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Conor Colton

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Posts posted by Conor Colton

  1. Colton was resting at the inn on the other side of town, he had been out late last night and as a result, was eager to sleep most of the day away, he had only planned one thing for that day, attending the race.

    Colton rustled about in his bed, trying to find a comfortable way to lie down, he flailed his hooves about trying to get comfortable in some way, whilst he did this however he unwillingly flung his bedroom blinds up nearly blinding him with sunlight as he fell out of bed.

    "Ouch! Stupid sun, why are you even that high up yet, it's only supposed to be mor-" Colton stopped himself and realised the mistake he made, Colton wasn't one to quit however. He flung open his window and flew as fast as he could to the race track but to no avail as nopony was there.

    Colton sulked about Ponyville for a while, he was relatively new to the place and had hoped that attending the race would help him make some friends in this unfamiliar place. He walked for while, staring at the floor, going over in his head how he could of been so stupid. And then he remembered. There was talks of having an after party, this was his chance. He asked around until he knew the location. He rushed over to the party, hoping that he wasn't late this time, but in his ignorance and excitement he forgot to look where he was flying, if he did he would of realized that he was heading straight for Lyra and Bon Bon.

    Colton realized his near mistake and quickly turned to try and avoid the two, which he successful managed to do, but only putting him in the direct path of a tree. Colton smashed his head against the hard bark and created a hole in the tree, which he was then wedged in.

    "Uh....hello? Anypony.....help?"

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