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Posts posted by CrossStitch

  1. I'm still hoping for another character origins episode, like Cutie Mark Chronicles...

    Still, this is a Rarity episode, so it excites me! But, my other favorites just aren't getting enough love... Applejack needs an episode, definitely!

    Prediction: Rarity frets over a difficult decision, but comes to a conclusion that is very simple and obvious that she overlooked in her worrying.

  2. I don't know something about the story sounds very similar to another ponys bio the bit about Learning that the bully was actually poor and needed pity instead of scorn...

    Ah? I'm sorry if it is similar to another bio. Is it one of yours?

    I never intended it to be similar to another character. I'll change it immediately.

  3. I just saw the episode.

    I must say, I was PARTIALLY right. I predicted AppleJack would be Mare-Do-Well. So, I was a quarter right... Right?

    I have to say, this hasn't exactly been my favorite one. I know Rainbow Dash is one of the more famous of the Mane 6, but we don't need two episodes about her in a row. I'd have to rank this pretty low in my list of favorites, unfortunately.

    I did love Mare do Well's costume though... Simply fabulous.

  4. Cross-Stitch was comparing colors of fabric with the fabric on his back, "Oh, they are coming along quite fine." Cross-Stitch compared another two colors, Cross-Stitch smiled and put the fabric on his back with the other two colors. "And Sparks has been a great help." Cross-Stitch winked at the small sparrow with a warm smile. "Fetching this and that, holding spools, it's practically like having an extra set of hooves." Cross-Stitch threw one more piece of fabric over his back and trotted back to Colton, "I could probably have them done by tomorrow night."

    Cross-Stitch turned to the new customer, "It is my pleasure madam." Cross-Stitch bowed his head slightly. The next part of the sentence caught Cross-Stitch off guard though, "A competent tailor, you say?" Another smile spread across Cross-Stitch's face as he looked back to Colton. "I'm very glad Colton has been a big help to you, if you need anything, I'm sure he's the one that can help you." Cross-Stitch nodded his head, as if confirming to himself that Colton was indeed up to any task.

  5. Cross-Stitch trotted down the stairs, he now sported a small pair of glasses on his nose, and his scarf was missing. His mane was a bit messed up as well, but still fairly straight. He wore a pleasant smile on his face and was practically glowing. This was how he always got after working on a new outfit though. Creating new clothing always put him in a great mood. There was a piece of black fabric draped over his back, and some red fabric about his shoulders, obviously the color he was working with.

    "I must say, making a suit for a swallow isn't the easiest thing I have ever done," Cross-Stitch let out a small laugh as he finished his decent down the stairs.

    It took him a while to notice there was a customer other than Colton in the store. Cross-Stitch's eyebrows shot up as he realized there was another pony in the shop though. He quickly flicked his head to realign his mane, "My apologies, my name is Cross-Stitch, owner of The Perfect Fit. I do hope Mr. Cloudkicker has been of help to you." Cross-Stitch looked to Colton with a warm smile, as if thanking and encouraging him at the same time. "If you need anything at all, me or Mr. Cloudkicker here would be more then happy to assist you."

    Cross-Stitch gave the newest customer a warm smile as well before trotting off to go through the bolts of fabric he had in another corner of the room.

    ((Sorry I was away for a while.))

  6. Cross-Stitch began thinking for a minute. He had never thought about letting anypony else help around the shop, he also never even considered anypony would WANT to help.

    "That would actually be lovely. If you could run the register, I could get these suits done by sometime tomorrow."

    Cross-Stitch trotted over to and pick up his pad of paper, "I'll be upshtairsh if you need me. Oh, and Coloton, thanksh again." Cross-Stitch wore a wide smile,even with the pad of paper between his teeth. He gave Colton a wink and then trotted up the stairs to get to work.

    (( This would be a great chance for some more people to jump in, eh? EHHH??

