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Posts posted by weesh

  1. I loved Les Mis and can't wait for it to come out on bluray. I think my biggest qualm was actually with Russel Crowe, though. I've always liked him as an actor and in regards to playing the part of Javert he was right on the money. His singing, however, didn't hold up

    Heh, I think the key to enjoying Crowe was to be appalled by his first song, which was terrible, and then to be pleasantly surprised by his above average voice for the rest of the movie.

  2. ...It leaned pretty heavy on familiar tropes, I suppose, but Price's vivid, expressive artwork made everything believable enough.
    I'd say the writing was stronger than the art work. Sure there are wonderful visual displays, but the expressions on the ponies were often lacking aesthetically, especially the negative expressions that showed fear, frustration, anger, etc.

    [colour=#282828]Favorite part was the two page side story at the end. Spike and Celestia being perhaps more epic than the main story. That made me smile so much.[/colour]
    The part that made it seem more epic was that they were obviously struggling, and getting injured in their fight, but still they communicated calmly and clearly.
    I'll be eager to see if the second arc and second creative team can live up to the high marks Cook and Price set with these first four issues.
    Indeed. Yet I may be looking forward to the time AFTER the 8th more. The MLP series' strength is NOT in the villains that they face, but in the more day-to-day stuff.
  3. Comet increased both sides' power, but Twilight overpowered the queen because friendship and love is superior to the ways of Queen Chrysalis. It could have been much better fleshed out. Personally, I think #4 could have ended with Twi accepting the offer, a great cliffhanger for the true finale of #5. But alas, what is, is.

    So the comment streaking overhead was the key? Ah, that helps.

  4. I think a lot of the confusion would have been alleviated with one more issue in the arc. It would have allowed them to flesh it out more. My niece had an easy enough time following what was going on, but even she thought it was a bit rushed. (I think the engagement with the spiders took longer!)

    Are you saying you understand the final battle?

    Please explain what happened.

  5. Ugh. So many cool covers...but the comic shop covers are crappy...AGAIN.

    It was the weakest of the first arc, but still a fun read...


    I don't really get what happened. its doesn't really matter what happened (ok is does...I am curious), just the fact that I ended confused loses the issue points. Pointing out that Luna doesn't get it either doesn't help. Honestly, how do I explain what happened when I read this to 5-7 year olds? Would Twilight really make the ending decision that she did? Now what would be cool, is if Twilight was playing her by getting the love of her friends all riled up on purpose to spike her magic higher.

    What do you think Pinkie Pie was staring at when she opened her door? Some sort of ancient one? A Cthulhu type deity?
    Is it really something more specific than a big monster eye? I would have guessed a dragon and moved on.

    The best part was the Temple of Doom reference, but honorable mentions go to:

    • Escher Stairs
    • Rarity being turned off by a basement musician (and phantom of the Opera at that)...rather than his ugliness
    • Alice and wonderland riddle reference...and turning it on it's head by giving it an answer!
    • Scootaloo with the correct priorities?!
    • Spike's interlude...ending with his patch off...implying that his eye is now healed, but he put it back on to appear roguish for Rarity. Note that I still don't approve of his crush, but that is cute!

  6. Welcome.

    What happens when you hover over the "chat" menu?

    Two options should drop down. Do neither of those work for you?

    Love your handle by the way. I've got a friend who has the little prince tattooed on his forearm.

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