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Posts posted by PIJIN

  1. Gee, Michael sure looks a lot like Sonic The Hedgehog ;)

    More like Tails actually, but meh.

    I was wondering if some artists here would like to draw my OCs.

    That is...if that's ok with you all...

    Well this is kind of a pony forum so I think many artist might stick to drawing ponies, nonetheless, you obviously have SRG's cooperation! ;)

  2. Well folks, the three day weekly school grind is over for me! I will be starting request tomorrow and pushing them out through out the week. I plan to get at the most tier-1 and tier-2 done by Sunday and hopefully get a bit of a start on tier-3.

    Just a quick status update for everypony and if you have any questions or concerns then please let me know

  3. Hi there, LM!

    I really like this app, and there are very few errors with it. However, I did notice a few tiny things. Firstly, you didn't put a species header before your title. You also have some weird formatting things going on with your spacing. However, none of this is a very big deal at all. Other than that I see pretty much no problems with this application and I think it's simply terrific! Nice work as always! :D

    actually, my species header is there, I added it a little while after, most likely while you were replying. As for the spacing, its done purposely because I really don't like the wall of text thing I tend to do.

  4. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Café (Pronounced as Kafie)

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: A simple shade of violet that also matches the colour of the bows she wears.

    Coat: A very light tint of violet. She tends to keep it in pristine condition with many hours of care.

    Mane/Tail: Her mane and tail are very bright sky-blue, sporting shiny ribbons the same colour as her eyes. Her mane and tail and both rather long, her mane being tied in a ponytail.

    Physique: Just like the buns Café makes, her body is delicate and simple. She doesn't have much strength to speak of and would rather not be bothered with overly physical endeavors.

    Residence: She was born and raised in Cloudsdale where she lives in her parent’s bakery/home.

    Occupation: Café is the full time baker for the Cloudsdale stationed cafe, "Lite as Air", owned by her boss, Ginger Kick.

    Cutie Mark:


    Her cutie mark is a light tan, almost brown, steamed bun with a wisp of white steam coming from it to form a heart. It symbolizes her love for baking not just steamed buns but all sorts of baked goods, adding in her delicate touch to bake them to perfection.

    Her cutie mark story is a simple one. Her family owned a bakery called the Café Bakery that was known for its wondrous baked goods, which were sold to numerous cafes in the area, hence the name. It was no surprise that Café would soon join the family businesses, thus her mother began to teach her techniques used to bake the family's goods.

    She thoroughly enjoyed her experience, and loved how her food came out, yet she felt as if she was emulating what has been done in their family for generations and wished to create her own style of baking. Under the cover of night, Café slipped out from her bed to the kitchen where she began to try out various ways of baking, starting with steamed buns.

    They came out burnt and sometimes mushy and lopsided, that was until she decided maybe baking them to long wasn't the way to get the result she wanted, but baking them for only a few minutes would was what she needed! Thus she gained her mark, and a very light and steamy bun recipe that she incorporates not all her baked goods.


    Café was born to two pegasi ponies, her mother Dainty Finish and her father Tasteful Wonder. They were very protective of her during her foal hood and onward, yet they allowed her to attend flight camp. Unfortunately they were practically breathing down here neck as she took classes, which hindered her progress.

    As a youngster, Café had always been interested in the family businesses and was a wonder when it came to helping out with various chores. She was always a gem with customers who loved her cute demeanor and helpful nature to anypony who walked through the doors of the bakery.

    Into her older years, Café had no plans of ever leaving her parents to seek a life of her own. That was until she noticed a rather old cafe by the name of "The Cracked Cup.", at least that's what she could make out by the looks of the decrepit sign that hung just approve her head. No one except her had ever tasted her new style of baked goods and working in a cafe would help her spread her goods to anyone who visited.

    She entered the cafe to meet a pegasus pony with freckles across the bridge of her nose and promptly pleaded to became the new baker. She was eagerly given the job and now is a very important part of making what is now the "Lite as Air" cafe run smoothly!

    She still however lives with her parents, finding it hard to leave them, or the cute little bakery she loved so much behind.

    Character Summary:

    Café isn't the most outstanding of ponies. She can be a ditz at times and has spawned a nasty habit of being clumsy which leads to some interesting moments. She is very soft spoken and rather naive because of her parents’ protectiveness. She has much to learn about the world, but while working at the "Lite as Air" cafe she has learned so much, coming out of her quite nature to bloom and goof around with the customers of the cafe. She loves what she does and wouldn't trade it for the world. If you’re feeling down she will be there to greet you with a smile and a platter full of her fluffy steamed buns!


    • Like 1
  5. LM! Rarity's mane is purple! You little~!!! DX

    'No GAK zone.' You're doing it wrong.

    Exaggerated! That's the word I've used in the first place. Exactly the same.

    Although you like... hovered over the Creative Threads section. ._.


    Rarity's doing it wrong.

    Everypony knows the best colour purple is Twilight Purple. They even have a crayon named after it.

    • Like 1
  6. SOOPRISE...

    :20: I WIN, BELLOSH! :20:


    How's about this time around, Twilight lazing about on the beach reading a good book and maybe my OC Autumn Moon doing something random in the water? I have a few references for Autumn, but they aren't really relevant because his mane and tail style are constantly changing so you can draw them in whatever style you'd like. He doesn't t always wear the same thing, but its up to you what you put him in, if anything. A the most, he'd be wearing a frilly sun hat and a pair of shades off his eyes.


    Autumn Moon:


    His cutie mark, just in case:


    He's also on tumblr, http://askautumnmoon.tumblr.com/; He usually has some type of bow or ribbon in his mane so he's easy to pick out.

    Thanks in advance :)

    I'll be sitting next round out to give other people a chance to get some work in, also if there are any other request you want done just post them. I'm sure the artist that no doubt stalk your thread will be happy to oblige! Thanks in advance!

  7. Hm, well I think I've done lurking around this thread, and if it's alright with you...I'll go ahead and make a request.

    If you'd be so kind, how's about My OC Autumn Moon dressing up an annoyed Twilight Sparkle in something frilly?

    I have a few references for Autumn, but they aren't really relevant because his mane and tail style are constantly changing so you can draw them in whatever style you'd like. You can also draw him naked or with clothing, he doesn't t always wear the same thing, but its up to you what you put him in, if anything.


    Autumn Moon:


    His cutie mark, just in case:


    He's also on tumblr, http://askautumnmoon.tumblr.com/; He usually has some type of bow or ribbon in his mane so he's easy to pick out.

    Thanks in advance :)

  8. ...plus i dont know yer limit on repeats...

    Did you read the rules? :)

    :Luna: Request one thing at a time! If you ask for a signature and a picture or any combination of things then your request will not be accepted. This is to ensure everybody gets a turn in a timely fashion. It's also customary among requesters to wait a while (the most has been a week) before requesting again. This is more an unofficial thread rule than my own and I really don't care if you request back to back.

    Whether you wait or not is entirely up to you. ;) request as much as you like.

  9. You better hurry up before all the Tier 2 spots are all taken (if they haven't been taken by now)! XD

    Those were long gone my friend.

    Imma just drop this right here....

    Could I get a signature that says linkhopper, and it has my oc that is dipected in the avatar? Complete creative freedom from there. 596x54 size please. Thank ya

    Sure no problem!


    It is...I'm always watching.always... :mad:

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