  7. Cross-Stitch bit his lip again as he looked at his clothing once more. When he was lost in thought, he would always look to his clothing. He remembered what he had always learned as a foal, from his mother. Not how to sew, but a bigger and more important lesson she always taught him;


    Cross-Stitch's face turned softer, as a small grin appeared, he sighed and recomposed himself, "Right," Cross-Stitch trotted up to middle of his shop, with a much more superior posture, "You're absolutely right!" Cross-Stitch looked to the floor in though, "Perhaps what my clothign was really needng to push it over the edge was... Confidence!" Cross-Stitch spun in place with an excited face, "And I never would have found that without this shop! Nor would I have realized it if you hadn't visited! Thank you!" Cross-Stitch was practically trotting in circles in his shop.

  8. Cross-Stitch looked to his fabric, and then to the sewing machine his mother got him when he was a foal. He then looked back to Colton, "Well, it started when I was a foal. My mother loved cross stitching, it's even where I got my name from. She taught me how to do it, and how to use a needle. I never really liked it though, it was... Boring, for lack of a better term. I kept to it though, mastering how to manipulate needle and thread. One day, my mother took me to a fashion show, I believe it was Hoity Toity's latest line, if I remember correctly. It was then that I discovered a taste for fashion, and all things fabric. My mastery of a needle allowed me to easily craft my own, smaller, accessories: Such as this scarf." Cross-Stitch raised his scarf with a hoof to show it to Colton, "Then, my mother bought me that sewing machine for Hearth's Warming Eve," Cross-Stitch gestured over to the machine that looked as good as new, "Ever since, I've been a designer. I've been at this all of my life, practically."

    Cross-Stitch looked away from the machine, and his eyes went back to the floor, "As for the Gala: I've never had the nerve to show my clothing to any ponies who didn't ask first. It just seemed rude to me. Well, that is one part of the problem. The other part is, well, I don't believe they are good enough." Cross-Stitch's eyes rose to a select few suits he had set out, each clearly represented a season, they were his favorites, "I still have much work to do before I can even consider myself up to par with other designers."

  9. One of Cross-Stitch's eyebrows raised into a perplexed look, "The size of... a...Sparrow...?" Cross-Stitch said, with rising confusion in his voice.

    He looked at the small bird and held a hoof to his chin, lost in thought as usual. "I can't say that I have... But I also cannot say that it is an impossible task..." Cross-Stitch wandered off and grabbed his measuring tape. "Jusht... Hold him shtill..." Cross-Stitch went about making measurements and jotting them down on a small pad of paper. He muttered numbers under his breath, names of colors, and other things. After a few minutes, Cross-Stitch had an entire paper filled with small sketches, numbers, and names of fabric, as well as colors.

    "That should be all." Cross-Stitch looked at the small sparrow again, "Aren't you just precious?" Cross-Stitch gave the small sparrow a pat on the head, "I promise I'll make you the most fabulous suit you could ask for."

  10. Cross-Stitch's eyes darted back and forth, he bit his lip trying to stifle a smile. He never liked accepting favors, he would rather be the one giving the favors actually. But this was the Grand Galloping Gala, "I...Uh, I'd be honored, Mr. Cloudkicker." Cross-Stitch lowered his head, almost as if bowing. "Thank you very much. Your kindness is enviable." Cross-Stitch raised his head, which revealed he was wearing a large grin on his face. Ideas for outfits were already flowing through his head for what he should wear. Then it struck him, the perfect idea.

    "Mr. Cloudkicker, as thanks, please allow me design you an outfit for the Gala, it would be no trouble at all." Cross-Stitch again waved his hoof through the air, "And I just cannot take 'No' for answer!"

  11. Cross-Stitch sighed, "I once dreamed of travelling. My father was a travelling artist you see, so I always thought travelling was in my blood. It wasn't the travelling though, it was the art. But, my clothes will go on journeys I could barely dream of, and that's good enough for me." As Cross-Stitch spoke, he moved to one of his outfits and lifted a sleeve to inspect it. He smiled at his own handiwork, and imagined the outfit being bought by a travelling designer. Perhaps even Hoity Toity himself. He imagined the outfit making it to Ponyville, to Trottingham, and even Roam.

