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Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. I already have one started but I plan on fixing certain parts of it. I like to draw, but I'm very bad at it. And even though i have a deviant art account I don't have anything posted on it. I practice a little bit all the time, but i suck at drawing a pony head.
  2. About myself.: Well I am a brony. Obviously. I watched all of season 1 in 2 days. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I wanted to join an RP pony forum How did you became a fan of FiM?: Cousin My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash Well hello. My name is Film Reel, Generally people it to Reel. I don't really know what to say about me. I'm from america. I run the UNCW brony group, so I am forced to do and I decided to dive into forums. Plus I actually like the idea of RPing as I did a bit of DnD for a while and being a member of the drama club. I have been a brony since early july. I skipped the denial stage and never denied my broniness to anyone. Somehow girls loves a guy who doesn't care if he watches ponies. My favorite thing in the community is fanfics. My favorite genre is shipping but I read everything. Ya so I'm pretty much an obsessed brony. Hobbies: Video games, film, and ponies. My involvement in the community: I read fanficitions, Try to draw, listen to music, collect toys, and run the UNCW brony group on Facebook. Because of this I am forced to look at a lot of fan made stuff, which isn't really a bad thing.
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