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Conor Colton

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Posts posted by Conor Colton

  1. "Fascinating Prof. I travel a bit myself, I just came to Ponyville because I'm looking fo-" Colton stopped himself mid sentence and quickly and awkwardly composed himself, "I mean, uh, I'm here on business, I was transferred to Ponyville's weather team from Cloudsdale." Colton stated as he hoped nopony would notice his obvious slip up.

    Colton begged for a distraction, and luckily he got one. A small chirping noise came from his coat pocket and he immediately rushed over and pulled out his pet sparrow, Sparks, a brown and white bird with a slanted beak. "Sorry about that little buddy, you must have dozed off and I forgot about ya." Colton said whilst letting out a small, fake chuckle. Colton suddenly remembered his company, "Oh sorry, this is Sparks, say hello to them buddy." Sparks was still angry at Colton and ignored him.

    Colton shrugged and put the little guy down on the table, "By the way Prof, are pets allowed, because if they aren't then I'm sorry." Colton stated nervously as he always had trouble making first impressions.

  2. "Ok listen Sparks, I want you to be on your best behaviour, alright?" Colton pleaded with his pet sparrow, to which the little brown and white creature nodded. "Good, now come on, we got a pet show to get to."

    Colton and Sparks arrived at the pet show ecstatic, Sparks was so excited he was doing little acrobatic dances in the air, "Something tells me that your gonna enjoy the show eh Sparks." Colton said in a playful tone. The two looked around for where to sign up, confused on where to go as they were relatively new to Ponyville, Sparks tugged on Colton's ear, "Ouch Sparks, watch it!" Sparks then pointed towards two ponies and one filly. "Good idea Sparks, maybe they know what's going on."

    Colton and Sparks approached the dark coated unicorn with blue hair cautiously, not wanting to make a bad first impression.

    "Excuse me friend, uh, is this where we sign up?" Colton asked in a shy voice.

  3. (Hope you guys don't mind if I jump in)

    Colton, the white coated, blue haired pegasus had finally arrived in Fillydelphia, Colton travelled a lot and wanted to see what this charming place had to offer as he was passing through.

    "Hmm...let's see here, were to begin?" Colton asked himself as he looked around for anything of interest to him. He walked for a while and scanned the area until he saw a small stand that was being observed by two ponies and being handled by a paint stallion. He saw the two ponies admiring some jewellery and he thought that he could find a good souvenir to remind him of this place.

    He cautiously walked up to the stand and asked the paint stallion," Uh....excuse me, I was wondering if you have any souvenirs you'd be willing to sell." Colton asked as he tried not to say anything wrong with fears of offending somepony.

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