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Posts posted by Dio

  1. Hi, I'd like to address a few things here.

    The immediate issue is the concept of "lunar pegasi." As far as we know there are no ponies living on the moon itself. This seems like an extra bit that could be removed without harming the character himself.

    There are a few nitpicks I'd also like to point out.

    Swearing is not allowed in the general audiences areas of the boards and we would prefer that even implied swearing is kept to a minimum. If you're addressing someone unpleasant or being someone unpleasant as part of RP, we encourage creativity with your pony puns rather than merely crossing over directly from our human vernacular. This is not enough to prevent approval, but it should be noted as an RP style pointer.

    Also, while combat training is not unheard of (we have the Royal Equestrian Army after all), the RP is largely social and slice of life with some adventure-quest type deals thrown in for a splash of flavor. Generally speaking, your character will not be engaging in combat of any form in most RP threads and violence is frowned upon unless the thread specifically calls for it. Even in such cases it is conducted as cartoon violence and not detailed descriptions of the horrors of war and violent crime. Again, this will not prevent approval, but should be noted as an RP style pointer.

  2. Hi, I'd like to suggest a few tweaks. It seems his ability to appraise things for their true value is really his special talent. I'd make note of that for his cutie mark.

    I'd also like some more on his personality. Tactful and aloof are merely two traits among many possible traits. Does he have any unusual quirks, any ticks or tells that he might have while conning that could serve as RP hooks? Does he have soft spots or things that he cares for particularly? "Luxury items" is a full spectrum of things and some specifics would really help flesh out the character some more!

    Also, what is he like in and out of character? I think playing up the dichotomy between his conpony personas and his "true self" could make for some interesting stories.

    Finally, please clean up your spelling and grammar. While these will not prevent application approval, it will make it much easier to read :) Thanks.

  3. Hi, just a couple things I'd like to address.

    Firstly, what exactly does Gaedwyn mean? As a general rule, pony names have to do with concepts (like Virtue or Rarity) or things (like Sigil or Applejack). They do not use human names like George or Martha.

    Secondly, her cutie mark could use some substantial clarification. What exactly is the symbol? You never explicitly mention what they symbol looks like in your application. Also, as a rule of thumb, symbolic cutie marks are preferred over abstract ones.

    Thirdly, is there more to her personality? Are there other quirks and traits that she has other than her problems with trust? As it stands, it is a bit on the thin side and could use some additional fleshing out.

    Please take a look at these and get back to us.

  4. After rereading the old Destrier document, I'm going to have to have to put in for some revisions in keeping with our current board standards.

    I see the modern Destriers as a monastic order who prides themselves on being paragons of virtue and serving society at large while simultaneously keeping the traditions of their past alive (hence swords for some ponies). Like the latest revision of the REA, their focus will be more on civil service than on making combatants in RP.

    The core of the Destriers is still their adherence to the knightly virtues. While the organization itself will be composed of vetted and trained ponies, I don't think there will be anything to prevent anyone from calling themselves knights-errant so long as they uphold the core tenets of what makes the Destriers what they are. You could very well have a hippogriff character who holds to the tenets of the Destriers while not being a formal member of the organization. After all, being a good person is for everyone, not just ponies, right?

  5. I'm not going to lie, the Destriers were heavily inspired by the Adeptus Astartes of WH40k.

    I've written quite a bit for them, but it's technically not been officially accepted as board canon. However, the themes presented in the document can still be used for character creation. The concept has evolved over time and with some careful RP into less of a military organization and more of a monastic order that champions the Code of Chivalry. I see modern Destriers acting more in the teaching and physical and mental conditioning capacity than as an actual fighting force.

    I will update the document as I have the opportunity to consult Manestream and Skye.

  6. Prominence. Corona. Any astronomical phenomena of great power and violence. I suppose it could be interesting to see a fic where Celestia develops a god complex. But as with all fics that involve power and power corrupting, it needs to be handled with care.

  7. The rest of the boards will unlock for you once you have three posts in the introduction section. This is an anti-spam measure and is standard for many boards. You're already well on your way there, so you'll be able to post your applications soon enough. Welcome to Canterlot!

  8. Rapid hoofbeats closed on Fletcher’s location. This was definitely not REA reinforcements, nor was it any of Bell Curve’s flunkies. Bell Curve was professional, he wouldn’t hire anypony who would be late or show up in a rush. Whoever it was was making a lot of noise, however, and the guards would be daft not to pick up on it.

    As the newcomer came into sight, Fletcher’s initial suspicions were confirmed. This was neither the REA nor was it another squad of thugs. The earth pony stallion who had first arrived was neither hulking huge nor did he carry himself like a tough guy hired lance. A grin that size could only come from somepony who was extremely smug or extremely stupid... or both.

    As the rest of the ragtag team arrived, Fletcher gritted his teeth. A young pegasus mare... a kid. Did they know who they were dealing with? A scrawny-looking green unicorn... fresh out of high school? Finally, a unicorn mare, perhaps the most reasonable-looking of all of them. What do they think this is? A pony scout picnic?

    Despite his initial impulse to shoo them out of the catacombs, Fletcher bit his tongue and stayed his hooves. He was in a much better position to help if he didn’t give himself away. After all, the newcomers were making the most commotion and were likely to be the target of the guards’ ire first. He’d have the element of surprise. Thus, the captain chose to remain hidden.

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