    Cross-Stitch dropped the sleeve of the outfit at Colton's offering. His eyes went wide, and had a fiery look to them, "Th-The Grand Galloping Gala!?" Cross-Stitch's timid side cracked as the topic of the Grand Galloping Gala arose. "I-I've always dreamed of going to the Gala. I would design an outfit for it every year, j-just in case..." Cross-Stitch looked to the ground, slightlty defeated. He had never once received an invitation to the Gala, but he always wanted to go.

    "Mr. Cloudkicker, I simply could not ask you to go through trouble on my behalf though."

  12. plPjE.png

    Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Gladwin the Griffin

    Sex: Male

    Age: Young adult

    Species: Griffin

    Eye Color: Blue

    Coat Color: White and brown

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Hints of orange around his bangs, Bangs are styled, Orange flame-like marks around around his eyes

    Physique: Petite

    Cutie Mark: N/A

    Origin/Residence: Cloudsdale

    Occupation: Cartographer

    Motivation: The thrill of discovery

    Likes: New things, flying, fruit

    Dislikes: Spiders, negative attitudes, ne'er do well's

    Character Summary:

    Gladwin's name has suited him perfectly since birth. 'Glad' is right in the Griffin's name, and it's only on very rare occasions that Gladwin is seen without some form of smile or grin plastered on his beak.

    His name did not always suit him though. Gladwin lived a less then mediocre life when he was at home with his parents. They named him Gladwin in hopes that his good mood would raise the spirits of his mother and father. You see, they were not exactly financially stable, especially after Gladwin hatched. They believed he would grow into a soul of happiness and kindness. It was around two years later that they had to send Gladwin to live with his aunt and uncle in Cloudsdale, unfortunately his mother and father just could not support Gladwin and themselves. He took his mothers and fathers hopes of seeing the world with him though, and he also took with him their hope that he would become a Griffin of kindness and happiness. On these two accounts, he would not let them down.

    His joy comes from new things, or things that are unknown to him, and in his eyes the entire world is new and unknown to him. Curiosity has always been deeply rooted into this Griffin's blood. Since he was young, he would always love to explore the skies and even the ground below his hometown of Cloudsdale. During his visits to the ground, he would find certain spots that he would deem "Special" in their own way. These spots usually held some sort of value to him. For example; one spot was where butterflies typically liked to visit, another spot was a large pond where many animals showed up. Eventually, Gladwin had too many spots to keep up with in his head. This is where his career in cartography began. He started drawing simple maps; lines with directions and distances so he knew where to go. As he got older though, so grew his skill. He began to draw rough sketches of the areas he would pass through, and began marking land marks. One day, he unrolled all of his maps to look at all the places he had marked on his maps. As he looked at all the maps unrolled and side by side, he noticed something. He had plotted a rather large area of the ground beneath Cloudsdale! He was astonished by his own work. It was then that he decided to be a traveler, and a cartographer, making maps of all the trails he has walked until he had eventually mapped all of Equestria. He could see new sights, learn new things, and perhaps even sell some of his maps.

    He left home at an early age, just barely able to be considered an adult. Gladwin knew the path his life was to take though, and he refused to leave it. He met the open road with open wings of his own, and he set off into the unknown with nothing but a bag full of scrolls, and the smile on his face.

  13. Ooh, I love it when an artist joins the board because I get to say; "Oh, you're an artist? Can you show us some of your drawings?"

    Also, welcome to Canterlot! I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay here.

  14. "Oh, it's quite fine. I've done this for years you see, so it's as simple as breathing to me!" Cross-Stitch smiled warmly.

    Cross-Stitch looked out the window of his shop, as if he was looking out into Ponyville, "I've heard the same actually. If only I could remember that name... Rare? I can't quite recall." Cross-Stitch shook his head, trying to organize his thoughts. He had never thought much about the designer, but perhaps he should. he decided then that he'd look into her more later on.

    Cross-Stitch's eyes were wide at the display before him, "Indeed." Was all Cross-Stitch could manage to say, "Your pet, I assume?" Cross-Stitch re-directed his view back to Colton.

