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Posts posted by weesh

  1. I JUST HATE it though when people I follow on Tumblr reblog some of the more adult stuff..I'll be like...Nice..Nice...Cute. GAAAH!

    Yes, this is a problem. It would be nice to be able to browse fan art with young kids, as this has proved to be an entertaining past time.

  2. Fancypants. He has all the money and status to enjoy all the pleasures of the high life, but at the same time, he doesn't look down on anypony based on their relative status.

    General translation: he's quite the bro.

    Fancypants is the reason to watch that episode. Rarity's behavior is abhorrent, but he shows an open mind, and good judgement, from start to finish.

  3. Look no further than episode 4 of the entire series. Winona helps AJ save the entire town of Ponyville from a stampede. Nuff said.

    Learning commands and following instructions do not hint much at personality. Plus, she used exactly the same techniques on the bunnies that needed a much softer approach.

  4. That bad? I admit, the story wasn't as complicated as the first or second. It did have its' "But why didn't he just do that?" moments.

    The problem was more the "did they really just do that?" moments. At one point I turned to my dad and said: "is it just me or, is this movie kinda silly?" and he agreed. I wouldn't say it was bad as much as I would say it wasn't very good.

  5. I hope some people didn't do that with the FiM pilot.

    I agree with you regarding FIM, but we are not talking about a brand new show with brand new characters. We are talking about a show that already exists. Every 7th show or so FEATURES the CMCs and they are among my least favorite episodes. I'd give them a chance to prove that they are taking them in an interesting direction, but I don't have the time to invest in something that has such a low probability of enjoyment.

    Openings are seldom indicative of what to expect from a series once it actually gets going.

    It is my experience that a pilot, while not a perfect example of the show, offers an excellent window of what to expect.

  6. What it is specifically is that Joss Whedon and a bunch of his friends were affected by the Writer's Strike that happened around then, so they decided to make a web-based, musical, 3-act miniseries about Neil Patrick Harris being a hilariously ineffective supervillain, and Nathan Fillion being, of course, smarmy.

    Alright! I have finally seen Dr. Horrible! (And I own it. Thanks, sis)

    Fantastic. It really sets your imagination going. And the music is jaw-dropping.

    Also, I finally saw Batman...and I could have skipped it. Worst of the three by a decent margin. Perhaps I had my expectations way too high after "the dark knight".

    • Like 2
  7. What, and little girls can't follow plots?

    I teach sunday school at a small church, and have to make lessons relevant for kids all the way from 1st through 6th grade. The 6th graders are DOUBLE the age of the 1st graders!

    The MLP folks are trying to make a show that appeals to kids from 3 years old to 30 years old. Can we really be hard on them for making some plots simplistic so the young boys and girls can follow the show from time to time?

    Since I watch this show with kids from 3-6 years old, I try to help them understand what is happening. For a complicated episode, that means helping them follow the plot. For a simple episode, I get to dig a little deeper, like into emotions and motivations. And that is the key. It is not enough to just understand what is happening. It is also important to take it to a higher level, just like we do on this forum.

    • Like 1
  8. Some of you may already be aware that it is possible to make music with floppy drives. And such things have been done for things like the

    , or the

    I was very happy to discover that this talented artist has made some pony songs as well. He even added a very special touch to the smile song that I suspect will bring a smile to your faces, so it isn't JUST watching floppy drives spin...

    And also...

    • Like 1
  9. recent pet episode spoiler...

    How can any of them compete with Angel? He continually shows intelligence and character. If he were one-dimensional, Spike's about-face would not have been enough to stop Angel from kicking the underside of the bench. The fact that he was a terror and immediately became thoughtful and helpful implies that he knew what was going on from nearly the very first moment AND that he cares about others.

  10. I am on vacation with my family, and this is the first episode that I got to see with my sister since we binged the first two seasons this summer. I was watching this with an unfairly harsh eye, because she just got engaged, and her fiance was watching this as his first ever episode!

    This shouldn't be the first episode since it has so many callbacks and barely shows the primary characters, but it wasn't really bad for it either. Even with predictable turns in the early part of the episode, it was full of cute critters, interesting scenes, funny antics, had a good ending AND there were not awkward/weird/painful moments.

    It is the best spike episode, which makes me happy because the little boy that I show this to is always asking for a spike episode.

    Other fun moments:

    *Angel shows that he is still mischievous, but most importantly, he did not kick the chair when he realized that Spike was taking his duties seriously! That shows care and respect.

    *Rainbow shows love for tank, which was wonderful to see after his rather short amount of non-shallow interaction with Tank in "best pet win".

    *CMCs were not annoying, most because: Scoots was willing to try pet sitting?!, Applebloom showed business savvy and took spike to the bank, and they were willing participants rather than stooges.

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