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Posts posted by PIJIN

  1. You do know those are little more than a vehicle for butter and syrup, don't you?

    Exactly. I drizzle at least half a bottle of syrup over my pancakes before eating. (I love anything sweet) As for the butter, I don't put any extra on it because it usually melts into this nasty greasy stuff.

    how do you eat string cheese? take bites, peel it or whatever like normal, or cram the whole thing in your mouth? or something else?

    I've only eaten string cheese when my brother gets some and I ask for a stick. Before then Id never tried it. He peels it away and eats as, well, string, and I emulated him. So to answer, I peel away at it. It somehow taste better than eating it all in one go.

  2. but is there anything wrong with the fact that its a twilight and not a Fluttershy?

    Well seeing as I can't/won't go out side to see said Twilight, I believe it should be another "less liked by me" pony, like Rainbow Dash. Having Twilight in that tent would only taunt me.

    What's so bad it's good?

    Glazed Donuts! There amazingly delicious, but bad for you. I eat about 2 boxes of 9 a day. No joke.

  3. Purple is extremely popular, especially in weddings. All but three weddings I have filmed this year have had purple bridesmaids dresses. I'm tempted to open a store that sells nothing but purple.

    So what's your favorite purple thing?

    I was tempted to say Twilight, but she's not a "thing."

    My favorite purple thing would have to be a sneaker I painted on with Twilight on the side.

    Chuck Taylor's: Twilight Sparkle & Folarin Hooves

  4. Would you appreciate hugs?

    *Opens hooves*

    Also I changed my avatar back to commemorate your awesomeness ^_^


    [colour=#000000]CONOR! Long time no see! Yes, hugs are most appreciated! It's been a while since I've seen that, ironic since I just answered a question taking about that request. As for my awesome, its on a relatively low level.[/colour]

    Mmmmmmm... artificially coloured......

    What is your favorite artificially coloured food?

    Well. I made some pancakes that had artificial colouring in it. They were purple, an no, not because Twilight, but because that just so happens to be my favorite colour.

  5. I have to point out my favorite Strokes video:

    Awesome video as well as song! The bass break made me fall in love with it, there isn't much focus on bass in bands and that little snipet was lovely!

    Thought I'd update my list, was hard to choose between these, but my number one goes to...


    - Streetlight Manifesto (NSFW, as in people dying, blood, pain ,etc, in cartoon form.)


    - The Fall of Troy (NSFW in the beginning)


    - New York Dolls

    4. Chico Gordo - Hentalia (Japanese, still a good song though)


    - Deavid Soul


    - My Chemical Romance (Expect some NSFW)
  6. The only type of Christmas music I've heard are the oldies, from way back when. Its actually good once you listen to it for about the 80th time in one day!

    I'm generally into all kinds of music or any language. Although, I'm stuck between whether I look for a good beat/instrumentals or vocals and meaning within the song. All the music here is really good, although since I have musical A.D.D. I'm partial to the Muppet's Christmas Song at the moment XD

    I'll leave you all with this, some of what I think are the greatest instrumentals ever.

    Some of the greatest piano I've ever heard. Its very fast paced which I love in music, yet with a "classical" groove to it. Vocals are cute, yet I really don't listen to it for that. It gets me hype, its like unexpected fight music which some people think to be grungy, metal-esque music, but I think this tops that. There are endless covers and redoes of this song, which is why I think its simply an awesome song.

  7. Woo! I was wondering when Tales would get on here again!

    I love Sky's style, its rather...well soft! Random, "I love you Ping" in the background was hilarious!

    Well thats the reason that BBS wasn't drawing recently, I haven't seen you around the site earlier either!

    It was good to hear about more RP goodies. I've never heard of the AMA thread, I may think of reading it over.

    Another great episode! So many times you all have burst into song XD

  8. th_BlankCanvasIcon.png?t=1351433617th_MatteSparkleiCON.png?t=1351433617th_FolarinIcon.png?t=1351433618

    Well I have a few of my OC's based on several of my real world personalities.

