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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. Have not, actually. Will look for that! Thanks! NOW BACK TO YOUR FEATURED TOPIC...
  2. I know it may sound weird, but can I see said hate posts? I'm always interested in seeing the anti-Brony opinions. Not even fooling, I'm quite interested. Also Chapien, your avatar is pure win because of where it came from.
  3. My best friend is very much an anti-Brony, however he's not too vocal about it and he will occasionally see good in the show ("This Day Aria" for example, which he found quite good). However, I think the only reason he puts up with my pony talk is because his sister is a Pegasister and because I showed him the .MOV videos, which he finds hilarious enough that we quote it every day. I can't tell you how many times we go back and forth with: "Applejack, you can't eat all those ****** apples!", and so forth. Most of my other "friends" either don't care, mention it in passing (Calling out "BRONY!" every once and a while), or even in some cases became Bronies. One of my friends was already a Brony, and I turned two of my friends into Bronies....in fact, one of them is going to BronyCon with me this weekend! Just goes to show, this show is powerful enough to make good friends out of people. You see, that's why I love this fandom the most...
  4. Spike? Where? All I'm seei- *Sees Le Spike face*
  5. ^That's why I want to spread this quickly and vastly. I don't want any Bronies to get suckered into this and be humiliated and put the fandom in a bad light, moreso the humility. They did the same thing with Furries, and they PURPOSELY chose the strangest of them all to embarrass the community and the person, and point and laugh like Nelson from The Simpsons. Simply-put, I want this spread so nopony gets hurt by this, the fandom keeps its fairly-good light and maybe...just maybe, the media gets the idea that they can't toy with people's interests and embarrass people with them.
  6. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/06/warning-tlc-my-crazy-obsession-seeks.html As Seth described, TLC is currently looking for an avid MLP collector for their show "My Crazy Obsession". As you'd imagine from all the garbage on TV now, it's a show that only puts things in negative light and would spark more bad than good. So, as Seth has suggested, it'd be a good idea to spread this story and WARN every Brony to NOT accept this role offer. After all, we want this fandom in the lighest spot possible. As I can tell from this show from TLC, it's purely made to humiliate and make ratings, as everyone love so much in this demoralized world. I don't want to see anypony or the fandom itself made fun of or humiliated by this, as that'd hurt me personally more than probably even hurting that person themself. So, I URGE YOU to spread this everywhere you can to every Brony forum, collector forum, etc. We need to show TLC that we don't want this, and that resistance to this kind of garbage is possible! Let's prove how much of a difference we can make, and most of all: JUST. SAY. NO.
  7. I became a Brony late last July. A forum I constantly went on was sucked into the pony craze, and I gave the show a watch one day. "Suited for Success" followed, and I fell in love with the series. Rest is history. Now I'm going to BronyCon. Certainly not regretting my decision to be a Brony.
  8. I'll probably be wearing my Pinkie Pie shirt that says "Yeah, I watch a show for little girls!". Easily identifiable, xD I'll be with my bud Hayden (Who I'm convinced is in the process of becoming the biggest Brony of all time...), so everything will be great! Just remember, everyone attending: Watch for the registration e-mails being sent out soon! That's the only way they'll be able to get you your badge!
  9. @starswirlthrbearded Oh, I didn't mean to aim that at anyone! I totally understand! I just want to make it clear that maybe doing two meetups would work well. This fandom is built on unity and toleration, after all, xD
  10. In my honest opinion, we should try to keep the initial meetup as underage-friendly as possible. After all, MANY Bronies on this forum aren't 21, so we should try to keep this meetup away from the subject of alcohol. After all, I may not be a Mod, but I've organized many meetups for other communities. It REALLY stinks when age requirements are what hold members back from meeting other members... Just my recommendation,
