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Posts posted by Imagination

  1. Little Ruby Pinch had gotten so excited when they had arrived that she didn't notice her class had mostly moved up to the front of the group, leaving her behind with a bunch of foals she didn't even know! Oh no!

    Well... It wasn't all bad. She could make new friends if she wanted to. But it seems like everypony was doing something interesting up at the front, and she heard something about chicks. Too much chatter! She couldn't hear Apple Bumpkin at all, though she did hear Miss Cheerilee say they needed to behave. Even though this farm was smaller than Sweet Apple Acres, it still seemed really neat! And it was a brand new place to explore! She wondered if the vineyard counted as a farm...? They grow grapes... But maybe she could ask Apple Bumpkin later.

    So she tried to make her way to the front of the group, moving like a little snake through the crowd, though once in awhile she did bump into somepony. No time to apologize! A field trip was afoot.... er ahoof! By the time she made it to ponies she recognized, it seems everypony was getting ready to feed chicks! But even more interesting! "Hi Reno!" she had to greet him first and foremost of course! "Hi Remington! Hi Snails!" It was like she hadn't seen them in days! Even though it had only been a few minutes. But then she noticed another colt being chased by chicks... Being covered in feed probably didn't help. She thought it was silly, but thought laughing might hurt his feelings.

    She stay put for now. Maybe she'd catch on to something interesting somepony else was doing?

  2. Pinchy loved hugs from her mother, even quick ones.

    As for the other mare's answer... If only Ruby had a little detective hat and bubble pipe. She would investigate the Tartarus out of that fudge. But at the moment she was also distracted with the thought of her double chocolate chip muffin. Ooooh sweet chocolaty goodness... Her mouth watered and her teeth rotted at the very thought! Well maybe not the second part, but they were probably preparing for the bombardment of a dentist's nightmare.

    With such wonderful deliciousness on the way, she was almost distracted enough to miss Miss Lime's question! What would mommy like for a treat? The excited little filly hopped about with glee as she answered the distraction question.

    "Oh she likes all KINDS of stuff! Apple Cinnamon, Raspberry, Cherry, Coffee Cake... Are we still talking about muffins? Cuz she likes other stuff too! All kinds of stuff!"


  3. Hey there!

    A good app in general, though there are a couple of things I wish to point out:

    One night Tempest was roaming the streets when she saw a young colt being harrassed by two ponies. She stood her ground and defended the colt against his attackers. It was then that she realized that she liked protecting others. This inturn produced her cutie mark.

    What exactly did she do to defend this young colt? What does the mark mean to her in terms of being tied to her talent?

    to train the upcoming recruits

    So is she a guard or a drill instructor? Can't be both, really. In the military, the chances of active military forces interacting with recruits aside from the DIs and other training personnel are slim to none. The only instance I could think of that would be an exception would be an urgent emergency where recruits would be conscripted into a reserve garrison (like the Changeling scenario). Though when the emergency is over those conscripts would return to training.

    to advance to general one day

    A respectable goal, but the chances of an enlisted pony becoming a flag officer are very slim. The way the REA is set up, Tempest would have to take leave from the guard in order to attend ROTC training to earn a commission, and even then she would start out as a lieutenant. Being enlisted could help her advance in terms of her being familiar with how things move up and down the chain, and what exactly enlisted people expect of an officer, but it's still a rare case that any officer make it all the way to general. Not discouraging you from this, mind you, just letting you know :P

  4. Reveille almost flinched as the Captain in question appeared behind them, falling silent so Private Tick could tell his story.

    The Private was already shaking in his cell from the bombardment of the NCOs, but now with such a living legend added to the mix, he seemed about ready to pass out. Thankfully he didn't though. Something about Shining Armor's presence made him collect himself, if only a little, as if his tale was a privilege to tell for the hero Captain.

    "Well, Sir, I-I have a way with clocks... I hid in some bushes by the gate and used my magic at change the time on the clock in the guard booth. When the guard saw the false time, he must've thought his shift was over and wandered away long enough for me to slip through... F-From there it was just a matter of timing the patrols right..."

    Reveille didn't seem at all happy with the story. "And I'm supposed to believe some maggot is that clever? Guards are not to leave their post unless properly relieved. There had to be something else!" He growled at the recruit, who just recoiled again, looking to the Captain "I-I-I don't know! I changed the time to three hours later and when the guard saw it he wandered off! I dunno what he was doing!"

    The Drill Instructor sighed, stepping aside for the Captain and standing tall. "What do you think, Sir?"

  5. Reveille listened good and hard to what he had to say. It would make sense for the brass to try and hold some kind of little meeting, as if it would change anything. But what he was surprised at was the fact that the door guard wasn't informed to let him through ahead of time if he truly was invited. There was something fishy about the whole thing to the Sergeant... then again he was probably just being paranoid. Though he had to agree with Private Radiant, the fact that the knight bothered to travel there at all either said he truly wanted to help, or the Order was trying send him as a 'See? We did something' sort of formality.

    After a long stare-down from the Master Sergeant, Reveille finally looked behind him at the door guard. "Well what're you waiting for, blockhead? Apparently Sir Gripes-a-Lot has a meeting to get to". As the guard complied, the Senior Drill Instructor gave Ardent a very stern look, almost going nose-to-nose with him. "If I find out you're lying to me, knight, your order's gonna have to pour you out like a dinged-up can of beans" he warned, giving his armor a rap with his hoof *ping* to emphasize his 'tin can' point.

