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Posts posted by Raikomaru

  1. Made some edits.

    1: Adressed. She has a Canterlot family looking out for her safety while she's there.

    2: Adressed. The staff stays, so there's no hacking and/or slashing.

    3: Adressed. Straight Lace's tough, serious personality is...primarily an act. Hence the diffrence in expression between the two images, too.

    4: Adressed.

    If anything else is brought up, I'll deal with that too. :)

  2. As an aside: the images included was made using the Pony Editor.

    Roleplay Type: Crossover RP

    Name: Straight Lace

    Sex: Female

    Age: Filly, though closer to Mare then most.

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Dark teal

    Coat: Pale blue. Wears silver bracers on all four of her upper and lower legs, as well as silver accessories on her wings.

    Mane/Tail: Dark brown, but dyes it black-and-white. Mane is long and flowing, whereas her tail is usually styled into a peculiar 'blade' shape. If not styled, it matches her mane in style.

    Physique: Straight Lace has a fairly unremarkable physique, although she is rather toned. She also has rather wide hips and thick thighs.

    Residence: Thanks to her current situation, Straight Lace has no real place of residence, roaming Equestria, although she's been given shelter by a friendly Canterlot family.

    Occupation: While Straight Lace will state that she's an adventurer to all who will listen, she's little more then a wanderer at present.

    Cutie Mark: Straight Lace has not yet earned her Cutie Mark.

    Motivation: Straight Lace is driven by her quest to earn her Cutie Mark through ridding Equestria of the nasty things lurking in its darker, less-explored regions.

    Likes: Straight Lace honestly enjoys what she does. Delving dungeons, doing battle with shadowy things...it makes her feel alive, and gives her a rush few things can compare to. Beyond that, she definately appreciates simply being able to talk to other ponies.

    Dislikes: A quick way to earn Straight Lace's enmity is bring up her lack of a Cutie Mark. She's highly sensitive about that.

    Character Summary: Straight Lace was born to a somewhat unremarkable Pegasus family in Trottingham. She started her life as an unremarkable Pegasus as well, growing up, making friends and generally having fun like all ponies do.

    That all changed when her friends started to acquire Cutie Marks, whereas her flanks remained blank. Awe and sincere praise gave way to frustration and jealousy over time. She was eventually the only one among her group who lacked a Cutie Mark, and it was driving her mad. Wanting to know what was going on, she hit the books in addition to her studies...and found nothing that could help her.

    Unable to face her parents or her friends without a Cutie Mark, she left home after her studies, leaving behind but a letter stating that she was going to travel Equestria in search of her calling, of the truth behind her still-blank flanks, and that she wouldn't come back until she had accomplished this goal. Along the way, figuring she might run into things less friendly to ponies, she started training to defend herself, fashioning a branch she found one day into a staff, and wielding it in her mouth.

    Over time, she learned that Equestria wasn't all sunshine and happiness: there were dark places, and nasty things hid there to cause mayhem. This would not stand. Figuring she had found her calling, Straight Lace turned her attention to these 'dungeons', as she calls them. Still bearing that same staff sheathed at her right shoulder, she travels wherever she can and explores these darker places, taking the mayhem to those who would cause it, and has been relatively successful. During her adventures, a family living in Canterlot has taken her in until the time she finishes her quest.

    Those who knew Straight Lace when she was younger would explain her as someone fundamentally driven by a quest for attention. She wants to gain the respect of her peers and elders, to be looked upon favorably and spoken about. She wants to make her parents proud. They would also tell you she dyes her mane and her tail, and styles the latter into its distinctive blade shape to make her stand out further. They would further describe her as someone whose lack of a Cutie Mark is a continual source of embarrasment and disgrace, its absence and the implications thereof making her feel like less of a proper Pegasus.

    Those who know her now would paint her as a taker of risks. She's been described as almost completely fearless, with a noble heart, a serious face and plenty of skill with the Mouthstaff. She's the sort of pony one can depend on, the sort that'll strive to help anyone who might need it, and the sort who always has a story about a dungeon-delve to share with those who want to hear, so long as one does not bring up her lack of a Cutie Mark. She also does not talk about the life she left behind, and does not know what her old friends or even her parents are doing now...

