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Staff Emeritus
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Status Updates posted by Dio

  1. Can someone stop the sleep? I think this is my stop.

  2. Loads of IRL changes incoming. Will continue working on forums in the background.

  3. You may experience minor service interruptions while the DNS changes propagate.

  4. Server switch will come some time this evening. We are currently in queue.

  5. So much writing today @_@

  6. One of these days, I'll RP again.

  7. Finished data set analysis. Time to prep for lab work and figure out SQL and HTML/CSS in under 2 weeks.

  8. Luna won't you cry for me?

  9. In Kansas with Ghostie. Be back Tuesdayish!

  10. Sorry for the hiccups in admin replies, guys. Had to work a few bugs out of the admin email!

  11. Anthro does not stand for anthropometry in most contexts.

  12. Dat Devil's Canyon.

  13. *does sidebar things*

  14. And then there was Derelict.

  15. Guess that chapter isn't getting done tonight.

  16. Next chapter of Equestrian Horizon clocks in at 11,500ish words, which is pretty much exactly what I expected. Polish may add or remove from that quantity, but the order of magnitude should be right.

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