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Everything posted by ThunderFlash

  1. Correct, but wrong! I'm also an fan of Monster Girls (don't ask), but I'm on my iPod, so I can't post pictures. TPBM is as new as I am.
  2. Dear Princess Celestia, I've recently joined up with a large group of friends on a website called Canterlot.com. I've found it to be an enjoyable experience, and I'm grateful that you recommended me to check it out. I have learned that it's not always the quality of ponies on a site that matters, but rather the ponies themselves. I hope we have many great adventures, particularly in the role-play section. Your New, Faithful Student, Thunder Flash
  3. Looks like we're both newbies, eh? And apparently we both like thunder, since it's part of our name! :b Anyway, it's great to meet you. Hope I'll see you around and about!
  4. OC's with Canon characters? A dream come true~! If you're willing, I would love to see my OC (Thunder Flash) paired with Rainbow Dash. Preferbly both flying, maybe racing, but I'mma just leave that sort of thing up to your imagination. This makes me want to start drawign again. I don't currently know how to draw a pony's structure, but it seems fun to learn!
  5. Heya! I'm new here too, so it seems we're in the same boat. Name's Thunder Flash, also the name I had for my OC character. I've found the site (and everypony to be in it) quite enjoyable, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. And heck yes, another Rainbow Dash fan~! Anyway, hope to see you around the boards and RP's!
  6. Thunder had been trotting along the sand, waves lapping up against his hooves. He enjoyed these peaceful, sunny walks. They were always so calming, and usually brought a smile to the pony's face. He noticed a large group of ponies all throwing a Frisbee around, and even Rainbow Dash made an appearance. It seemed like fun, but he doubted that it would be thrown to him. However upon closer inspection, it seemed like the Frisbee was just going every which way. A small, circular shadow flew over his head, making him look up. It was the Frisbee! Now he had his chance! Quickly going into a gallop, Thunder let his wings spread to give himself a bit of an extra hop as he jumped, clenching the Frisbee in between his teeth. "Ah ghet ut!" he exclaimed, his mouth being full of the Frisbee imparing his speech. As he landed, Thunder tossed the Frisbee into the air and imbeded some magic into it. It took off for whichever pony happened across it next. "Frisbee, comin' your way!" he warned to the lucky (or unlucky) pony who came by.
  7. What reeled me in was Sonic Rainboom. Just...asd;asldka;...I love that episode. It was also the episode that made me absolutely adore Rainbow Dash. For a cutesy children's cartoon, that episode went above and beyond my expectations.
  8. Depends on who I'm talking to, really. With friends on the internet or good friends that I know, I dont hide it. Typically my friends bash me for it, but it's all good fun. To be honest, everyone in my group has a loud of quirks that could make all of us seem incredibly weird, but we enjoy poking each other about it for fun. I just happen to be the only brony of the group. I tried to get them to get into MLP, but they wouldn't have any of it. Outside of my little group, it's unknown. I have given a hints to other people, and also accidentally said things that might lead on to me being a brony. More often than not, I tell people things "need to be about 20% cooler," or that "I could do (action) in ten seconds flat." I've said things like 'everypony' and 'somepony' by accident. That got a few stares. Family and people outside my bubble of security, I don't try to let on. I don't own any merchandise either, so I doubt that anyone else is aware.
  9. Heheh, yeah. Thanks for the welcome, and I hope to see you too! The funny thing is that I instantly copied the skeleton for the profile when I first saw this site. Upon signing up and making my intro topic, I already had most of the kinks that I saw cleared up, and got it up as soon as possible. Now just gotta wait for someone to give me some feedback, because I'm almost certain my profile could be touched up in some way or another that I might have missed.
  10. Roleplay Type: Mane RP Name: Thunderflash Sex: Male Age: Stallion Species: Pegasus Eye Color:Yellow Coat Color: Dark-gray Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Naturally black hair, with yellow highlights. Physique: A slender, healthy pony. Taller then most, but not by a lot. Cutie Mark: A lightning bolt with wings, going straight through a fluffy white cloud Origin/Residence: Canterlot Occupation: Weather Pony, but wishes to be part of the Wondercolts someday. Motivation: To see the happy faces of a pony when the dark, gloomy stormclouds part and reveal the sun. Likes: The sounds of thunder and rain / sunny days / happiness Dislikes: The cold / losing / sour foods Character Summary: Thunderflash tends to come off as a hyper and active pony, moving around in some way or another. He doesn't seem to ever calm down, and some tend to say he's rather childish. He does show self-control when the situation calls for it. He doesn't seem to mind that he can go a bit out of control, and associates this with the comparison he often gets from others; a lightning bolt. Thunder was born in Canterlot, while his parents came from Cloudsdale. They moved on a whim, and seemed to like the bustling city of Canterlot. He himself also enjoys it. His parents (known as Ma and Pops by him) are key parts to his life. Pops works as a Weather Pony, who takes care of snow clouds. Ma stayed hom to watch over him as he grew, and has now grown into a healthy, dependable young stallion. Thunder now currently lives alone in a one-pony aparentment, and also works as a Weather Pony. Ma and Pops are actually fairly calm, normal indivuals. They were never really sure where Thunder's energy came from, but they say it made raising him that much more fun. In terms of relationships, Thunder and his parents have a healthy bond between child and parents. Thunder enjoys their visits, and enjoys their company. He managed to become a Weather Pony thanks to Pops. He put in a good word for Thunder, and he first vollenteered his son to help out. After seeing that he was natural, Thunder was hired shortly after, and has been working this way since. Thunder had always loved the booming sound of, well, thunder. The heavy pelting of rain against a window would lull him to sleep on certain nights, and it perplexed his parents. Truth be told, Thunder was never scared of loud noises like lightning crackling, or the like. He would sit in awe of the cool, split-second image that a lighting bolt would leave, and thought the boom of thunder was really neat. One day, in the park, he was playing with his friends. They all were havign a great time, until a large stormcloud formed, and scared away his friends with it's loud sounds, and threatening rain. Quickly a young Thunderflash zipped up and pushed the cloud away, being that he was a Pegasus. His friends cheered for him, since he had saved the day from a rainy day inside! His cutie mark faded in, and he was overjoyed. Thunder absolutely loves to race, and can never say no to a challenge. He wants to join the Wonderbolts someday, but his modesty leaves him to believe that he'll never quite be good enough, though he certainly does try. When hyper, or nervous, Thunder tends to stamp a hoof repeadetly. He taps at random intervals, much how like lightning striking tends to be very random as well.
  11. Welcome! I guess I can't really say that though, since I'm a newcomer as well. We new ponies gotta stick together though! Anyway, nice to meet you, and hope to see you on the boards!
  12. It's good to know that I'm not the only new face 'round here! Thanks for the welcomes, and I'll be sure to check the rules out right away. I did give them a look over earlier, but it never hurts to double-check.
  13. About myself.: Video Games, Anime/Manga, Drawing, MLP How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Saw during a Google Search How did you became a fan of FiM?: Was shown the first episode, and Rainbow Dash was just so awesome. My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash Ha haa~! I can't believe I found a pretty good MLP site! Well, I'm just giving my intro. It's good to be here, and it's an interesting site (after lurking for a few minutes). I was originally searching for a decent MLP roleplaying website, since I recently got into the MLP fanbase. I had made up my own pony a while back, but never really found a chance to use him. After coming across this site, I'm eager to see if he'd pass inspection. If you couldn't guess, his name is Thunder Flash, and my avatar is a headshot of him :b So yeah, It's really good to be here. I hope to make some good friends, and even better roleplay partners during my stay. Hope to see you all around soon~
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