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Posts posted by weesh

  1. Why does today stand out for you? If something makes this day unique, share why!

    Today, the project manager from hell apologized to me for the harsh criticism he gave me a few weeks ago.

    By apologized, I mean it was implied, and though I wasn't in the room I was told about it later.

    And by criticism, I mean he threatened to fly to Alaska to beat me up.

    Still, I can't believe I missed it! I've known this guy for over a year, and he is the primary reason I fear my work phone ringing. This is much rarer than the occurrence of red "letters" on a calendar.

  2. nah, nah, that's only in real life. on the internet I'm the most chattiest McCahtterson ever XD I've also been getting much better as of late :3

    I am quiet in real life as well. Often accounting for less than 30% of the talking in a 1-on-1 conversation. The percentage declines dramatically with the addition of a third person.

  3. Talking to the opposite sex. There are other fears that I have but this is the main one and the first one that came to mind when I was reading this forum.

    I find it really hard to do anything with the opposite sex :S and although I have nothing against them, I am not a homosexual.

    This one was a hard one for me too. Then I went on a wild 5 month ride with a bunch of random people. The stress was high and the mission important, so there was a strict "no dating 'til after the trip" rule to keep group cohesion high. It was amazing. For the first time in my life I opened up to guys AND girls. It turned out that I was afraid of friendliness appearing to be romantic. When it was strictly forbidden I could relax and just be myself. I got enough practice in those 5 months that I completely got over the awkwardness and fear.

  4. I usually either show them this video:

    Ok, I totally missed that the first time around. Has that ever worked? I mean, it is entertaining, silly and high quality, but do you have to be a fan to appreciate it?

  5. Following the artist's prior styles? Makes sense.

    Colorful and exaggerated features for a kids show? Makes sense.

    Assertion that the current generation ponies are of such a logical design that artists unfamiliar with this and similar work could naturally and independently converge to them? Makes no sense.

    That may not be what you were implying when you said "There are only so many ways a pony can be drawn, the G4 style only makes sense" but that is what I read.

  6. I wouldn't read too much into it.

    There are only so many ways a pony can be drawn, the G4 style only makes sense. For example, look at any cartoon that Lauren Faust was involved in ... they had similar qualities.

    The ponies are cute, and have a very appealing design, but they don't make sense.

    The heads are oddly shaped, they have only a shadow of a real horse's neck, the bodies are miniaturized, and the legs have almost no definition, including the lack of hooves.

  7. I'm so afraid of offend/disappointing people or doing something wrong, that if I feel like I've done harm, I almost feel like throwing up.

    That one used to be a huge one for me. It still manifests in my third item, but at least it is not everywhere any more.

  8. Here are my top three:

    1) Being forced into a quick decision

    2) Mushrooms

    3) Getting Fired

    I do not operate well under pressure. I need time to analyze and contemplate. I have trouble speaking and thinking under such situations and become a basket case.

    The third one is rooted in who knows what. As a little kid, I was absolutely terrified of all flora more complicated than simple trees and grasses. Eventually, I got over the flowers, but I was still mowing directly over the veggies in order to not have to touch them, and mowing circles around any mushrooms. Later still, I could close my eyes going over the mushrooms and pretend they didn't exist. Now I pick them off pizza with some creative denial, but I still walk past that aisle quickly. The ones in the ground still freak me out though. My chest tightens, I start sweating and breathing becomes labored. Oh cha, just typing about them is stressful.

    The getting fired one is ridiculous. I perform well at work, but for some reason, I perpetually doubt my value. Now that I think about this, I wish I had brought this up the last time I talked with my therapist.

    Well there is a Swedish scientist who invented a super flu that was predicted to be able to wipe out half of the human race...

    Fear is a product of two things: the horror that it would bring if it happened times the probability of it happening. I square the horror because fear isn't completely rational.

    My plane crashing, a super flu, etc. are not fearsome to me because they seem completely improbable.

    Of my top three (if probability is from 0 to 1, and horror goes from 0 to 100):

    the first is medium probability, high horror (.50*30^2=450 fear units)

    the second is high probability, low horror (.90*10^2=90 fear units)

    the third is very low probability, very high horror (.005*100^2=50 fear units)

  9. heh, i dont think i could take the time to decide... I really like all the episodes... plus i'd really have to go through them all again to really tell, it;s been so long since i watched those episodes...

    Yeah, how much care should we put into this? I could probably throw a list together in 5 minutes, or agonize over it for hours. If you (riverhippo) are ok with a first impression (with care given to the top 5) then you would get the 5 minute version from me.

  10. Where do you get those numbers from, if I may ask? :P

    I made it up on the spot to convey my feelings that hyperbole has a better feel to it than the other statement.

    For example, I greatly enjoy the likes of Azumanga Daioh and Nichijou, and from there it's not such a stretch to MLP FiM, actually. It feels like a natural extension to me.

    Emphasis mine.

    That is actually a powerful an applicable argument to this particular friend.

  11. Now, I live in Canada, but I do get a station that plays, at least the season 1 episodes and perhaps I would be able to buy them off of I-tunes (though I have all the released ones downloaded in good quality) I'd rather not buy them there, simply because I find the idea that I could buy the episode file and if something happens to the file I'll have to re-buy it and not have some sort of gurantee somewhat distasteful, (or is there some sort of gurantee? Either way I would probably only buy episodes of a show under that system if there was no other way to get it, for example there's one series that has an americanised version that's criminally bad and you can also buy the original Korean version of the series with English subtitles off of I-tunes and I'd buy that)

    Emphasis mine.

    That is silly. If you buy the episode, you can download it to 5 of your computers. That ought to be enough for anyone. Firstly, you can back them up, and even if your computer commits suicide and takes your files with it, you can keep them on the cloud until you are ready to get them again.

  12. based on many polls taken within the FiM comunity, I'd say that about 2/3rds of bronies are male. we have one somewhere on the site, and the 18+ males have a HUGE lead

    That is a far cry from "more guys watch it that girls". That just means something closer to "of the top 2% most passionate fans, there are more guys than girls".

    I forced my little male cousin to watch a few episodes. I threatened him physical harm if he refused.

    He loved every minute of it.

    When introducing the show to a non-convert, I usually pitch it along the lines of "I'm really addicted to this amazing cartoon series..." and go from there.

    Good opening line. Where specifically do you go from there? I'm certainly not going to get anywhere trying to force a 35 year old to watch an episode.

  13. You've got your friend's undivided attention in a relaxed setting, and they don't know you are a Brony.

    The goal is to plug MLP in a few sentences in a way that will pique their interest, while giving it a fair and honest review.

    What do you say?

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