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Everything posted by KalegoSimp

  1. Ope, sorry. Didn't see that. I'm practically blind lmao 😂
  2. That would be nice, yeah. Is it possible for me to audition for Sombra, and if so, where can i find the template for it?
  3. KalegoSimp


    Hello, I'm KalegoSimp, or just Kalego if you prefer that. I am a 21 year old ftm gay dude, who simply never got sick of MLP. Not even when it ended! I'm Dutch, but must say my English has become quite fluid {if that's the right word} over the years. I remember a few years back, how my sentences sounded like that of an 11 year old lmao. I found this forum while googling discord servers, and found it mentioned on a reddit post. So i decided to check it out. I really like gaming, like the Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil and other horror/rpg games. The fandoms i am most active in currently are; The Legend of Zelda, Genshin Impact, and Mairimashita Iruma-kun. Very...diverse bahaha I also do art, mostly fantasy items, ponies and currently practicing humanoids. As for my favorite pony, that one's easy. Sombra ♡ My roleplay style can also vary. I tend to write multiple paragraphs and even more if I'm given more. So if I'm given a novella response or starter, you'll be getting a novella response. I also roleplay in third person past tense. The time of *breathes* is over, time to get actual character development. Important to note: I am an autistic DID system with kins. So if you see something like "{Kizami}" posted on top or in the bottom of my posts, i either switched fronter or switched kin ID. So for now, i shall start with signing off as the example; Kizami~ {the creator of this account.}
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