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Everything posted by ThunderFlash

  1. I've been looking for an excuse to use my new character, Snippet. Still working out some kinks though.
  2. Thunderflash was more than happy to answer the fellow ponies questions. He thought for a moment before answering. "Well, let's see. I work as a weather pony. I usually tend to the storm clouds. Me and my team work to move the storm clouds when it's supposed to be sunny, or move them in when it needs to rain. It's kinda complicated. Cloudsdale is a fairly quite town. It's also home to the Wonderbolts! They're some of the most impressive pegasai EVER! Any pegasus whose worth their wings would give the WORLD to be part of their team, and uh, ahem..." Thunder noticed his sudden rambling, stopping before it got too out of hand. "Yeah, only pegasai can usually go their, since only pegasai can walk on clouds. I've heard of a few occasions where a unicorn or earth pony could visit, assuming they used the right spell, but I don't know much about that." Thunder took a moment before continuing with the small interview. "Well, I dunno how it floats. Because clouds can float...I guess." he said with a small shrug. Thunder also turned to Dazzle, eager to hear what she emight say about herself. He didn't want to hog all the attention, after all.
  3. Oh, no, th-that not sad at all! (It's is kinda sad...)
  4. Naw, you're good. You'd just have to pick a character! If you're interested, just lemme know.
  5. Thankies! I've apparently taken the officia spot as Rainbow Blitz on the Minecraft server. I found it fitting. :3
  6. If Asthmetic would like to play a side character, that's fine by me, though we'd have to work the kinks out. That is if he's up for it. I certainly don't mind.
  7. I'm not sure if there's room, as far as lead roles go. IceStorm may not be able to participate, because I've told em we were starting, and I haven't gotten a reply yet.
  8. RRGH. Now I hafta go draw pony. I want to do as good as this.
  9. Nevermind. Disregard the second part of my last post.
  10. Well, I left after I put it on. If there's room for another in the RP that Asthmatic joined, assuming it's made, I'll be more than happy to join in.
  11. Hey guys! Notice anything...different 'bout me?
  12. Thunder was currently checking things over on a clipboard, making sure everything was ready for when he was to begin instructing the new students. He had some extra time on his hands, so being an instructor at this Flight Camp seemed like a fun idea. Fond memories of his own time in Flight Camp, back when he was younger, resurfaced. He had to admit, things weren't always perfect, but in the end he was happy he had attended. Now he got to teach other students how flying worked too! It was going to be an interesting year, that much he knew. "Just wait Thunder, this'll be a great experience!" he said to himself, as he waited for the students that would be attending his instruction to all file in. It seemed a few were starting, but he'd give it a bit more time before beginning. ( Hope this is alright. Wasn't sure exectly how the schedule goes and what-not )
  13. Thunder blinked when Apis tried to get out that he wasn't very knowledgable about the surrounding places, besides a bit of Canterlot. A small grin spread along his face, more than happy to share his origins. "Well, I've only been around a few places, but I've pretty much lived in Canterlot my entire life. I've been to a few other places though. Cloudsdale and Ponyville mostly. Cloudsdale is a cool little city in the couds, home to the pegasai. Ponyville is a nice town with a mixture of different ponies. I think you'd like it, since it's a bit more calm than Canterlot." he went on to explain. After giving his chin a scratch, thinking of any other place, he nodded. "Insulted? Are you kidding? A little question like that's not gonna do any harm! You're amongst friends here, so go ahead and ask away!" he said, patting Apis on the back assuringly.
  14. Roleplay Type: Corssover/FFA Name: Rainbow Blitz Sex: Male Age: Colt (17 Years old) Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Purple Coat Color: Sky Blue Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Rainbow colored mane and tail. His mane is cut shorter than Rainbow Dash's and his tail is more jagged. Physique: Built as a strong, healthy pegasus, but similar to Rainbow Dash. Cutie Mark: A cloud with a lightningbolt shaped rainbow coming from it. Origin/Residence: Cloudsdale Occupation: Weather Pony Motivation: To join the one and only Wonderbolts, and be the coolest flier in all of Equestria! Likes: Flying, Wonderbolts, Racing, Winning, Napping, Pranks Dislikes: Being stuck on the ground, Losing, Those that mistreat his friends Character Summary: Rainbow Blitz is a brave and bold pony, but also mischievous and proud. He can also come across as insensitive, but he usually doesn't notice this. Blitz is very loyal to his friends, being the Element of Loyalty, and doesn't let anything get in the way of those he cares about. Usually. Rainbow Blitz is very competitive, and can't resist the call of a good challenge. He won't settle for anything less than victory however, and can tend to be a sore loser. He generally can be a bit niave and hot-headed, which results in some less than favorable situations. Blitz comes from the dimension where everpony has swapped genders. Twilight and her friends chanced upon the dimension when a teleportation spell to Manehanttan went wrong. It is said that there are millions of dimensions, each with a different scenario. When Twilight had messed up her spell, it plopped them in a random dimension, which happened to be the generbend one. The lives of the genderbent Mane 6 are seemingly identical to there original counterparts, but with minor alterations. Blitz grew up with a passion for flying, but bullied throughout school. The fillies would often get on his case about things, calling him 'Rainbow Ditz'. It seems to get to him more, since he was essentially being made fun of by girls. However he challenged them to a race, and won by performing a Sonic Rainboom. His adventures from there on are identical to that of his female copy. His friends are also male copies of the originals. Dusk Shine for Twilight Sparkle, Butterscotch for Fluttershy, Berry Punch for Pinkie Pie, Elusive for Rarity, and Applejack for...well...Applejack. (This is because Applejack can pass as a colt name too.) Rainbow Blitz's lifelong dream is to one day join the Wonderbolts. He can fly fast enough that he leaves a trail of rainbow behind him. Blitz has a knack for naming moves that he comes up with, and then practicing them until perfection. He also works as a weather pony, adjusting weather as needed. Despite being a copy of Rainbow Dash, this does not mean he can grow in different ways. Many new things could happen to possibly change the rainbow-colored pegasus. --------- This is a video displaying an example of what Blitz (and Dusk Shine's) voice, or atleast what they would most likely sound like. Philsterman10 also has done voices of the other genderbends.
  15. Oh, no, you're fine. It was a simple misunderstanding, and I should have been clearer as to my intentions. I am aware of the younger audiences that frequent the site, and had no intention of the idea being related to orientation. Dio cleared it up nicely, to whom I thank.
  16. Thanks, this is what I was mainly looking for.
  17. I assure you, I never intended it to be innapropriate. It was merely a question about whether a 'colt' version Rainbow Dash, and as to what boards he would be restricted to. Nothing more. I can understand what you mean though, just know that this was a harmless question. Even still, I hadn't even made the application yet. If I had, and you reported that, then I suppose that would be a bit more understandable. It was just a harmless question, and actually didn't expect a whole lot of love for the idea...
  18. Why would you report this? It's a RP related question, unless this has been asked before and I was unaware. If this is the case, simply letting me know would suffice, and I would be more informed as to not ask such questions again.
  19. I was considering making an app for Rainbow Blitz, but I was unsure as to whether he would be restricted to Crossover/Free-For-All or not. I would think that if it were explained, he might be able to work in with the Mane RP, but that could be stretching it. The method I speak of would be similar to how the Mane 6 were transported to the genderbent world ('On a Cross and Arrow'), but I needed to be sure it was alright.
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