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Everything posted by Jaugust

  1. Jaugust

    Um, Hi.

    Well, I looked at some RP's and you guys sure like to write! I'm not really used to long-post RP's but I've played some and I think I did good. I'm currently filling out my application, but I have trouble picking a place to live in ;-; I am so young and inexperienced
  2. Jaugust

    Um, Hi.

    Let me know where I should fill my application. I'm new to this things.
  3. Jaugust

    Um, Hi.

    Hi guys, thanks a lot. You are all so nice.
  4. Jaugust

    Um, Hi.

    About myself.: Well, um, you may call me August, or James if you want. I live in Mexico. It's a pretty nice country once you get used to stuff. I don't RP much but I can indeed RP. So, I guess I'm going to RP more often now. Yay for me. I spent my evenings on the internet, except when I have tennis practice. Because I love tennis. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Well, my good friend told me about it. I was a bit hesitant at first, but this seems like a nice place. How did you became a fan of FiM?: Um, well it My one favourite main cast pony?: Miss Rarity So, yeah, I threw a lot of stuff up there. I love FiM a lot. I can really relate to it. I confess I cried in a few episodes. I did buy an AppleJack figurine(I still need to find a hat hmmmm). So yeah, Hello. Sorry my avatar is not a pony, but I'm in the process of ponifying it. I just noticed this thing cut out a lot from what I wrote about finding MLP Here's the whole story: I didn't like the show at first. Well, actually, I didn't like the intro. Then I stopped the video. A couple months later, I, for some reason beyond my understanding, downloaded the first ten episodes. Three hours later, I was a brony.
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