    (( Agreed. I'll definitely be online tomorrow. I must say this has gone quite well for my first RP topic, haha ))

  15. Cross-Stitch could only laugh at the story, "You MUST be more careful with your clothing."

    Cross-Stitch stopped working to think about the line of questioning. No one had really asked much about any of those topics, so it actually took him a second to formulate an answer. "Well, there is quite a bit of work for me. I do not know many designers who have shop's here in Canterlot, and of those tailors, I do not know any who also design clothing. Canterlot just seemed like the best place to set up shop. I actually did consider Ponyville, with my parents, but I heard there's a pretty famous designer who lives there. So I decided against it." Cross-Stitch held the coat up once more to admire it. Cross-Stitch nodded, and deemed it repaired. "Living in Canterlot is...Well, it's something else. I, personally, adore the hustle and bustle of the city, and I love the city nights. The noise takes some getting used to, but after you're used to it... It's actually kind of pleasant. I've lived here all my life though, I don't know what it's like to live anywhere else."

    Cross-Stitch brought the coat over to Conor, "It's only me who works here actually. Not many other ponies are cut out to do the work I do, I suppose."

  16. Cross-Stitch lowered his head to hide the encroaching blush on his face, "Th-Thank you again, sir."

    Cross-Stitch stopped working when Colton asked him a question, "A job before this...? Not at all, actually. I've been designing clothes since I was a foal." Cross-Stitch looked down at the coat, noticing it needed a bit more work. He began to repair the coat and talk at the same time now, "This used to be my mothers house, but she passed it on to me when father and her decided to move to Ponyville. It wasn't until a week ago that I decided to actually make the first floor a shop though." Cross-Stitch raised the jacket up to closer inspect his work. He put the jacket back under the needle and went back to work, "How did such a fine coat get in this condition?"

  17. "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Cloudkicker." Cross-Stitch said as he shook the pegasi's hoof. Cross-Stitch was so used to using 'Mr.' and 'Ms.' as he grew up, that he never actually got out of the habit. Anytime he met somepony new, they were always 'Mr.' or 'Ms.' to him, especially if they were a customer, such as Colton.

    Cross-Stitch's eyes lit up at the compliment for his store, "Th-Thank you sir. I try my best! I woke up very early this morning to make sure the shop is up and ready to go, as well as looking its best." Cross-Stitch again took another look around the shop as he spoke, admiring his work. 'One MUST be confident of ones own work.' was what his mother always told him, and he stuck to that like glue. He would often admire his outfits after finishing them. Not only did admiring his own work put him in a good mood, but it also allowed him to notice smaller details that he had messed up on, allowing him to keep all of his outfits absolutely perfect.

    Cross-Stitch snapped back to reality as he recognized he actually had a request to attend to. He trotted forward and began examining the jacket closely. He began noticing the way the jacket was made first, then the material used, then he actually noticed the large tear in it. "Oh my... That's quite a tear. Of course I'll be able to repair it though. It shall be no trouble at all." Cross-Stitch waved his hoof in the air, as if dismissing any problems in the request.

    Cross-Stitch's heart skipped a beat as the last sentence registered in his mind, "Ah...Well, that is correct sir. I've been designing and tailoring clothes for a while now, but it wasn't until just recently that I decided to turn the first floor of my home into a store. So, yes, you are indeed my first customer, and this shop is indeed quite new."

  18. "Just one moment!" came a voice from upstairs. Within seconds, the sound of hooves against wood echoed as Cross-Stitch made his way downstairs.

    "Welcome to 'The Perfect Fit,' my name is Cross-Stitch, how may I help you sir?" Cross-Stitch wore a warm smile. He was in a very chipper mode due to his first customer coming in so soon after opening, the mood reflected in his eyes, causing them to shimmer with joy. Cross-Stitch had also decided to don his red scarf, which he adjusted once he had reached the bottom of the stairs. He gave his head a small flick to move his mane back into place as well. Sub-consciously, Cross-Stitch was already mentally dressing the customer up in many of his created outfits, thinking of which ones would look best on him, whilst mumbling to himself "No no... That wouldn't look right... Maybe...?"

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