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Everything posted by MicroChip

  1. I must say, you do a good job rolling to death. 9.2 I couldn't give a perfect score as you din't manage to die.
  2. Who is this? That avi style...and that name rings a bell...Why do I know almost everyone in your sig? Must be a coincidence. Just like the other 3+ people that gave me exactly the same feeling.
  3. I hate myself. I stay up all night because of the following logic: 1. I have a huge project due in the morning so I'll stay up to finish it. 2. Ohhhhhh. Ponieeeeeees........ 3: Gah!?!? Where'd that hour go? 4: I need to finish my project, so I'll stay up! 5: Is that pony? .... .... .... And I've been stuck in that horrible loop. It's 6am and my project is still only halfway done. Ponies.....
  4. *Looks over his newspaper.* Glad to see someone appreciates my new pillow table. How are you this fine random time of day?
  5. If your lucky, you might find one that managed to run away. I could look into finding fruit, but tea is standard here, being available at most times.
  6. Hello and welcome! I see you bought food. Please, place it on the table with the rest and we'll get this party going. Anyone seen Pegasus? We need some fresh tea over here stat!
  7. Boo? Nay, I say Bravo! If only to annoy you.
  8. That would be running and screaming. Hi Angie!
  9. I'm now left with a disturbing image of a pony with a strangest dress sense ever.
  10. I just know that today is the day to gorge myself with chocolate, and impress everyone with my mastery of egg dishes (they're not normally appreciated).
  11. You probably will be. However, I'll need a bit of info and personality and the like as I'm hardly around when you are, so I can't build up a full character yet.
  12. If it makes you any happier, you were the inspiration for that part.
  13. Here's the first part of my story. I have a lot more written, I just want some input on the opening.
  14. Angie made a picture with a bunch of us. It's in her gallery. I have no idea if you're in it, as I don't feel like staring at it. http://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/2169-friendest-friends/
  15. Allow me to answer everything: So far, a day in the life type of story, but I have ideas.... Yes. Hood, yes. Smile, no, but now that you mention it, I'm adding it. Er....Black. BECAUSE.
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