    These, Blank Canvas and Matte Sparkle are artistic ponies, which is generally what I do. I love art and thats pretty much what my life is surrounded around. The last one, Folarin Hooves, is a gamer pony. Which is another side of me completely! Yelling and having a good time just staring at a screen all day and going ballistic over the smallest accomplishment. Their back stories aren't that interesting, and neither are their cutie mark stories. The only interesting one of the bunch would be Blank Canvas (one on the left). He's a mute as well as deaf as has to find ways to be heard, mainly through his art.

  9. Best night ever?

    The best night ever was the night I opened my request thread, little did I know I would garner so much interest and become a better artist because of it. This is also the best night ever because it was the day I became a true citizen of Canterlot. I was rarely active from the day I joined back in November 2011. I remember it well, Conor Colton was my first request.

    [colour=#000000]Request ThreadOP Time:[/colour] [colour=#a9a9a9]"Posted [/colour][colour=#a9a9a9]01 September 2012 - 08:27 PM"[/colour]

  10. What is the best flavor of slurpee?

    What is with you all and Slurpee questions. Again, another tough one since there have been A LOT of Slurpee flavors that have come and gone. Like the Halo Flavored one...It would have to be Kill Zone 3 Battle Fuel. Which came out a while back when Kill Zone 3 was being hyped. When specialty Slurpees aren't out, I usually go for Blue Raspberry.

  11. what if the outside had a tent with a hole in it and a pony?

    Depends on who the pony is... :shifty: You better not say who I think you might say.

    How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

    Chuck Norris can chuck all the wood in the world and then some.


    Can I see this sketchbook? :smirk:

    That would be a negatory. Can't post what in there on Canterlot, well its about 30% NSFW and 70% SFW, so I guess the former would be okay to post. Maybe, in the future.

  12. cuz my OTHER gramma came to my gramma's house and took my room so i had to sleep in the office. and it was very uncomfy. and i had no place to put the pillows, cuz it was a puny office.

    would you rather sleep in a bathtub or on a roof?

    Bathtub. I don't really like going out side or sleeping out there. At least in a bathtub I'd be away from the elements of harmo- I mean nature.

  13. are you sure? cuz the issue wasn't that the chair was uncomfy, it was that i had like 5 pillows and the matress kept moving so they would all fall out of place and make me lie down awkwardly, and there wasn't really any room for my ANYTHING when i tried to do homework. does the placebo affect distort space? cuz that would be nice. does it? i dont think im smart enough to say "wow, the fact that this position is almost painful and i can't move is very comforting!" and then believe it.

    Well, put the mattress in a position where it won't move, and try using less pillows. The placebo effect will only take you so far, there are just somethings you won't believe no matter how hard you try to say you want to. Why the heck is there a mattress in an office anyway?

  14. Any reccomendations for reliable computer paint programs? Want to get into computer animation/art.

    Well that all depends on what your using. Would you happen to own a tablet for drawing, it makes it a ton easier.

    I prefer Photoshop for image re-sizing animated GIFs and such. I use Paint Tool SAI for large animations and drawings because of the ability to create custom brushes a lot easier than Photoshop.

  15. do they make offices comfy to sleep in? cuz after returning to my room, i realized that gramma's office as a room = :cry:

    Hm, well I think whats comfy and whats not is all in the mind. If you imagine or think that a certain place, like an office, is comfortable then it can be. We usually don't see offices as comfy so in turn they aren't. There's a phrase for what I'm talking about...the placebo effect. It is a pharmacology inert substance (such as saline solution or a starch tablet) that seems to produce an effect similar to what would be expected of a pharmacological active substance (such as an antibiotic).

    Of course, this just doesn't go for medicines that have no effect it can even go for usually uncomfortable places like said office. So next time your in battle with that annoying cubical/office, just think, "This chair is rather comfortable" and boom, your good! Its sort of like mind over matter. Little science lesson for the day.

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