    Most of her serious persona, however, is an act. True, she loves what she does, and takes her job very seriously, but she reserves the truth for those she's sufficiently close to. Under that confident smile and the risk-taking, she really just wants to be able to go home and show off her Cutie Mark. She's not as fearless as she makes herself seem, either: she's certainly scared of all those shadowy things she meets and does battle with, especially the bigger ones, but does what she can to avoid showing it. She acts the way she does because she wants to be taken seriously, believing that building up a good reputation among others will help her acquire her Cutie Mark faster.



  3. No problem. Anything to help a potential friend. :P

    As for ideas...I'll confess, I don't have a terrible lot of ideas right now. However, I WAS thinking of apping up a third character. One with around 100% less wings, too. If you've got a land-based character, or intend to make one, perhaps we can join forces and/or plot?

  4. What's this...?

    Well, I could certainly play with you. I'm actually facing a similar issue: I dropped off for a bit, and never got the chance to RP. To make matters worse, I've lost the address to the old chat.

    Anyways, if you're up for a game or two, I'd certainly be willing to play along. :)

  5. Roleplay Type: The Mane RP

    Name: Jade Lance

    Sex: Female

    Age: Filly

    Species: Pegasus

    Coat Color: Green

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Pure white, styled to resemble fire.

    Eye Color: Gold

    Cutie Mark: A metallic-looking lance, superimposed over a fancy shield.

    Physique: Jade's a bit on the shortish side, but don't let her slightly-smaller-then-usual stature fool you. She's rather toned and muscular...as she'd need to be, in order to fly with all her armor on!

    Origin: Originally from Filydelphia, her parents moved to Cloudsdale when she was young.

    Occupation: A student at the Cloudsdale academy, currently undergoing training to 'deal with the Manticore problem'.

    Motivation: Having grown up learning about Manticores, and the problems they cause at Equatria's borders, Jade Lance has taken it upon herself to train hard to repel them, should an incursion happen. To keep Equestria, and especially her friends, safe from these monsters, she trains diligently every chance she gets.

    Likes: Jade Lance is a notorious sweet-tooth, and just can't get enough of sweet things to eat. In addition, she's very fond, if slightly protective, of her friends.

    Dislikes: Besides the potential of a Manticore threat, Jade Lance's main dislike comes from broccoli. She never did learn how to appreciate the taste, and will avoid it if at all possible. In addition, she's also not terribly good at mathematics.

    Character Summary: Born to a somewhat unremarkable Pegasus family, Jade Lance spent her early youth in Fillydelphia, hanging out with her friends and playing around. However, suddenly, her parents announced that they were moving to Cloudsdale. Lance went with, doing what she could to keep herself at least somewhat dignified during her goodbyes. Once there, she was enrolled in the Flyer Academy, to learn the art of Being A Pegasus.

    While there, she learned of the Manticores. They were described as horrible mishmashes of everything that's wrong in the world, and causing ever so many problems whenever their paths crossed with Equestria's borders. From the moment she heard of them, Lance knew...one day, she might be called upon to deal with these beasts.

    Something changed. While she studied diligently, she began training even more, strapping a wooden pike to her head and practicing her flying charges. Over time, she began to stylize this pike, fashioning it like the horn of a proud unicorn, to pay homage to a friend of hers back in Fillydelphia. With her naturally proud and slightly boastful demeanor, new students who didn't spot the straps sometimes mistook her for an Alicorn. Lance simply rolled with that, and adopted it into her boast.

    However, this was not enough. Being able to strike is one thing, but what if the manticores strike back? Teeth and Pegasus hides do not mix very well, after all! To that end, Lance sought the aid of a Cloudsdale metal-crafter. Her request: a suit of barding, to protect herself and add some challenge to her flying, and a headpiece with a magnificent horn, styled after lances. She drew quite a few stares when she was seen wearing it during her training!

