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Posts posted by CrossStitch

  1. Oh yes, I have used the mine little pony mod. I mus say that it is an amazing mod! You can be a pegasus, a unicorn, or earth pony. You can customize your skin, just as if it were a normal skin, albeit with a few differences. It also offers quite a bit of customization; you can set the mod up to where either everyone are ponies, only you are a pony, or where only those with pony skins are ponies. I recommend it.

  2. Hello! Welcome to Canterlot!

    Yu-Gi-Oh and Poke'Mon was basically my entire childhood, not to say I still don't love either. Hay, I still have some cards here, and I still have Poke'mon yellow <3

    I hope you enjoy your time here in Canterlot!

  3. Cross-Stitch softly shook his head back and forth, "No, no... That will not be necessary Colton. You three will be paying me back simply by modelling my outfits at the Gala." Cross-Stitch showed them both a sincere smile, "Honestly, I should be thanking you two." Cross-Stitch bowed his head deeply, "Thank you both, sincerely."

  4. Cross-Stitch took the piece of paper and neatly folded it. He tucked it away in his scarf for later use. With a nod he said, "It is definitely not the worst of habits to have. Take me for example: I over criticize everything I create. It's an annoying habit, to say the least, but it does help me in creating garments, to an extent." He said, looking again to the outfit he created for Sparks.

    Cross-Stitch hid a smile as he lowered his head, hoping his mane would cover his face. After he assumed that his smile had at least shrunk, he raised his head once more. "Oh, thank you very much. To be quite honest, I've never seen an outfit this small. As far as I know, it's never been done before." Cross-Stitch put a hoof to his chin in thought once more, "Again, as far as I know." He added, just to be sure he was not incorrect. "I can assure you both that your outfits will be breath taking, or my name isn't Cross-Stitch," He said with a wink, "And I can assure you, it is." Cross-Stitch laughed lightly to himself.

  5. Cross-Stitch descended the stairs after some time, as if on cue. His mane was a little frizzled and out of place, and his eyes seemed a little red, but other then that he looked fine. His glasses hung from his neck by their chain, and his scarf was back in place around his neck. "My apologies for keeping you three waiting so long." He said in a very cheery tone. He had a wide smile across his face as he finished descending the stairs. "Mr. Cloudkicker, your jacket is done, but I still need to work on the tie and shirt. Ms. Flux, I am sorry but I will have to ask you to wait until tomorrow to pick up your dress." Cross-Stitch straightened his mane with his hoof, "You see, I'm not exactly 'up to date' with the latest mare fashion. It's not quite my forte. But I assure you, I will craft you a marvelous dress!" Cross-Stitch now wore a worry free smile, hoping she would not be mad at the small delay. "I also finished one other thing..."

    Sparks flew out from behind Cross-Stitch's head, sporting a wonderful suit. The jacket was a cyan color, that beautifully commented the sparrow's feathers. The collar was a black that offset the white shirt underneath the jacket perfectly. Dividing the sparrow's chest was a red silk tie that 'tied' the whole suit together. The jacket was sleeveless to allow Sparks to flap his wings, of course. "I must say, I really out did myself." Cross-Stitch put a hoof to his chin and nodded approvingly to his work. "Ah, and Ms. Flux, would you happen to know your measurements off the top of your head?" Cross-Stitch said as he turned back to Flux.

  6. Cross-Stitch leaned up from his sewing machine, placing his hooves on his back and giving a mighty stretch. A small pop was heard as the pain from being hunched over for a while was relieved from the poor colts back. The coat and shirt for Sparks were complete, and up to Cross-Stitch's standard of perfection. "It wasn't easy, Sparks..." Cross-Stitch went over the suit again and again with a small magnifying glass, inspecting its smaller details, "But I did it. I actually made a suit for a swallow! I'd like to see another tailor do that!" Cross-Stitch leaned back in his chair with a smug look, another small pop was heard coming from Cross-Stitch's back. The sudden jolt of pain made him jump slightly, "Ugh, it was not without difficulty though..." Cross-Stitch placed his hooves against his back and attempted to massage the pain away with soft circular motions. "Now all you need is a tie, maybe a hat? Do you even like hats?" Cross-Stitch looked to the sparrow, actually expecting a verbal response. When Cross-Stitch was met with a stare, he sighed and leaned back towards the table. "Then I'll need to get started on Colton's jacket, which should take me until tomorrow to finish... Then I need to make that dress. I'll need to study up on latest dress fashions..." Cross-Stitch leaned back in his chair once more, unable to sit still. He hung his head over the back of the chair and closed his eyes, trying to organize his next two days for optimal work time. He opened his eyes to only be greeted by the sight of the ceiling. His sight was a little blurry, he raised his hooves to his eyes and gently rubbed them to clear them. With a light shake of his head to re-organize his mane, he leaned back towards his table. "I wonder what the Gala will be like... I wonder if anypony will like my outfits..." Cross-Stitch closed his eyes and rested his head on the table, day-dreams of the Gala filled his head. "Right... I need to stay positive! I'm sure everypony will love my designs." Cross-Stitch raised his head from the table, as well as the rest of himself. He got to the floor and trotted over to a nearby fridge; wherein he found a green apple, his favorite treat. The blue pony happily bit into the apple as a wide grin spread across his face, and an audible "Mmm!" was heard. Cross-Stitch turned to notice Sparks still on the table, "Oh, of course..." Cross-Stitch said as he turned to a nearby counter, "How could I forget my biggest helper?" Cross-Stitch produced a knife from a nearby drawer, and easily split the apple down the middle. He then brought both halves to the table, and offered one to Sparks, "I don't exactly know what Sparrows eat, so forgive me if it's something you do not like." Cross-Stitch ate the rest of his apple in silence as he watched the streets of Canterlot hustle and bustle out of a window.

