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Posts posted by weesh

  1. I voted randomly for the second question.

    Because Angel is the best.

    He is awesome in general, and has epic moments like the "Alice and wonderland" scene, and the recent mime.

    He is the most prolific pet, and the easiest to tell what he is thinking

    He is the ONLY pet to undergo character change. Prior to the iron will episode, Angel got away with murder. After the episode, Angel started treating Fluttershy with respect, and the character change has held, up to and including defending Fluttershy during "hurricane fluttershy".

    He stands head and shoulders above the rest.

  2. Discord made her miserable - she was anything but unhappy to see him go the last time he was free...why would she be happy to see him?

    Considering what he put all of them through, I doubt she'd be happy to be put in that situation at all.

    Remember she put the ceremony to put discord back in stone on pause so she could get more chocolate milk rain. She knew she was going to miss it on some level.

  3. Country I live in: Brazil...

    Also, America is a continent and not a country.

    I envy you. Your country has a unique and short name. What am I supposed to say?

    "United States" is understood, but Mexico uses those words too.

    I could say "America" but fully TWO continents also have that name.

    "United States of America" is 9 syllables, and "USA" feels like I'm being lazy.

    So have grace for us when we say "America" because we don't have a name as cool as yours.

  4. There are some wonderful songs for which every word is excellent, but I shall only post snippets for my submissions:

    Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve (because I get stuck in a rut)

    No change, I can't change, I can't change, I can't change,

    But I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold.

    But I'm a million different people from one day to the next...

    I can't change my mold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

    Hit That - The Offspring (because they run counter to society's "whatever feels right" attitude)

    He's saying

    I'm on a roll

    With all the girls I know

    I know you wanna hit that

    I know you wanna hit that, hit that

    All the world is gettin' with, I say

    Consequences are a lot, but hey

    That's the way it

    That's the way things go

    Hey, hey, hey

    Overkill - Colin Hay (because I worry too much)

    I can't get to sleep

    I think about the implications

    Of diving in too deep

    And possibly the complications

    Especially at night

    I worry over situations

    I know will be alright

    It's just overkill

    I think I could post 100 of these without much of a stretch.

    Can I request that people bold the lyrics that are most meaningful to them? It is a bit overwhelming to read an entire song.

  5. Wonderful!

    Is this the FIRST time that Twilight was angry with Celestia IN HER PRESENCE?! I've been waiting for moments like this since I first realized how much Celestia wants to be Twilight's friend, white Twilight continually puts Celestia at a distance and treats her as unapproachable. She backpedals immediately, which is reasonable considering that it is consistent with her Character, and the fact that they are in a public place. I hope this is the start of a closer relationship.

    At first Celestia leaving before they broke him out shocked me...but it was perfect!

    By leaving, she was showing that 1) she did indeed have complete trust in them and 2) she did not want them to lean on her and 3) she knew her presence would have warped any chance at developing a friendship

    And that is not where remarkable trust ended!

    Fluttershy was outstanding, and realized that friendship can't be based on coercion, and set out to give him the chance to prove himself, and trusted him to do the right thing when she gave up the willingness to use her element. By giving the ponies the elements, Celestia set up Fluttershy to give up the physical power she had over Discord as an act of trust. As long as all of them were ready to just give up on him and turn him to stone, Discord could never feel like a peer.

    My favorite pet was back and in rare form! An Angel Bunny mime!

    As for the "reforming spells," I didn't want to touch on this because I was afraid I would end up sounding like a big stick in the mud, but since other people are pointing it out too, I should say my part. The writers of this show have been walking an increasingly disturbing line since the end of Season 2. While I think its fine to have characters mess things up and learn their lesson, it becomes problematic when the characters don't learn their lesson, especially when those characters are authority figures in a children's show.

    • Cadence's love spell manipulating the emotions of otherwise free-thinking individuals.

    • Princess Celestia betting the lives of the Crystal Ponies by having Twilight go without help.

    • Twilight Sparkle killing Pinkie Pie's clones.

    • Twilight encouraging Spike's unhealthy dependancy issues.

    • Celestia treating Discord as an object with which to cast spells, rather than a sentient being.

    • Twilight Sparkle trying to find and cast a reforming spell.

    I wish that I had something to say about all those that would make us more comfortable.

  6. ...It breaks the system if they are totally apathetic, or they get really bored or find court in general boring, because then they'll just vote to get it over with...

    YES! When we arrived at a decision, there was a cheers of "yay, we're done!", "we can go home now!" etc.

  7. Yup, that's the problem... They have to prove without a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty and that no other possibilities can be possible... It's kinda crappy, but yeah, that's what they gotta do... You can't just say how a scenario might've happened and have the jurors say 'Well the situation makes sense..." you have to prove it actually happened

    I agree until you said "it's kinda crappy".

    "Innocent until proven guilty" is amazing. If a case is ever brought against me, I don't want reasonable testimony in my defense to be invalidated because the jurors think there is a 51% chance that the testimony of a prosecutor's witness is correct.

  8. Ah, well that would be a big help then... And i suppose i'm often one to be the devil's advocate... If nothing else i'd bring of thoughts to consider in case neither side had concrete evidence....

    The biggest bone that I have to pick with jurors in general, and the populous at large is that legally, the burden of proof is on the prosecutor, but that is not the way our system works.

    The question is not "Do I think that it is more likely that X happened rather than Y?" but "Did the prosecutor prove conclusively that X happened?"

    You can say something like "...And there are three other innocent explanations that make sense" and you will get replies of "yes but X is most likely". I KNOW! But that wasn't proven!

    If any of you are ever on a Jury, strive to follow the judges instructions. It is just crazy to me that 10 people were willing to ignore them because they sympathized with the poor old man. I felt pretty bad for the guy too, and if his property had not been accidentally damaged, he would not have had the opportunity to make the situation worse.

    But the defendant should not be liable for a $30,000 mistake you made after the damage was done.

  9. I don't have an OC....

    But I'm the double-U to the double-E to the S-H-Y

    And I'm the only guy I know who doesn't like pie

    I'm weesh-a-licious.

    er...knowing that I'm loved kinda make me feel high

    er...If you want to get down, I can dance like Psy

    er...if we're going to be truthful, that last one is a lie

    er...if you need a list'ning ear, I've got them in supply

    er...I live in cold Alaska so my skin is dry


    I'm going to stick to the pie one now... HELP!

    I was totally ninja'd by Fluttershy on this one.

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  10. Hey, how about we get the whole TP team together and play Draw My Thing on Skype? I think it would be an awesome time!Do I smell a contest? Silly idea: Whichever team sticks closer to the original line wins...?

    Or two teams make a series, and then put it up a poll on and ask the other canterlot people to vote on which one they like the best? Maybe we could get Artax/Autumn to give the winning team a prize icon? A triple collaboration between CV, TP and the admin!

    Or maybe a race! Two teams see who can get through ALL of their members the fastest!

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