    With that, he stepped aside, waiting for the knight to enter. "Private, stick with me unless you have somewhere to be". It never hurt to have backup. "Captain, you're welcome as well, if you so wish". Of course, he had yet to pay mind to the lunar guard observing the situation. Was she going to join them as well? Hey, at this point why not? The more the merrier right?

  6. It was a warm day, and her mother had asked her to help with some work, - her usual assistant was sick - designing a new range of bows. Satin always liked helping her mother with her work (not that she was ever asked to help - she was undoubtedly clumsy on the ground!) when she saw the sunlight from the window glistening off the silk fabric laid out on the worktops, a new found motivation inspired her: she would become the most adored fashion designer in all of Equestria!

    I assume this is the foundation of a cutie mark story? :P

    If you could expand on the cutie mark, the usual when she got it, how she got it, when she got it, and what it means to her, that'd be awesome :)

  7. An interesting start, though one glaring thing I noticed is that you don't have any sort of cutie mark story in your summary!

    The cutie mark is the most important part of a pony! it tells everypony about what they're good at, and maybe even a little about who they are!

    So I'm interested in seeing exactly how, when, and where he got his cutie mark (for singing, I imagine), and I'd also like to know what that cutie mark means to him. What does it say about him, or what is the symbolism behind it?

    If you could do this for me, I'd appreciate it! :)

  8. Ruby was done singing, but only because of the distraction that took place oh-so-conveniently after the ride stopped. Quickly, she mounted her bear on her back and ran after Valen and Remmington! Whatever they were up to, it looked fun! A sudden game of tag she didn't get the memo for? Hide-and-seek? She loved hide-and-seek! "Hey you guys, wait for us!" she called after them, running off through the gate as the lackluster ride attendant wished them a good evening when they passed. "Come on, everypony!" She called after her new group of aquaintances.

    Now where did they go? The train? Neat-o! Running up and hopping into the car, she saw Remmington asleep. Of course, the filly remembered he said he had some sort of condition, so wasn't quite so worried as she was when he just plummeted from the sky.She fought back giggling, thinking it might be kinda mean... But her attention soon turned to the orange pony, putting her prize bear on the floor. "So who're you hiding from? Are you playing a game?"

    Though before he could answer, she spotted a collapsed box with some silly looking costume stuffs in it. "Oooo!" Immediately running over to it, she jumped on in, the force causing the box to tilt back right side up. When Pinchy emerged from the box, she had a colorful Jester's hat on her head. Her reaction? Rocking from side to side with a silly grin, listening to the bells jingle.

  9. Reveille just scowled at the Captain, though that wasn't so unusual. It was practically the unspoken job of senior enlisted to babysit officers after all. With Lightning Streak being a Captain, Reveille was somewhat positive he could take care of himself. But, of course, Private Radiant did have a point. Oh yes, he remembered her. He always seems to remember a select few from each training group, and Radiant just happened to be one of those select few. Not that that was a bad thing. After graduation, the instructors always made a note that they were brothers and sisters in arms now. Of course, with all the craziness going on, Reveille had to put down his iron hoof in a situation he normally didn't. This is the fate of Canterlot that was being threatened, after all, as the Captain had mentioned.

    This was something he actually liked to see, though: A subordinate questioning a superior if they feel they are in the wrong or something needs clarification.

    The Drill Instructor rolled his eyes, taking an assertive stance on this little meet-and-greet and speaking up. "We're going to get nowhere flapping our lips around, but if you're going to respect REA authority, Destrier, then you're going to answer my question" he told the knight matter-of-factly "I ask again: what are you doing here? Why do you need to get in this building? If it's so important, I'll get this blockhead at the door to move and send you on your way. If you don't want to tell me, I'll assume it's not important".

    With that he waited, keeping an awaiting gaze on the knight and blocking out everypony else for now. Like Tartarus he was going to be ignored again.




    A BOX









    It's an open cardboard box with a rainbow over it. Cuz ponies :3



  11. A decent app, though there's one glaring issue:

    The alcoholism. It's not something that should be a blatant or huge part of anypony's story, but it's good for something kept in the background. It's fine that she brews and taste tests cider, but we would rather avoid having her be addicted to it. It can be said that she likes a strong cider and is a preferred drink, however.

    If you could revise this for us, it would be most appreciated :)

  12. Only thing of note I feel I need to bring up is how she got her cutie mark. There isn't really any mention of it, however I assume the paragraph describing when she spilled ink on her was around the same moment she got the mark?

    If you can clarify that the story she wrote then was what she got her cutie mark for (if I'm interpreting this correctly) I'd appreciate it :)

  13. Imagination? I need your aid!

    I can't imagine snow...

    I can't believe I didn't see this before! Let me help you, child!

    See... Snow is like nothing. It's white! Like a blank canvas! Picture a sheet of paper with some dead trees sticking out of it, and you got a winter scene! Yay!

    Don't eat yellow snow, though. High in calories, you see.

    And snowING? Well it's like fallout you can eat!

  14. I sense some hostility here, please tell the camera every problem you have so I can put in on Youtube.

    It all started when I was just a little girl, growing up in rural lunar base alpha...

    Mother always told me I'd be something. That's it really, just something. Kindof a cop-out answer if you ask me. Didn't even give me examples of what I could strive for. So I conferred of my pet rock, whom I named Dusty, my problem. He was quick to respond with 'lolumad'. I, of course, was going to have no more of his abuse. I was only 3! And so I put him in my mouth and promptly spat him back out. He was named Dusty for a reason.

    But then father saw I didn't have my helmet on and he got into an argument over it with the local creek, which flooded and caused life on the moon for a second time.

    Therefore, children should not have to wear helmets on bicycles, because it could help them play God.

    Thank you.

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