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Posts posted by PIJIN

  1. RPBanner4.png?t=1353561157


    There was light stirring from Autumn Moon's limp body. He was somewhere, but yet nowhere almost like he was detached from the reality he had once known. He lay in an alternate reality, his eyes forced shut, yet he could hear a familiar voice ringing through. He began to pry is eyes open, light streaming though causing him to shut them in pain. He could hear the voice coming in even louder, beckoning to him, calling out for him to come. He slowly rose from the ground. His body felt heavy, yet he dragged himself in the direction of the voice.

    [colour=#daa520]"Harv...Harvest...?"[/colour] He said slowly as he opened his eyes slightly to get a glimpse of his surroundings. He was slowly coming back to the place he once knew, the forest, the cherry blossom tree, and the voice. The loving voice of his sister, was near, and he was determined to seek it out, drawn to its worried sound. [colour=#daa520]"Harvest..."[/colour] Autumn said once more as he began to pick up into a slow trot, Harvest's voice growing louder and louder.

    Autumn pulled back a bush, looking around with low eyes which quickly shot open at what he saw. "Harvest!" He said, suddenly full of energy. He began to gallop toward the unsuspecting pegasus, his body still heavy, yet it no longer registered in his mind.

    (Would it KILL you all to write more than one (1) sentence? I can't RP off of words alone and no actions. Be descriptive!)

  2. In before Scootbelle and/or LM request!

    Please, I noticed his thread the moment it was posted. I just CHOSE not to request something because I felt like I had made enough request with other artist. You should know I own the creativity section. Nothing gets in or out with me noticing.

    Awesome work you have here by the way. I'll definitely request something in the future when you aren't so booked. I'll be watching.

    Edit: Oh so you all want to try and steal my INB4 [ ] thing, huh? I guess that makes me a trend setter. :D

  3. Yeah that sounds about right.

    Here's a legit question, what would you say was your most memorable moment here on Canterlot?

    I answered a question like this before from Cadabra. My most memorable moment would have to be the moment my first OC, Blank Canvas got accepted in World of Equestria RP. I'm not much of a writer, so to think that my character was well written and interesting enough for Mane RP excited me to no end.

  4. Welcome to Canterlot, dear Princess! Its a pleasure to have you here once again! The name Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short.

    I hope you enjoy your time here in Canterlot, tis a wonderful place to meet tons of new people and lots of fun to be had so I hope you enjoy your time here.

    At least you have good taste in ponies, Twilight is obviously best pony! :)

  5. Well you certainly have an interesting background! Welcome to Canterlot, the greatest city in ALL of Equestria! You can call me Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short, its a pleasure. We don't have to many ponies who make music on here so it's awesome that you've come! One of our admin's, Artax, is actually into making music as well! I look forward to hearing your stuff and if you need anything just let me know, I'm sure I can be of some assistance to an extent. Hope you enjoy your time here!

  6. Welcome to Canterlot, the greatest city in Equestria! Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Patterson! The name's Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short.

    I had no idea we were on MLP forums thats quite nice to hear. Its great to have you here and I hope you enjoy your stay here. Thats a spiffy looking GIF, by the way.

    So do you play video games? Which kinds do you like?

  7. Maybe this is all a sugar induced dream, brought about thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Cake? Oh the irony! Oh the insulin!

    I don't get hyper off of sugar, nor to they effect me in anyway. I know people eat sugar to stay awake and such, but I just eat loads of it them pass out.

    I'm pretty sure diabetus is coming my way in later years, but then again maybe not.

  8. so about an hour ago you were drizzling half bottles of syrup on pancakes, and now you drink fruit juice?

    will i ever understand how this makes sense for one person?

    Actually I'm still eating pancakes, third helping of 3 pancakes each, along with 2 slabs of bacon, sausage, and hash-browns, milk and a half glass of pomegranate juice.

    No, you probably won't ever understand. Doesn't mean you can't try though! :D

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