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Everything posted by ThunderFlash

  1. It only gets worse from here on out, seeing as 'Twilight' tends to be the only level-headed pony.
  2. Eyo, I was wondering if anypony could make a Rainbow Blitz skin. I tried, but it didn't turn out well, and I'm not sure what the problem is. Hope it isn't much trouble, and thank you~
  3. Thunderflash [Pegasus] -Approved- http://www.canterlot...er-flash-final/ ---- Snippet [unicorn] -Approved- http://www.canterlot...08-snippet-wip/ ---- Rainbow Blitz [Pegasus] -Approved- http://www.canterlot...__fromsearch__1
  4. That awkward moment indeed. This may put some difficulty in certain episodes...but if worse comes to worse, we could just...skip/replace it.
  5. Ah, well, that works too. Then again, this IS supposed to be our story. It's this kinda change that I figured would be the neat...weird, but neat.
  6. I don't think we all are, but I can't help but feel a good portion of us are... Maybe I SHOULD use Snippet instead of Thunder, since Snippet is a unicorn. He could also be the 'Rarity' of the group, seeing as how we don't have one. Would that be best? EDIT: Here's a link to his app, if you wanna know more. http://www.canterlot.com/topic/5008-snippet-wip/
  7. Dangit, beaten again. I think I might actually rethink how I'm going to go about getting Thunderflash in. Since he is the Element of Honesty, rather than the Element of Laughter. Meh, I'll just make him an honest pegasus that has an overabundance of energy. Now...I simply need to find the perfect time for my entrance. *rubs hands and laughs maniacly* Dear Celestia, could you imagine a 'Cross and Arrow' episode of our poor ponies? Boy-oh-boy, I'm gonna love that.
  8. Not if my Pinkie Pie entrance beats you to it Neonii!
  9. Thunderflash waited until his laughing died down, before looking to up at Applejack. "Pfft...S-Sorry Applejack...C'mon, you gotta admit, we got ya pretty good." he said. As his giggles subsided, he took a moment to catch his breath. "Besides, You're not the only pony we've gotten! Pinkie Pie was our first victim, so don't think we're picking on you." After that, he looked back at Storm. "Speaking of which, let's head down to Sugarcube Corner. All this pranking's made me hungry, and we can see how that first prank's going." he suggested, open to any other ideas Storm may also have.
  10. This is gonna be a great breif appearence that Thunder'll be making. It's funny, because he sorta is suited for the Pinky Pie role. Snippet, my new character , would have been perfect for the role of Rarity. And whoo! Parasprite for Limey~!
  11. Thunderflash took the snapdragons with a scheming grin. He chuckled to himself before looking down back at Ponyville, specifically at the Apple Farm. He gave a motion for Storm to follow along, and soon Thunder took off, taking the lead as he flew to an overhead cloud. Below, Applejack was doing the usual: bucking trees. She seemed unaware of their presence for the moment. "Alrighty. Wait here, and watch the brilliance!" he said in a hushed voiced. Dismounting the clud they were on, he quietly landed behind the tree Applejack was about to buck. He peeked around, tipping her bucket of apples over and then resuming his hiding. "Well shoot. Now ah gotta pick all these here apples up..." she mumbled, turning around to pick up the fallen produce. Thunder quickly began to spread the snapdragons around the tree and spacing them out. Once they were in place, he darted back up to the cloud with a black and yellow blur behind him. He looked to Storm with a grin. "Now just gimmie a sec to get this cloud nice and frazzled..." he mumbled, shaking the cloud until it began to turn a dark gray. "Aaaaand...KA-POW!" he shouted, giving the thundercloud a good stomp. With a crack, a single lightning bolt struck one of the snapdragons, setting it off. After that, it was like a chain reaction! All the snapdragons began to pop and crackle, and scaring Applejack enough to make her jump up in the tree! Thunder was doing his best to keep his outbursts of laughter at bay, though it was obvious it wasn't working very well.
  12. There doesn't really have to be an order, unless you all want there to be. And darn it, I missed my chance to mess up Lime's hair. Ah well, I'll prolly enter in a Pinkie Pie fashion, given Thunder's personality in his application. I can't wait for this to kick off~!
  13. Thunder snorted and snickered as the pizza pony went around the back door. This was gonna be a great prank! As the prank unfolded, he felt like he had seen it somewhere else before. However, the hilarity was too much, as he doubled over from laughter. The pizza pony took off, and Thunder was smacking a hoof off the fluffy white ground. "Ahahahaha! That was AMAZING!" he cried out. "I think my sides are gonna burst! Gahaha!" When Thunder finally managed to stop laughing, he stood up again and breathed. "Hoo....man, that was great. Who knew fireworks could work as pranks so amazingly? I'm gonna hafta pick up some fireworks before I go!" he said as he started calming down. "Oh! OH! I gotta great idea! Do you have any of those little pop-rocks?" he asked, the inner cogs turning in his brain.