    She proceeded to wear the armor longer and longer, keeping it on anywhere she was not asleep, so much so that she didn't even notice her Cutie Mark at first! It weighed her down some, forcing her to develop stronger wings to stay aloft and maneuver. She relished the challenge, her confident smile ever-present where she went. If asked, she confessed to 'feeling naked without it'. However, knowing that all that metal she wore would alienate others despite the magnificent stylings and motifs, she commissioned a secondary set made primarily of leathers, with bits of metal attached...except for the headpiece, which would feature a replica of her mighty lance. In addition, she had images resembling her Cutie Mark printed upon the flank-plates of her barding, so others wouldn't mistake her for a blank-flank. She also commissioned a surcoat, green with white trim and her Cutie Mark embroidered upon it, to wear over her armor.

    Lance gained her Cutie Mark through dedication, both to her training, to her studies and to her friends, old and new. She didn't even notice her getting it at first, and how could she? The threat of Manticors is an ever-present threat to her, and, in order to defend those she holds dear, she took to her training and studies. Day after day, she trained her mind and her body, practicing on the dummies, refining her charges, searching for JUST the right point to strike first...honing her skill and never settling for less. The exact moment was during one particular charge...everything went JUST right. The approach, the strike, toppling..it had all gone according to plan. Lance felt proud at mastering her routine, unaware of the Mark as it manifested upon her flanks...but decided soon afterward to further refine her craft. Being able to charge and topple a Manticore is admirable, after all, but Manticors rarely travel solo! Once she did notice, however, she had the symbol emblazoned upon the flanks of her barding, as well as on the surcoat she wears over it. The lance symbolizes her commitment to vanquish threats to her home, and the shield symbolizes her desire to protect those dearest to her. She's extremely proud of having gained her Cutie Mark at her age, and makes sure to live up to what it represents.

    In terms of personality, Lance is...well, as direct as her name suggests. She's mostly personable, if headstrong and stubborn, and doesn't back down from a confrontation or a test of skill. She's a bit arrogant and boastful, however: she speaks very highly of herself, and may sometimes call herself an alicorn when boasting until the jig's up. Despite this arrogance, however, she's incredibly driven: once she sets her mind to something, she'll see it through, and there's nothing she won't do to help her friends. In her own words: "I might be late every now and again, but I'll always be there when it matters!"

    These days, Lance is still studying and training dilligently, practicing for the day she graduates, or for when the Manticores are bold enough to make their move. She may lag behind occasionally in her studies, but that simply redoubles her efforts to pass, to succeed and to put her talents to good use. When she has a few days of free time, she does return to Fillydelphia to check up on her friends. In addition, while she'll freely deny it up and down, part of her does hope that her parents are proud of her choices in life. Even though she has yet to tell them what all the armor's for, she suspects they know already, and simply await the right time to speak with her about the subject...

  6. Roleplay Type: The Mane RP

    Name: Nevermore

    Sex: Male

    Age: Nevermore has only just grown out of Colt status.

    Species: Hippogriff(Crow/Pony)

    Eye Color: White sclera, red iris.

    Coat Color: Black feathers, chocolate-coloured fur.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: With his unusual Effect Dyes, Nevermore has applied a colour effect to himself: his feathers shimmer slightly, like the night sky. Nevermore's tail is long, smooth and well-kept, and as black as his feathers minus the effect. He also has tufts of this colour around his ankles. As for his mane, it's done up facing up and forward, and gives him a blade-shaped 'fin mohawk'. He's applied a dye-effect to that as well: a metallic, glossy effect, to make it look like an actual blade without it being so.

    Physique: Nevermore has a slightly feminine figure, with a thin waist and wide hips. He's muscular, but lean rather then buff.

    Cutie Mark: Nevermore's Cutie Mark takes the shape of a blotchy sphere, looking something like paint, divided into seven parts, each representing one colour of the rainbow.

    Origin/Residence: Nevermore originally hailed from the granite mountains far to the north. He now pretty much wanders around these days, looking for a suitable place to move into.

