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Posts posted by Imagination

  1. In time for Winter Wrap-Up, she was contacted by the mayor of Ponyville to come out and help with the Spring Anthem.

    Of all the musical ponies out there, why would the Mayor go to a filly in Cloudsdale who's only known locally? I would also think this sort of agreement would count as a prior relation.

    I'd recommend changing this to a local project somepony in Cloudsdale wanted done. Makes more sense for a filly known locally to be contacted locally, and it eliminates the cast connection. :)

  2. This is a very nice app, though there's only one thing that needs to be fixed:

    The cutie mark story! What you have is good, but it's very very basic information. What's the particular story behind how he got his cutie mark? What was the special event/ action that triggered him getting it for himself, and what does that mark represent to him?

    If you could clarify on this, it would be much appreciated :)

  3. Reveille probably would've been proud if the recruit hadn't been clumsy in the armory and careless outside.

    "Sounds like something out of a bad V Order story, though I'm sure we can get all the details from him when we see him."

    So it began with some strange magic... Likely how he got in in the first place, but what did he use? He didn't know every single Recruit in the depot, as he usually only interacted with the ones that screw up when he's around. Otherwise it falls upon his other instructors to interact with their respective Recruits. That said, he didn't know about the magical ability of the one that was caught.

    It took him a half hour later to get to the armory, so he either took his time and was careful up until that point, or he had to search for it. Either way, it seemed his first blunder was knocking over that armor. Speaking of which, Sergeant Bonfire had said the Recruit had a damaged helmet on him. "So he dinged up the helm... He break anything else?" Of course broken equipment was going to cost somepony some bits. Sure as heck wasn't going to be Reveille though.

  4. "Um, Sketch? I have someone who can help out with the snow in the trees, uh, if that's ok..."

    Sketch shook off his panic as soon as it arrived when Fluttershy approached with the bear. The big fuzzy woodland juggernaut did seem a bit more peaceful, and he couldn't deny he felt safer with Fluttershy nearby, after seeing her gift with animals in action. Using the bear to shake the snow out of the trees? Well, if the bear was truly willing to help, it could prove to be a very valuable asset! "Well... I certainly don't see why not, so long as you stay with it, Fluttershy. I think that would be a great help!" Not much could match up to the strength of a bear afterall! The snow on those trees didn't stand a chance!

    Taking another look around, it seemed most of the ponies were going to stay and help with the snow, which was fine, but he worried about the possibility of there not being enough ponies on the retrieval team to guide all the birds back.

  5. I see you added some stuff, which is good, but I'm still not seeing anything in regards to a cutie mark story. I saw that she got it after making her first working potion, but that's it. What kind of potion was it? What were the circumstances of her wanting to make it? How did it effect those around her? Tell the story of her special talent! :D

    When you do that, I'll gladly stamp this! Seems like a very interesting character.

  6. Blueberry! Blueberry was good, but Ruby was a sucker for chocolate. "I like the chocolate muffins with chocolate chips in em! Mommy doesn't like me eating those too much though, cuz she says they're bad for me, so I like regular chocolate chip too!" Chocolate. Can't go wrong. Unless it's bad chocolate, but such a thing had yet to be discovered by the filly, so it's all good!

    "So how did you meet my mommy, Miss Quicklime? How did you guys become special friends?" Ba-boom.

  7. Ruby seemed to release the hug around the same time he did. There was only so long a hug could last during recess, after all. If Diamond Tiara or her little toadie, Silver Spoon, saw that they'd never hear the end of it.

    "Um..do you um want to um..go to sugarcube corner after school with me?"

    Was he asking her out? Was it a date? Were they just hanging out? Either way, it was Ruby's turn to be bashful, hiding (or trying to hide) her blushing behind her hooves. Reno was cute and a nice colt, so why not? Besides, who could pass up Sugarcube Corner? "Umm.. o-okay!"

  8. "Okay, Miss Quicklime!" she responded excitedly, bouncing at the mare's side with joy as they went to the store the foal was all too familiar with, what with it being so close to her mother's bar. But now the door! Ruby didn't have to duck! Cuz she was vertically challenged (lolshort). But hey, she's a filly, it's not entirely her fault she wasn't aging faster. Though she was slightly in awe at the other mare's height.

    While in the store, Pinchy knew to be on her bestest, best behavior! Afterall, this was mommy's special friend! She didn't want to upset mommy's special friend! Celestia knows what vile, wicked retribution would await her if the filly managed to embarrass of upset miss Quicklime! Mommy might even make her... *ulp*...

    Mow the lawn.

    She shuddered at the thought. That little push mower was miserable! Sometimes she didn't push hard enough and the blades just got tangled in the grass!

    Forcing such horrid, scarring thoughts aside, she stayed close to Miss Quicklime to get those muffins! "So what kind of Muffins do you like, Miss Quicklime?" Really Ruby? Of all the awkward questions you could suddenly blindside her with now that you two are away from Berry, you choose to ask what kind of muffins she likes?

    Perhaps it's Pinchy who's going soft!

  9. The Earth Pony flew! He flew!

    As fascinating as that was, Ruby tried to hold back her amusement at seeing the reaction of his mane to her little greeting. Part of her wanted to play with it, but he fixed it before the filly could act on that impulse.

    But what was this? A bashful one!

    But that was okay. She had to give him credit! It probably took a lot of guts to do what he did, and she was very grateful! Oh course she still had his card with her, levitating it behind her. But now what? Well, the filly gave him a peck on his cheek right back, followed by a big hug! Awww. "Thank you, Reno! It's beautiful!" the filly's excitement over the card still bursting from her voice.

  10. The only thing I think I need to make a note of is that I'm a bit confused as to his special talent. He's a student for interior design and got his cutie mark for designing a building, yet his goal is to make everything worthy of 5 stars?

    Is he a perfectionist or an architect? Or am I missing something/ lose something in translation?

    If you could clarify for me, I'd appreciate it :)

  11. A decent start, but I just have one question:

    They met in the Genius Academy for Gifted Fillies.

    If I remember correctly I assessed Glatarria's app, but I don't remember seeing anything about this little school. Could you try explaining a bit more about the school? How she got in, what kind of programs the school was best know for and, most importantly,where was it?

    We don't mind members making up schools/colleges for their ponies, so long as they seem legit and we can get a general idea of where they would be.

  12. A couple of clarifications I'd like to see:

    1. She fell down during a snow storm, and she got the ability to manipulate ice and snow? It would take some kind training for a unicorn to be able to master an elemental set of magics. Did she do this when she lived in Fillydelphia, or maybe got lessons in Canterlot?

    2. Being acquainted with the Princesses is pretty unlikely. I'd see if you can clear that up with Diomedes (our Princess Celestia) and MyLittlePonyTales (our Princess Luna). If not, that may have to change.

  13. I think this app looks great so far, but the only question I have is what she actually does as a Mercenary.

    In the world that we know, Mercenaries are not bound by any ethical code or guidelines and are able to use any means necessary to fulfill their contract. I'd imagine in Equestria they're not quite so ruthless, but still a bit frowned upon.

    With this in mind, what kind of work does an Equestrian Mercenary do?

    This isn't a huge, pressing matter, just a question I, personally, have about this app. If you can clarify I think that'd be great, though if not I'll probably stamp this within a couple days anyway and see what happens. :)

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