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Posts posted by PIJIN

  1. *Sees Future Tier list*

    Oh my......... uhh, good luck LM? :razz:

    No worries! Its been worse! :smug:

    ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

    I told you you didn't have to accept mine! I didn't realize how backed up you were. :-|

    My inability to say "no" to a requester came out. :razz: Besides,, its no big deal, trust me!

    No worries. It could be for the FUTURE. :-o

    I'll add you to the first spot for tier-5 :) Though I won't be starting on those until I open up again.

    • Like 1
  2. Okay, time to answer a few questions!

    Thanks for all you guys love on the emblem/badge/thing above, glad you all like it!

    So when does the RP'ing start? :kissy:

    Well not everypony has had their characters accepted yet so it will be a bit longer before we can start. I also need to learn to write a decent RP OP, so while everyone is scrambling to get things together, I'll be brushing up on my RP skills.

    Looks like everything is set for the most part. There's been talk about how we plan to gather everypony together for the RP, which through a general consensus, advertisements in the Canterlot Times, flyers in pubs and other public places seemed the best route. While my character, Nivial can't dish out some gold hard cash and get an air ship to shovel out flyers to everyone in Canterlot, she can shovel out a few bits for quite a bit of flyers and an ad in the Times since she gets quite a bit of money from the high-class social events she works at.

    There also seems to be an idea floating around about instead of a guild master/guild adviser, the guild were to be run by a sort of Guild Council, instead, with each member of the Council presiding over and responsible for some specific aspect of the guild's function. I really don't have a problem with this, but it seems that people have a problem with the leadership positions as a whole, preferring not to take them. However, this idea of a council may yield better results, so if any one wants to apply for those, just say so.

    I should also state that, just because your pony is Guild Master/Guild Adviser doesn't mean that they don't have freedom to take jobs. They can do as they please. They are simply in a leadership role and because of that have more duties than other regular members. (Description of Guild Master and Adviser are in the thread somewhere...)

    About branches. This idea is great to, I don't have a problem with it and fully endorse it if people want it. So what would be some of the branches of the guild? I see and Alchemy Branch floating around and with Templar's Percival there could definitely be a Medical Branch, for offensive magic unicorns their could be a Offensive Branch and also a Defensive Branch for those who practice defensive magicks.

    There also seems to be some disagreement about the guild name, well if you all have any other suggestions then, please, throw them out there.

  3. hey dude. can i change my request? Steam icon of a headshot of Arcade. But he's female now (thinking of changing it). and he's also wearing a headset that looks like this

    Sure, no problem. Also, is Arcade male or female now? Also, I have no idea how large a Steam icon can be so I will need you to find out the dimensions of that for me...

  4. RPBanner4.png?t=1353561157

    ((Autumn is taking the rope!))

    [colour=#daa520]"Oh, shoot!"[/colour] Autumn Moon cursed his luck. Not only was he far behind the back, but the rain had started picking up and showed no signs of stopping. He continued running at a fast paced, determined to catch up with the front most runners, but was a bit hesitant. Any accidents now and he'd be out of the race for good. He frowned, his beautiful coat and olive colored now soaked as he come up on a bridge. Autumn stopped in his tracks, the rain was so bad that it might actually flood the bridge.

    He gulped, putting a hoof to his chin in thought. There weren't any other racers around, and the ones that crossed the bridge already would probably regret it in the long run since part of the White Tail Woods was prone to flooding, especially in intense rains like this. Autumn looked around, and smiled when he noticed a small path that led a team of pegasi. They had set up a swing rope, perfect! Straying from the bridge, Autumn trotted over to the pegasi, not wasting any time he grabbed the rope in his mouth, trying desperately to hold on by wrapping some length of the rope around his hooves. He took a off across the brook.,. What was usually a calm peaceful place had tuned violent as a result of the torrential storm overhead and it was evident more than ever as large splashes of water jumped on to Autumn's back hooves.

    [colour=#daa520]"There's no way we can continue the race if this keeps up..."[/colour]

  5. Listened to the podcast before I could even put pants on...

    Thoroughly enjoyed this episode, it was so full of hype! Chrysalis was a rather out of the blue answer, but she is quite a good character, and dat giggle. Having these two on he CV was definitely a good call. It was very informative about how to RP and gave me a bit of insight into RP'ing. I must say, I must be the rudest person alive because I do skim post, because some people write the longest bucking post that, even though I'm the biggest noob when it comes to RP, in no way shape or form are relevant besides the sake for being long. So if there's a problem with me feels on that, well, challenge accepted.

    On a more light-hearted note, it was nice hearing about the most popular/active RP's. I really don't have time to read a lot of these RP's so it was good to actually get them to drop a few lines about what goes on there and wouldn't mind a section about it for each podcast. I'm more likely to visit each CV thread than to go visit the RP section.

    I personally loved to many Pinkie Pie's, her being my second favorite pony. Amazing references, the finger the creeped the buck, that's nightmare fuel to little kids folk. And I for one would LOVE if an army of Pinkie's invaded my home.

    The IRL Thread is awesome, I had a few post with pictures up, but I took them down because (being disambiguous is fun!) And only those who actually heard my voice those two times (one being the CV) know that I may or may not be male (possibility I used a voice changer or that wasn't me at all, your call) :twisted:

    Also, thanks for the shout out, I really didn't deserve it and it was quite the surprise. :)

    Another great podcast as always with two great guest!

    th_AutumnJumpGIF-1.gif?t=1353478375AWESOME PODCAST YOU GUYS, CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT!

