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Everything posted by MicroChip

  1. Me too. I even signed an online petition to have David Tennant do it.
  2. I'm looking forward to exactly the same thing....so much slenderman....
  3. Apparently they got a letter from Hasbro saying that they had to show stuff pertaining to MLP G1-G3.5 just as much at G4.
  4. I keep getting hit with obvious April Fools jokes! (I did hesitate with EQD's big one, though)
  5. And to top off my night of fright, another pony.mov just came out!
  6. I'm fine...of course I'm fine..... help me
  7. That's so riveting! There are so many questions. What DID happen to the forest? Did the rabbit mean anything to the unicorn? Why did the flames sound like lightsabers? Did....did the unicorn literally explode into tears at the end? Why does the whole thing leave me sitting back with an extremely perplexed expression? I MUST KNOW!!!
  8. Can't sleep..... Watching creepypasta is a horrible idea before bed. I can't do horror films, because they're to "fake". But some of the good things online has left me shaking. Now all my lights are on (so much for earth day), and my head hurts from jumping with surprise and hitting it so many times. *Look around nervously to make sure Penumbra isn't around*
  9. I'm trying to get a Doctor Whooves Shirt, but my card's been acting stupid.
  10. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it had something to do with you being a donator.
  11. MicroChip


    Epic. I love Flutershy's expression.
  12. You're trying to watch Arthur? It used to be a favorite of yours. Besides, you watch pink ponies, even buy them. Shut up you stupid little voice. And now you're watching that link. Ha. *BANG* Ow.....
  13. What's all this about nobody ever pulling an April Fools prank? It's the one day you can be a total troll (and almost a joke), and get away with it. I plan all year for this day....You have all been warned...
  14. Sorry Pegasus. But for future reference, the chat room has a link on the front page, and then you type /join #spoilers
  15. That only proves how little I know of them I'd be to busy laughing at that slogan that I'll never be able to sell anything! I'm blacking out for more then 5 seconds at a time. That usually mean's I should go to bed. G'night! I'll see anyone else that's there for the stream.
  16. It's all I can think of when I see a scary white mask. I'm terrible at my knowledge of horror. The best I've done is half of Paranormal Activity.
  17. *Holds up some marshmallows to roast over Fawkes.* As much as I try to keep from falling prey to the chaos, it doesn't mean I can't reap the benefits.
  18. I don't think it's Silent Hill. What I'm getting is something reminding me of Jason from the Halloween series.
  19. I know it's based off of something....I just can't put my finger on what. It looks great, but if I can remember what it's reminding me of, I know I'll enjoy several times more.
  20. I don't think so. What drawing are you talking about? EDIT: Goodnight Angie!
  21. I would stop me from going into epileptic shock every time you make a post
  22. Who needs sleep? Can I cut out my character from your piece of art and use it?
  23. It's the one with everyone, right? If so, I wov it! I look so cute. So does everyone else!
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