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Status Updates posted by PIJIN


  2. A lot of blog work to do today...ugh...

  3. I feel like an OP guard dog...."Y U NO READ?!"

  4. Lol, Sombra saw 3 minutes of actions and got defeated. Worst villain ever

  5. Crystal bucking pony!!!

  6. LIVE STREAM MARATHON MLP SEASONS 1 & 2 AND SEASON 3 PREMIERE @ 10:00 http://www.synchtube.com/r/mlpforums2

  7. Ugh so much to do...

  8. The end of Casshern Sins blew my mind... :C

  9. Don't stop 'till you reach the top!!!

  10. I feel like I've been asleep...for 15 days @.@

  11. Home stretch! 5 more request left!

  12. Yawn, ciao everypony -w-)~zzz..

  13. Laughing hard at introductions. Tis funneh! i wonder what happens next...

  14. Finally 20% Cooler ^_^

  15. My friends say you're not very original, but to me your best pony.

  16. I'll be lurking though. I couldn't stay away from Canterlot if I tried

  17. Ugh, no Canterlot fun times today. I have work that I procrastinated on to accomplish.

  18. Woah...rains picking up...

  19. Ah, I remember you Butterscotch. You were so God-moded.

  20. First post, my request thread. How the...?

  21. Best C-Voice episode yet! X3

  22. Oh yes! Canterlot Voice live stream!

  23. Playing Gun Game, but I'm running knife-only...

  24. Oh that's right, I frogot kids had school today -_- No wonder my chat was so empty

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