    • Like 1
  6. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Autumn stayed silent. He wasn't sure whee to begin, with the strange bassist scratching his afro or White Feather giving a rather complicated, at least in his mindset at the moment, as to what happened. [colour=#daa520]"I think..."[/colour] Autumn began. [colour=#daa520]"I think I just need a moment to think."[/colour] He removed his mass from White Feather's own and pushed her out, a bit o dust being kicked up from her sliding on the grassy terrain beneath their hooves. He quickly zipped the tent's opening and a soft noise was heard, most likely from him plopping down on the sleeping bag. After that, not another sound was heard.

  7. CafRPBanner-1.png?t=1353443835


    [colour=#800080]"Oh, goodie! The steamed hay buns are done."[/colour] This was the atmosphere Café fell in love with, a low chatter, the smell of freshly baked goods and light brewed coffee This was the Lite As Air Café, and she was it's baker. A very important part of the establishment, she was tasked with steaming, cooking, baking and preparing the delicious confectioneries that flooded through the cafe. This was her specialty and she loved every minute of it.

    Café's ears perked at the call for a steamed bun. Being so far in the back on the cafe, she had learned to listen carefully for what customers wanted, some thought she was a mind reader at times, but she assured them she was nothing of the sort. She walked out from her little corner of the cafe, carefully placing the tray of fresh steamed buns on her back. [colour=#800080]"Um, everypony. I've brought the steamed buns for those who wanted some."[/colour] Café walked up to her boss, Ginger Kick's, side, giving her a quick smile before focusing on the customer she was conversing with, a griffon, rather small compared to the ones Café had seen. [colour=#800080]"Excuse me, sir. But was it you who requested a steamed bun?"[/colour]

  8. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Well, this here was a fall-weather bummer. A short time after Autumn Moon passed by the strange cherry blossom tree, the once mildly-annoying drizzle of cherry blossoms transformed into a torrent. Every few minutes, a bolt of lightning lit up the grey-colored heavens and summoned the sharp crack of thunder. For all of Autumn's earlier bluster about facing a thunderstorm, the earth pony found himself slowing down his canter, before suddenly hearing a soft voice from above.

    Autumn shook his head, his eyes still closed as he suddenly woke and sat up violently. What, where was he now?

    Autumn glanced around the room, spotting White Feather looking at him with a concerned look. He didn't speak, only staring at her for a brief moment before moving on to survey the rest of his surroundings. He was...back in the tent? What happened to the tree? His ears began to register sounds as he listened to the sounds of a light blowing wind, and a...bass guitar? Autumn crawled from his sleeping back, past White Feather and poked his head out of the tent opening, slowing looking up at a stallion, tuning a bass guitar. [colour=#daa520]"Who're you?!"[/colour] Autumn said reeling back into White Feather as he finally expressed his confusion in words. [colour=#daa520]"What's happening? How'd I get here? The tree? WHAT'S GOING ON!?"[/colour]

  9. It sounds like you've had a lot of practice, it's no wonder you're seem like you've mastered it. Have you ever taken art classes before, regardless of whether they were official lessons or otherwise?

    Uh...I've taken quite a few lessons over the years. I took classes in animation over the summer a few years back (stop motion, flash, etc), while in high school I took art classes for three years (by the same lady =.=, but she was awesome!) I've been practicing artsy stuff ever since I was a wee lad (3 years old) which is where most of my experience comes from. I currently get a lot of my practice from the requesters thats request in my request thread. (Say that ten times fast) I'm also taking classes in university as graphic design major and plan to go back for a slew of other things.

    :shifty: I have FAR from mastered the art. There are more experienced and far more talented artist here than more. (I am no where near the skill level that these artist are, very beautiful works) Check out Dunes, BrianBlackBerry, Twimsy, BrainBySaucepans, NemisisPon3, and the slew of other artist that post in the gallery. A few of them actually have request threads of their own that you might want to check out.

  10. Nope, the only reason I'd pick one up is for the new Majora's Mask game. It doesn't look all that appealing and I'm not really into handhelds all that much except for PKMN. Actually, thinking about it now, they will be coming out with some PKMN games for the Wii U so I will be getting one. :blush:

  11. @LovinMoonlight Yeppers, she did draw mah oc. Were actually intanet friends. Unfortunately, no supercell in not A7X, supercell is more like Jpop than heavy rock.

    Her drawing style is quite interesting, I like it!

    Even better! Nothing like Asian pop, especially J-Pop! Have any other J-music bands in mind besides just J-Pop?

  12. So, LM, I can see that you're an artist too! How long have you been displaying your art to the internet?

    Hm, I've been on the internet for a while now. Before I came to Canterlot, I had an old DeviantArt page which I don't post to anymore. I don't tend to branch out and post anywhere, but Canterlot sadly... (I'm rambling, again...) To answer your question I've been posting on the internet for about 5 years.

  13. Welcome to the magical would of Equestria! Even more specifically, Canterlot (we best city)! My name is Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance :aubrey: !

    What other anime have you watched? I' partial to Fairy Tail at the moment, but I've seen K-On! and Lucky Star as well. If Supercell is anything like A7X, then I will have to check them out. :D I'm going to take a guess and say this, "Papyrus" drew your avatar, huh?

  14. @LovinMoonlight: Yep, I drew the avatar! I actually made a whole range of emotions for RPs on Ponychan, but I came here instead. I don't really have it posted anywhere, but PM me if you want some sketches! :smirk:

    Seriously? I will definitely ask you for those! I've never been to Ponychan though (Canterlot was kind of my first and only forum love), but we're all happy to have you here!

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