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Dio last won the day on October 9 2020

Dio had the most liked content!

About Dio

  • Birthday 08/11/1987

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    Lev Nobleheart
  • Character 3
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  • Interests
    Computer stuff, political science, video games, table top games, good music, guns, airsoft.
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Wonderbolt (8/9)



  1. Update has been deployed and we should be good to go.
  2. IPS Update 4.6.3 has been deployed. As usual, please wait at least 24 hours for indexes and streams to rebuild. Thanks for your patience everyone.

  3. Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but IRL has been crazy in the past few months. I'm sorry for the delay, but I'm popping in real quick to give news of a forum software update before I hand things off. This is just a notice that I will be deploying a major IPS update on 5-July-2021 around noon EST. This should theoretically be like any other backend update with no anticipated issues, but given the scope of it, I wanted to give a two week-ish heads up so people can plan around it. If you have important threads you're following or plans to post around that time, I'd recommend keeping local backups just in case. After I get this sorted there's just a few more housekeeping things that need done and the transition will be complete. Thanks for your understanding everyone!
  4. To answer both questions, probably the world expansions, specifically the Far East setting. I love worldbuilding, probably even more than writing specific stories. Watching the community come together and excitedly gone on about lore, locations, and crafting storylines was a great feeling.
  5. I will try to answer questions regarding the Changing of the Guard announcement here.
  6. Hello Canterlot, You will have noticed that the site has not been updated in a very long time. My work on site development has not been up to par and you deserve an explanation why. It is no secret that I have had trouble with my health over the past few years. I deal with chronic pain often and I have had a lot of trouble with cognitive tasks, especially those that require leadership and learning. Further compounding issues, my mother suffered a stroke a few weeks ago. She is doing much better after surgery and intensive care, but will require continued supportive care to ensure that she does not develop complications. My poor health coupled with the necessity to assist with long-term care for my mother have pushed me to the unfortunate realization that I just do not have the mental and physical ability to continue work as site host and developer. It is thus with great regret that I must tender my resignation as administrator of Canterlot. My anticipated time frame for step down is the end of the year. What this DOES NOT mean is the sudden termination of the forum or the Discord server or the dissolution of the community. What this DOES mean is that Canterlot will not receive any further active development from me. We the staff are currently in the process of developing a transition plan that will minimize stress and hassle for everyone. Keep an eye on the News and Updates subforum and the #announcements Discord channel for updates as they are posted. In the meantime, the Discord and forums will continue to run normally. Please leave questions and comments HERE and I will do my best to answer them as I am able. While I will no longer be in charge, I will try to make time and energy available to assist with the transition and perhaps even return to RP as a normal player as I am able. It is my hope that even if I am no longer in charge, you will all continue to carry forward all the lessons that MLP has taught us. Thank you, Canterlot, for giving me these years of friendship and magic.
  7. SSL certificate has been updated. This will fix the busted button icons and continue to ensure secured logins. It may take some time for this fix to propagate.

  8. Due to system incompatibility with the latest round of IPS updates, we will be retiring the Bizzy forum theme and returning to the default IPS theme. More information closer to update deployment.

    1. Hippo


      Will it just look different, or are there tabs or sidebars that will go away? I don't think i know the difference between bizzy and default.

    2. Dio


      Bizzy was the theme with the large sliding panels at the top of the site advertising events and general information. The standard IPS theme is the simple title banner with no frills. The new update will be a bit of a face-lift for the base IPS theme but should not interfere with sidebar functionality.

  9. I know there are many troubles in the world right now. At times it feels overwhelming. In the midst of the current maelstrom of events, I only ask that we be kind to each other and stay safe. Thanks, everyone.

  10. IPS update 4.4.10 has been deployed. This is a bugfix update with no additional features. As per usual, please wait at least 24 hours for indices and feeds to rebuild before reporting bugs. Thanks.

  11. IPS Maintenance Update 4.4.9 has been deployed. As per usual, please wait at least 24 hours for indices to rebuild and feeds to repopulate before filing bug reports.

  12. IPS Update 4.4.7 has been deployed. This was a maintenance and security hotfix and thus does not include any software changes or feature updates. As usual, please wait at least 24 hours for indices and feeds to rebuild.

  13. IPS Update 4.3.6 has been deployed. As  usual, please wait at least 24 hours for streams and indices to rebuild before filing bug reports.

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