  11. As soon as the subject of drinks are brought in, I'm out.
  12. In case you don't understand the title, I'm talking about "religion". Now, I hate bringing that kind of thing into my pony. It's like my steak grease touching mashed potatoes on my plate. However, I have a theory of how a piece of fanfiction could actually properly involve a form of religion. Let's think, first: Religions all started as minorities. They were a small group that built their lifestyles around rites that were written and recorded for said group to follow. All things considered, these religious groups started out as one person coming up with these ideas (Ranging from Mormons to even Christianity). What my point is, perhaps the reason a stable religion of sorts wouldn't exist in Equestria is that the princesses are treated as Gods of sorts, thanks to perhaps the fact that they vanquished a God-like foe (Discord, in this case). This could act as a "mandate of heaven" in sorts to rectify the princesses as rulers. This being the case, they rule over all beliefs of higher power because they appear strongest. However, religions are based on the fact that people believe in what seems most relateable to their beliefs. For example, a colt who thinks of the world being uninteresting and needing of havoc could find fancy in Discord's methods and beliefs, acting as almost religion in a sorts for Discord. Heck, this could be considered a cult in a sense. I simply bring this up, because while I was forming ideas for fics, I thought about the idea of religion and why not many fanfiction writers implemented that idea. My ideas of what religion can span from ranged from the worship of ideals for creatures like Discord or the Windigos, who could perhaps belief that anger or disorder is what keeps the world in balance. They're simple ideas, but they could very well work as religions for simple folk like the ponies of Equestria. I don't want to act religious in any sense (Truthfully, I'm not too religious myself), but I just found this an interesting idea to explore. Kind of like a "daydream idea" that I thought of in 5 seconds...
  13. I'd gladly organize a meetup if any of you guys are in favor of doing so. However, we can't exactly do it OUTSIDE of the convention, considering...ya know, the possibilities of under-21 members like myself. It's easier to do so in the actual convention, anyways... ANY TAKERS?
  14. Heyo! Well, I've actually taken this music deal to heart. So much so, for the past week or so I've been working on remixing one of my favorite Brony-made songs. However, because I was doing this in-school, I was unable to finish it (Today was my last day), so I won't be able to properly complete the remix and upload it until September/November-ish. Still, from what I had by the end of today, I'm sure people will like it!
  15. I'd be willing to bet that as soon as the summer TV season starts winding down, there will be some "Fall schedule" teaser commercials, both on The Hub and, of course, throughout the Interwebs. It's assured we'll be the first to see sneak-peaks, seeing as how we always get first pickings with new footage...xD
  16. Wow, someone else in this era that watched Magnum P.I? AWESOME!
  17. Know what I think of whenever I see Rarity's dad? I think of this: If you know who Tom Selleck is, you'll understand why.
  18. Yeah....I could tell from the beginning that this was fake. It looks awful in comparison to the actual show, xD Regarding the "20% cooler" meme....ehhh, it has been a BIT too prominent for its own good. However, it was a fandom-building term, so it deserves its rightful respect. However, it does need to be said and used less...everywhere, xD
  19. Ehhh...I guess you COULD call me local. After all, I live barely 15 minutes from the convention center. So yeah, hometown boy right here!
  20. This is now my favorite post of all time.
  21. Going for both days with my best bud and fellow Brony, Hayden. Going to be an AWESOME weekend! I only live 15-20 minutes, and best of all, I get to meet new Bronies and just enjoy being one! Good times are waiting to be had! We planning to have a meetup of some sort? I'd gladly attend one if we did!
  22. Wow, nice stories here! I can't say I've had any public Brony encounters. Closest thing to that was when I first bought something Brony-related at Hot Topic, and when I turned around and was facing the window with said shirt (The grey "BRONY" shirt), this group of 20-something year old guys pointed and yelled "BRONY!". I laughed a bit, xD
  23. All kidding aside, we should get back on topic. MrWeesh just threw us SEVERELY off-topic, xD ...but he made me laugh, so...all is forgiven,
  24. Honestly, Hasbro just can't take that big of a risk. It's a risk we know that will work out, but I'm sure it involves a ton of research, perhaps ten times the amount we're putting into it. I'm just making assumptions based on POSSIBLE variables. I mean, they could be completely parallel. As far as I know, the cheapness factor for both sides, for Hasbro and parents, is more appealing to everyone. That seems to be the point that sticks out the most to me. Still...I suppose anything can happen. We've created a character that's turned into a full-fledged, speaking role two seasons-in...
  25. Weesh, you've never spoke more truth than in this post right here. #win
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