    (( Oh yeah, I'm back. Got bored of not posting anything. ))

  7. Cross-Stitch was sitting outside of his shop, which doubled as his home. The blue colt sat at a small wooden table that sits outside of his shop. Cross-Stitch would often enjoy the nights of the city outside, as he and his mother used to when he was a filly. He never grew out of the habit of enjoying a cup of tea every now and again outside in the cool night air. Wrapped around his neck was a lavish red scarf the he made himself when he first began his tailoring business. He cherished it dearly, and wore it when it was practical. He sipped his tea silently, enjoying the hustle and bustle of ponies as they passed by him. He had grown accustomed to the city noise, and he even enjoyed it.

    Something caught his ear though, a gasp, or an "eep!", something out of place. Cross-Stitch looked over to see a fallen pony and several contents spilled around her. As he rose from his chair, another pony came to her aid though, and then shortly after another joined the crowd as well. "Ah, at least somepony helped her. Poor mare." Cross-Stitch began to settle back down into his seat with a smile on his face. It always warmed his heart to see ponies helping each other. Cross-Stitch continued to sip his tea, but couldn't help but watch the rest of the scene unfold.

    • Like 1
  8. I like to draw, but I'm very bad at it. And even though i have a deviant art account I don't have anything posted on it. I practice a little bit all the time, but i suck at drawing a pony head.

    Practice, practice, PRACTICE! That's the best way to get better. There are several guides on drawing a head.


    I posted this in a Skype group once, and everypony seemed to love it, so I pass it to you. Hope it helps!

  9. Cross-Stitch bowed his head as well, as was habit to him. "It's no problem at all. A challenge is always a great way to better oneself. " Cross-Stitch raised his head and glanced at both the ponies, addressing them both with his next sentence, "Well, with so many orders, I do believe I should get to work." Cross-Stitch began trotting towards the stairs once more with a happy smile. He never assumed he would get this much business on his first day, nor did he assume he would meet this many nice ponies. He trotted with a little hop in his trot whilst humming a sweet tune to himself.

  10. Cross-Stitch's ear twitched at his name. He turned from Sparks who had been assisting him with comparing colors.

    "Pardon?" Cross-Stitch began trotting back over to the two, his back was now lined with a rainbow of fabric. He lowered his head and let his glasses fall of his face, but they were caught by a chain that connected the legs of the glasses behind his head. "Ah, you would like a dress for the Gala, then?" Cross-Stitch tilted his head at the request which caused some of his mane to fall in front of his face.

    "Hmm..." Cross-Stitch's hoof raised to his chin as he pondered how he should respond, "I'm not exactly... 'Experienced' in dress making you see." Cross-Stitch bit his lip in hopes of not sounding rude. A sudden determined smile replaced his look of worry though. He clopped a single hoof on the ground, "But I sure can try!" He said in a triumphant tone.

  11. Hello, Luke! Welcome to Canterlot.

    If you're looking for a Minecrafter server I suggest you check out THIS THREAD

    You will need to make at least 3 posts in the Introductions board before you can post on any other boards though. I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here in Canterlot.

  12. ~A comprehensive guide on ways to attract fellow bronys~

    Basically, stories of ways you've met other bronys

    ((For the life of me, I still cannot figure out if it's bronys or bronies))

    -Wearing MLP merchandise: Now this is pretty obvious. One day whilst wearing my Derpy shirt, a brony stopped me and asked what was on my shirt (I was a little nervous about wearing the shirt, so I kept my jacket half zipped up). Upon showing him my shirt, he showed me his Derpy keychain on his keys.

    -Drawing Ponies during class: For our art class, we were to turn in three sketches, drawings, etc. I drew Rainbow Dash, Derpy, and Doctor Whooves. Not many others understood what they were looking at, but it did attract another brony from class who applauded me for my sketches.

    So, what are some stories of your encounters with other bronys?

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