  14. Thunder listened as the smoke detector went off, and soon the sounds of Pinkie desprately trying to put out the 'fire' were heard. He peeked to watch the party pony scramble to put it out, and could tell the prank worked as planned. Thunder's snickers started to slowly escape him, until he was on the ground. He rolled around on his sides, laughing at the sight. "Pffff-Aahaha! THat was proceless!" he said between laughs. His wings flapped a bit as he stood back up, wiping a tear from his face. "Oh man, that was priceless. Hey hey, we should totally get someone else! Who else can we prank?" he asked, hoping that the fun wouldn't end yet.
  15. Thunderflash was flying feebily overhead, shivering. He really didn't like the cold, and was much more fond of the sunshine than the snow. His teeth chattered a bit, and finally Thunder was forced to land. He came within a few feet of the other ponies that were about, but hadn't taken notice of them just yet. ""G-Geez! It's f-f-freezing..." he mumbled, folding his wings close to try and warm himself up. He'd get used to the weather eventually, but for now it was hard to cope. With another shiver, he turned to the other ponies without really noticing he was speakign to them. "Man, i-it sure is a cold o-one today, isn't it? I thought I'd n-never get done with my shift! I s-suppose the snow is kinda pretty, and th-" Thunder stopped short, realizing that he was rambling to complete strangers. He gave a few awkward laughs, but nervous ones at that. "Um, sorry. I get a bit c-carried away sometimes...I hope I wasn't intruding on anything."
  16. Thunder followed closely behind Storm, moving silently as Pinkie Pie was busy. It was brilliant he had to admit, putting the smoke bombs in the oven. He figured that as soon as Pinkie would open the oven, smoke would go everywehere! He snickered to himself at the thought, and followed Storm along. The bell went off, and he kept close to watch the action unfold. The only thing that concerned Thunder was that this was Pinkie Pie they were pranking. They were likely to be pranked back one day, but that bridge would be crossed when they got there.
  17. Thunder was slightly intrigued at the mention of smoke bombs and sticks. "Pranks you say? Now you've got my attention! Lead the way!" he said, following Storm closely. He was starting to get excited now that pranks were mentioned. Thunder always loved a good prank!
  18. Thunder looked around a bit, unsure of what was so funny. He gave a few nervous laughs, so as to not sound out of place. However Storm started naming the various different types of fireworks, and only really recognized a few. Flares and sparklers were the ones he knew, but the rest seemed sort of...dangerous. "W-well...which would you recommend?" he asked, letting it fall to Storm's decision. Thunder's brow rose a bit when Storm said he hoof-crafted them all. "Wow, all by yourself? That's pretty cool. Is that your special talent or something?" he asked, still pretty impressed.
  19. "Storm chasing, eh?" he mused, slightly intrigued. However he was distracted from that thought when the other mentioned making friends. Thunder was always up for that. "Well you found the right pony! I love makin' friends." he assured. At the offer of fireworks, he rubbed his chin with a hoof, thinking over it. "Well, what kind of fireworks d'you got?" he asked. Thunder wasn't the most well versed in terms of firework types.
  20. Thunder nodded. "Pretty good. Just got done with my shift, so I'm taking a short trip to Ponyville." he answered. Thunder listened to the other pegasus pony, and nodded in agreement. "I see what ya mean." Thunder held out a hoof to shake. "Name's Thunderflash. Nice to meet'cha. So you're the one in charge of the Fireworks Shoppe? That's gotta be pretty fun atleast, what with all the fireworks. I can't remember the last time I saw some." he said with a sort of distant look, remembering the times he'd seen fireworks explode in the sky. After he snapped out of that, he looked back to the other pegasus. "So you're not a weather pony? I don't think I've met any pegasai that aren't in a long time."
  21. Thunderflash had had a busy a day that day. It seemed that there was more to do than the weather pony had expected. His shift was finally over though, and that's what mattered. Any longer, and Thunder might have just gone nuts. He came for a speedy landing in Ponyville, since he was due for a vacation anyways. He tried to mix things up, rather than stay cooped up in Canterlot all the time. Of course, he had a few other reasons that he wanted to visit, but those were for him to know only. He wasn't entirely sure what to do though, since he had only been to Ponyville a few times. His eyes went from the various places, his mind working out on which places to go. The Library? No, to boring. Sugarcube Corner? Nah, he was there his last visit. He sighed, almost deciding that perhaps a stop in the Sugarcube Corner wasn't so bad, when he noticed something he hadn't seen during his last few trips. The Firework Shoppe. It looked like it could be neat to look around in. After all, how many times do you get to check out fireworks? Thunder trotted over to the store, stopping short at the door. It must be closed at this hour of the night. That brought his mood down a bit, but he would make sure to check it out when it was open. Before Thunder could turn to leave, he felt another bump into him. He gave a small, "Oof" as he was shoved back a bit. Thunder quickly turned to the other, noticing right away that it he was a pegasus. "Woah, hey, sorry 'bout that. I was spaced out and didn't see you coming. You all right?" he asked, turning to the pegasus that had bumped into him.
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