered attendant. He then asked, "If you don't me asking Cross-Stitch, is this store new, and if so, am I your first customer?"

  2. Colton, the white pelted, blue maned pegasus was passing on through Canterlot as he had done many times on his travels, with his pet brown and white sparrow Sparks following closely behind.

    Usually Colton would just buy some provisions and ask for directions on where to go next, but he had other business in Canterlot. On his way to Canterlot Colton had had a slight 'mishap' involving a tree and his custom made coat was torn in two, so now Colton was stuck looking for a tailor to help him.

    Colton walked through the bustling streets of the magnificent city, no matter how many times he saw it, it never really got old in his eyes. Colton and Sparks wandered aimlessly about the market, looking for a tailor that would suit their needs, Colton had visited other tailors before and knew where the were but he was always keen on trying new things.

    The two wandered a little longer until Sparks tugged on Colton's ear, "Ouch, seriously buddy, you gotta stop doing that!" Colton said in a stern voice. Sparks didn't respond and pointed out to Colton a small shop. Colton examined the shop window and said to his little friend, "The Perfect Fit? You think it's a tailor buddy?" Sparks pecked Colton's head as he was sure that it was obvious that it was, "Alright I get it." Colton stated as he swatted away his friend, "Your lucky the only reason you ain't on a plate is cause I wouldn't want anypony to have the discomfort of tasting you." Colton said in a light hearted, jokey tone.

    Colton opened the shop door and peeked in, Sparks doing the same, "Uh excuse me? Anypony here?"

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