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Everything posted by MicroChip

  1. Nope never heard of it. *Begins searching for it* And I agree. Anyone who has a bad week should be able to break whatever they want when Friday rolls around. I hope that, whatever's wrong turns out for the better in the end.
  2. I think I'm missing something. All I'm getting is a mental image of a Jedi raking the lawn... It that a power in the new game?
  3. It could be just the avatar, but I don't think we've me. (We could have for all I know. I a face person, not a name one)
  4. FINALLY! The server isn't down! Because of that, I had nothing to do and got roped into joining a LOL group for a competition tomorrow. All 5 of us suck. We expect to loose 1st round. Our team name is the "League of Underachievers" That is what I do when the site goes down.
  5. And top hats. We mustn't forget the top hats.
  6. ghobe' quv vo' jIH 'oH pa' vo' naDev *Runs off to hide behind a large rock*
  7. Tenkan Heghta' Hutlh quv (I found a translator, so I can go on all day with this)
  8. jIH DIchDaq jatlh Dochmey Daq vay' Hol jIH neH
  9. What, don't you read books, Fawkes? Not even rip-offs of Indiana Jones?
  10. Isn't concurrent enrollment fun? I somewhat understand, as I did the same thing, but I was homeschooled, so I didn't have to deal with the high school side of things...
  11. In my case, it's computer engineering. Two majors, but they only let you get one. So much work... I feel for anyone with a double workload....
  12. *I'd post, but I'm watching the Brony Show Live
  13. I probably should warn AsthmaticPegasus. Things won't go well when Fawkes gets hold of him.
  14. I just skimmed a few pages with names I have never seen before. Why must everyone join when I'm gone! Whoever is someone enough to be part of everyone In this thread, that could mean most of us have a 50% chance of existence.
  15. This'll be good. I like to keep the last sliver of my mind intact, so I'll stand over here, and not get to involved. Maybe ref or something.
  16. Those of us willing to put in crazy hours will always be here for you.
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