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Everything posted by MicroChip

  1. I lied. Turns out I don't have as much homework as I thought.
  2. Well, I'm off early. I got lots of work to do.
  3. *Quickly puts back headshot with an innocent grin*
  4. I'm a fool for not seeing that coming... I like cricket.
  5. This is to much! I must put a stop to it! *Runs up an performs a roundhouse kick at the laser*
  6. In that case, what does that mean he is now? Ahha! Or did the ray not work because of this?
  7. Who get's left taking care of him? I honestly couldn't trust almost anyone here.
  8. And I thank you deeply. The craters are still on fire from last time.
  9. Am I watching the civil war meets the fall of Troy?
  10. Wow! So am I! Chips and all. I'm not even getting the sport. Just there for the ads.
  11. Ok, just finished the chapter, Conor. That little who moment at the end is golden.
  12. Conor, I'm reading it now (haven't seen the 3rd chapter). Edit: Angie: I had no clue, but probably because I never bothered looking.
  13. I seem to do that to most. That is, make them have no idea what they type. I'm not sure about the other thing, but that may be true, I suppose. I do seem to have the moral consciousness here.
  14. (OOC: A thousand apologies for taking so long, but sickness and midterms all pressed together doesn't make for time to do things like this. I should be more diligent in the future) Page chuckled as he began heading outside. "I'll make sure I do. I should be in Canterlot more often, now that I have a few customers at magic academy. I'm sure I can find out where you're digging, and make sure my route takes me past." Page looked over to Saw with a big grin. "I have to admit, I'm actually excited by the concept. The only practical application I've experienced from my readings is simple magic. And that was when an annoyed unicorn levitated me onto a roof." He chuckled lightly at the memory. "Spent the night up there," he muttered. He shook his head and turned to his companion. "I saw a cafe not to far from here that looks like it's worth a shot. But as long as they can make a decent cup of tea, I don't really care."
  15. As much as I hate to side with Fawkes on anything, before this turns in to the inevitable chaos, usually those backing him up keep more of their limbs. Isn't that a good sign of leadership. He has done nothing beyond constant poisoned boiling tea on everyone to cause true harm. Hang on, is there actually anything left in this place to burn?
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