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Status Updates posted by weesh

  1. I fell asleep at 8:45pm last night. I awoke at 7:00am. I cannot normally sleep that long without being sick.

  2. Yay! iTunes Finally provided the new episode this morning! But then i had to go to work... I am definitely going home for lunch today.

  3. I saw a quote on another forum: "you fail at trolling". Ouch.

  4. iTUNES! Give me the 5th episode already!

  5. Waiting for a roar / Looking at the mutating skyline / The city is my church / It wraps me in the Sparkling Twilight

  6. I was hanging out with some Americans and Russians and as we were getting ready to leave, the cultures clashed hardcore. I was the only American present who noticed. It was the perfect opportunity to affirm their culture, and to inform the Americans. We will be doing things differently next week.

  7. It is 14F (-10C) outside and all the windows where I work are open because we used a smelly fog machine to check the air flow patterns of our diffusers. So it is smelly and cold.

  8. . With the USADA report released today, I am finally convinced that Lance Armstrong cheated. I just haven't come to terms with it yet.

  9. A quarterback suggestion on the most multicultural pickup football team ever: "Alright, lets have the Blacks be receivers on the left side, Asians are the right side receivers, and Whites are the offensive line and short pass options. Native Americans are included with the Whites." Let it be known that we were unilaterally amused by the suggestion and stomped the less organized team.

  10. am I the only person who uses my mousepad as an elbow rest, and tracks the mouse across the desk surface?

  11. I've been playing guitar for a year. I was really frustrated to discover that I have been strumming wrong, and it is proving difficult to break the muscle memory of the bad habit.

  12. You: "This way is a waterslide away from me that takes you further every day." Me: "Ouch"

  13. If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But by all means, keep moving.

  14. Today I was hanging license plates on one of my walls, and I put four nails in my mouth for easy access. Two of them disappeared. I discovered them later, sticking out of my beard.

  15. Today I realized that I have peed in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. If I can get up to the Arctic Ocean, I will have the set. And I am only 500 miles away...

  16. Life is like a sandwich. Sometimes you eat the sandwich, and sometimes the sandwich eats you.

  17. The avatar that Angie made me is: seeensational! Ow!

  18. never bring a cat to a knife fight

  19. I was just contacted by a middle school friend who confessed that she had a crush on me. Things started getting awkward. Then they got really awkward.

  20. I don't eat enough food. I'm not sure why. I'm 12 pounds under my minimum ideal rate and falling.

  21. Apparently I don't do enough manual labor. I got blisters after just 20 minutes of using a pick.

  22. Today I was determined to get to work first. So I arrived at 6:00am, only to discover that a co-worker beat me by a minute. My Life is Average.

  23. I accidentally sold three $20 magic cards for $40 on ebay. I ship for free the day the auction is won. The feedback? "ok". What does it take to get a "good" out of you?

  24. My mind is like a well oiled eagle.

  25. ...and I had a feeling that I belonged, and I had a feeling I could be someone...

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