    Occupation: Nevermore is an artist. Using the expertise in colour, and the application thereof, he makes paintings, or decorates rooms and stuff like that. He's also branched out into the world of dyes, and is thinking of adding that to his overall resume.

    Motivation: Nevermore's greatest motivation is to add colour to the world he lives in. Vibrant, lively colour! He also talks big about 'the colour of truth', something he believes can only manifest when one's heart is free of deceit and lies...

    Likes: Colour, honesty, ice-cream, chicken

    Dislikes: Grey things, deceit, shrimp

    Character Summary: Nevermore always stood out, even among his fellow Crow Hippogriffs. He loathed the drab,colourless mountains in which he lived, and long dreamed of colour. Vibrant, lively colour. It was over this very issue that he eventually left the mountains, no longer being able to stand his home and his fellows. As such, he moved down the mountains when he was but a Colt, heading toward Equestria, which he'd heard was a realm of vibrant colour.

    The reason for Nevermore's obsession with colour was discovered later: he has a natural inclination toward the colourful, the vivid and the bright, a rarity among Crow Hippogriffs, and the desire to apply this to the world around him. In addition, he has an unusually keen eye for these things, allowing him an easy time at colour-coordinating for his friends, and letting him recognise applied dyes in an instant: they stick out like a sore thumb to his eyes. Creatures with this ability tend to have an innate aversion to the colourless and drab, which Nevermore learned quickly. As he practiced his artistry and made paintings, he soon learned to abhor the colour grey, as, to him, it stands for a true absence of colour, a monument to drabness.

    Over time, he became more proficient with his ability, and began to experiment with dyes and other such agents, intending to add colour to the ponies he meets as well, should they ask him to. In addition to Colour Dyes, he's also come up with Effect Dyes, which add a layer of fanciness to what it's applied to, from a gloss varnish to a metallic sheen and anything in-between. He often experiments on himself with these dyes, both Colour and Effect, to be sure something works the way it should, for safety's sake. His most recent project, still in development, is Clear Dye, an agent that removes and cancels the effects of Colour Dyes and Effect Dyes.

    Despite his intimidating, darkly-coloured appearance, Nevermore's actually rather gentle and friendly. He speaks with a deep voice, and has something of a habit of referring to people by 'titles' that fit who they are and what they look like. Most are genuinely kind, while others have a more snarky undertone to them. He rarely raises his voice, and his laid-back demeanor makes him easy to approach. The only thing he really gets excited about is his work: he gets passionate about the virtues of colour, and the things a good colour scheme intones about the person it's applied to. He also regards any female of any species he meets with warm praise, something he does simply out of politeness: he was taught, from an early age on, to respect the opposite gender.

    He doesn't really like to talk about the situation back home, but, when pressed, is quick to reveal that he 'lived in a world where nobody understood his passion'. Crow Hippogriffs, as he states it, are a lot who prefer drab, dark colours, and live boring, cold lives. He may have left, but one day, he intends to return, bringing the Colour of Truth with him to dazzle them all. When asked about this 'Colour of Truth' that he seeks, he'll proclaim that he doesn't understand it that well himself: it was a vision that came to him in a dream, proclaiming that 'truth and colour are not that diffrent'. Since then, he's figured that the truth, whatever it is, must have an absolutely amazing colour that can only be seen by those who live their lives honestly. He'd also remark that he got his Cutie Mark shortly after he had said vision, possibly as a way to reinforce his commitment to its discovery...

  7. About myself.: Greetings, all! I hail from The Netherlands, and online roleplayng's what I mainly do. I also play games...mainly stuff like Kirby games and the Disgaea series, but I've done other stuff(and will continue to do so!) before.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Stumbled upon it during a bout of random Googling.

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: Randomly decided to get into things, really.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy

    So then, with the little profile-thingie taken care of...

    Raiko's the name, and roleplaying's what I do best. I'll admit, I'm more then a little new to the MlP fandom, but that just means I'll have to pay extra-careful attention to the character-creation form when I apply one!

    Looking forward to good times!

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