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Everything posted by MicroChip

  1. Here, here! We can settle this in a civilized manner! As gentlemanly pistols are, I move to see what everyone else says. We all need our say, as we live here to. Chaos runs rampart, but can't we for once attempt for something that most likely won't end up with all of us in ashes? You both are apparent royalty, and there is no longer anything to show anything further. As fruitless as I know my attempt a piece shall become, I'm trying what I can.
  2. I'm still waiting for my request to finish. Then I'll actually have art for my avatar.
  3. Saved as my wallpaper. That'll keep me awake during the late nights.
  4. Mornin' Did over 10 pages really occur in the course of 8 hours?
  5. What was the channel for the irc in the end, I can't find you guys.
  6. You see, not only am I good at telling lies, I actually get others to agree without thinking they are. How THAT for lies and manipulation?
  7. I'll have you know that I can pass of misinformation in such a way that none are the wiser to my true intentions.
  8. Hang on, I think I found why the translator's broken, let me just try the regional settings. pa' maH jaH chay' 'oH vam
  9. Dang translators acting up again. Let me see if I can fix it.
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