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Everything posted by Thunderclap

  1. About myself.: A true brit, I enjoy a nice cup of tea and some biscuits etc. Also, a bit picky about grammar... Don't understand that myself, so don't ask. Hobbies: PONIES, PONIES, PONIES, PONIES, Warhammer 40K, PONIES, Photography, PONIES, Land Rovers. Did I mention I like PONIES? How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Iambrony.com How did you became a fan of FiM?: Just curious what all the fuss was about... My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash ^^^^'How did you became'? Seriously? Y U NO CHECK GRAMMAR?^^^^ I came for the RP'ing mostly, I'm really interested in 'being' a pony... I am also very short on Ideas for what to say. Thanks. P.S. I run a website for British Bronies, check it out here. (I take no credit for the above website's concepts or organisation. I just made it.)
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